The new poster of the sci-fi giant "Dune 2"is about to debut

Based on Frank Herbert's famous science fiction novel, the Hollywood science fiction giant "Sand Dunes 2" is jointly created by legendary Pictures and Warner Bros. today. Paul Cheney double poster, "Sweet Tea" Timothy Charamei plays the lead Paul and Zandaya played by the Freeman warrior Cheney, dressed in distilled clothes and holding crystal teeth, they are the main fighting force in the counterattack army of the Universe War. The movie "Sand Dunes 2" follows the first plot, about Paul Etrendi's legendary journey after he met Cheney, a female Freeman warrior, and joined the Fremans on the dune planet after he was wiped out by the emperor and the Hakenans. Paul went to war with the schemers who destroyed his family, and faced a dilemma between the love of his life and the fate of the known universe. The chosen son was finally born, the flames of vengeance spread, and the dune planet was about to stage the ultimate cosmic war that shook the global big screen.

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The film is directed by Dennis Villenueva, the new godfather of the sci-fi film ("Dune", "coming" and "Blade Runner 2049"). Starring Timothy Chalamei, Zandaya, Rebecca Ferguson, Javier Baden, Josh Brolin, Strand Scarsgaard, Dave Batista, Charlotte Lamplin, Austin Butler, Christopher Walken, Florence Pew, Reya Saidu, Sohaila Jacob, etc., the film has been scheduled for March 8, please look forward to it!

*the forces are ready to start the fate of the cosmic war is about to be revealed**

In the story of the dunes, soon after the benevolent and righteous Etridi family came to the dune planet, they were destroyed by the Imperial Emperor and the Hacknan family, telling Paul that this was an unforgettable hatred of the Etridi family. The Freeman people, the aborigines of the dune planet, have also been oppressed by the Hacknan for many years. This time Paul will join forces with the Fremans to fight back against the oppressors. In the double poster released this time, Paul and his lover Freeman warrior Cheney, holding a crystal tooth made of sand worm fangs, are ready to walk before and after each other, ready for the ultimate battle. Cheney walks ahead of Paul and seems to give him double guidance in adapting to the desert and integrating into Freeman culture and spirit. How Paul finally controls the unfathomable power of the desert is also one of the great highlights of the film.

In the new group poster, all the forces appear on the stage: Paul and Goni (Josh Brolin) are the "freemanized" Etrudi; there are Freeman aboriginal representatives headed by Cheney and Stirg (Javier Baden); the iconic bald head and fierce eyes of the Hacknan; the royal family with luxuriantly dressed princesses symbolizing the supreme power. The portrait center, which comes from a sorority, is now Jessica (Rebecca Ferguson) dressed as the Notre Dame of Freeman, and this position seems to be the control center of a melee between all forces. it implies the central role played by the sorority forces in the trend of the cosmic empire.

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*Hollywood's first heavy industry blockbuster at the beginning of the year create a unique school to forge top commercial texture and artistic value**

Dune 2 is completely different from the high-tech visualization, colorful photoelectric special effects and familiar cyberstyle science fiction blockbusters that viewers have seen on the big screen in the past. The story is set in a world thousands of years after the AI was banned, and each galaxy has its own "territory" of power, but each family recognizes the power of the emperor of the universe. The ban on the use of AI has led to a retrogression in this area of technology. Ten thousand years later, the human world focuses more on the development of human and spiritual abilities and mysterious forces, so the unique religious atmosphere is also stronger. Each force also has its own high-tech weapons, and this film will focus on the survival wisdom and unprecedented technological means of the Freeman people of the dune planet in the desert landscape. Such a stylized sci-fi blockbuster, which combines classicality with the future, will bring the audience a new audio-visual experience through the big screen.

Three years later, Dennis Villenueva, the "style director" of the new Hollywood sci-fi film, returned with his original Oscar production crew on the basis of continuing the aesthetic style of the first film in the series. New Hollywood celebrities have joined in, and the film has been comprehensively upgraded from the plot, production, scenes and other aspects. From the perspective of the real and natural visual wonders, fate, love, war and other humanistic themes, let the audience experience an unprecedented unique experience on the big screen, especially the long-awaited giant sand bug team dominating the battlefield plot. It is believed that it will become one of the classic scenes on the big screen in 2024.

Hollywood sci-fi blockbuster Sand Dunes 2 is jointly created by legendary Pictures and Warner Bros. in the United States. the film has been scheduled for national release on March 8.