Jolin Tsai's cool day queen leads the wind vane self-exposed private favorite sneakers

Recently, Jolin Tsai attended the autumn / winter 2024 series launch show as the spokesman of an Italian haute couture brand. Jolin Tsai's over-season black feather appeared outside the show, making overseas fans scream and chanting "Jolin Tsai you are always 18", which made Jolin Tsai laugh sweetly, and photographers seized the opportunity to freeze Jolin Tsai's most beautiful looking back moment.

After the big show, Jolin Tsai revealed in an interview that her personal fashion items, daily personal clothes love sports shoes, and even choose slippers for commuting, but that night when Jolin Tsai stepped on black stilettos and was confident in intimate interaction with the media, the ever-changing queen's demeanor showed incisively and vividly. No matter any style of clothing, Jolin Tsai can easily adapt.

When it comes to the itinerary after Paris Fashion week, Jolin Tsai revealed that she will join the preparations for the 2024 Ugly Beauty FINALE World Tour, which starts at the end of March.

**the brand is the only one in Asia that is invited to make an amazing debut.

As the only invited spokesperson for the brand in Asia, Jolin Tsai was seated at the show in a black feather dress of the 2024 autumn / winter series, holding a Loco handbag and long curly hair swaying in the wind. Jolin Tsai watched the black inspiration show with the family of Pierpaolo Piccioli, the creative director, and the chairman of the brand. At the start of the show, Jolin Tsai carefully filmed "inspiration Muse" with her mobile phone in hand, sometimes chatting happily with the brand chairman and sometimes smiling, as if she had new ideas. After the show, Jolin Tsai became a "sign-in point" in the show, and many fashion darlings lined up to take a group photo with the diva, which was full of charm.

When Jolin Tsai saw the release of the show, the online media had already discussed it in a heated way. Jolin Tsai's feather skirt went straight to the hot search list on Weibo, and netizens said: "other people regard fashion shows as a battlefield of fame and wealth, but the empress is just relaxing and traveling before the concert."my sister is still so able to fight. Beautiful."

perfectly match the theme of the brand and the queen sets off on the journey of the new strange beauty in 2024

The brand's autumn / winter 2024 series takes "black" as the inspiration theme. When Jolin Tsai mentioned the impressive details of the show in an interview, she also expressed her opinion. "Black can also play in a different style. Models will be taller and neater when they wear black." Jolin Tsai even said that what impressed her most about the brand was "giving women gentle creativity and showing unique style power." this is precisely the attitude that Jolin Tsai has always held in her music for more than 20 years, and she has made unremitting efforts to constantly break through herself and have the courage to innovate. this quality coincides with the brand spirit conveyed.

As the spokesman of luxury brands, Jolin Tsai has his own unique understanding of fashion style. Jolin Tsai, the queen of the show, revealed in an interview that she will put forward ideas on stage modeling at the upcoming concert, and will make a bolder attempt this year.

After Paris Fashion week, Jolin Tsai will actively participate in the 2024 Ugly Beauty FINALE World Tour and look forward to her first date with Jolin Tsai on March 30.