The movie "King's Video Store" is released today, and the ultimate poster is released to pay tribute to the spirit of the movie

Today, the film "Kim's Video Store" directed by David Redmond and Ashley Sabine is released online by the National Art Film screening Alliance, and the ultimate poster is released to pay tribute to the film spirit. The film has been nominated for the Future Innovation Award at the 39th Sundance Film Festival. In last year's Beijing Film Festival, it also created a grand occasion that it was hard to get a ticket, and even applauded three times after the show. The film currently scored a high score of 8.7 on Douban platform, after a thousand-person screening event in Shanghai was highly praised, with people spontaneously wearing masks to participate in the event, and thousands of people paid tribute to the "Soul of the Movie" from different ages. The film and the audience have achieved a special interweaving in reality.

the soul of movie reality overlapping movies is burning

This film tells an unknown story behind a video rental store in New York. Kim Young-Man, a young Korean with a dream, opened a video store in New York City by chance. The disc rental business is growing, and Boss Kim began to look for rare movies around the world. More than 55000 movies are available in the video store. With the rise of digital media, Kim's audio and video store kept giving way to new media such as Netflix, and finally decided to donate all the discs in the store. However, these precious DVDs were accidentally involved in a political conspiracy and ended up in abandoned warehouses in Sicily.

On April 13, "Jin's Audio and Video Store" held a movie viewing event in Shanghai for thousands of people. Moviegoers gathered in Shanghai from all over the country carrying the "Soul of the Movie" mask to watch the advance screening of "Jin's Audio and Video Store". The activity of "Mask" is inspired by the best part of the movie. In the movie-watching activities, there is a wonderful overlap between the film and reality, and the long applause of the fans after watching the film also confirms the continuation of the "shadow spirit" in the film in reality.

**the movie spirit is immortal. The video store is immortal.

Today, the film is officially released on the special line of the all-China Arts Federation. At the same time release the ultimate poster, the poster will appear in the film of a number of classic film pictures scattered, stacked, collage, one after another videotape witnessed the history of the film, but also witnessed the history of mankind.

The form of the ultimate poster also caters to the recording form of "film collage" used by the director in the film, in which the director asks questions and answers with the film. The camera records Mr. Kim's love for the film and the director's obsession with the film. At the same time, it also enters the hearts of the audience and turns into the purest love and pursuit of the film.

"the film plays up a wonderful kind of heroism that belongs to fans." Some fans commented on the film like this. Compared with a real documentary, the film seems to be more like a "super-British film" tailor-made for fans, and only a person who really loves movies can do something as incredible as David. David's yearning for the film summons the soul of the movie, and the fans in reality can also immersively summon their inner blood in the process of watching the movie and follow David into the film. save the movie discs that have been ignored and save the soul of the film that has nowhere to be placed.

Film is the proof of existence and the collective memory of people of different times. when more and more people are willing to go into the cinema to enjoy a film immersively, the meaning of the film has been truly realized at this moment. If the history of mankind does not die, Jin's video store can exist forever. what it survives is not only the entity of audio and video tapes, but also the film spirit that will never be extinguished.

This film will be released on the special line of the National Art Film projection Alliance today. I hope that more movie fans can go into the cinema and experience the blood and power that the film brings to you.