The movie "Blade of Wandering" released a special version of "Unforgivable Crime" on legal popularization of the law. Devil teenagers can't escape the crime of online legal popularization

The film "the Blade of hesitation" today released a special edition of "unforgivable Crime", which further expounds the legal knowledge related to juvenile delinquency through the various problem teenagers in the film, focusing on legal knowledge and pointing to the problem of juvenile delinquency. It is "International Family Day". It is hoped that more viewers will attach importance to family education and help young people grow up healthily. The film will be officially released on May 17 and is currently in hot pre-sale.

Age is not a shield for crime. Legal education for minors is imminent.

In the movie "the Blade of hesitation," three demon teenagers ignore the law and remain unrepentant after committing crimes, trying to escape legal punishment under the excuses of "nothing before 18" and "We didn't mean to." In the special on law popularization released today, the film V Jiangning's mother-in-law in an interview highlighted the adjustment of China's law on the definition of the age of criminal responsibility of minors. According to the 2020 Amendment to the Criminal Law of the people's Republic of China (11), if a minor commits acts such as intentional death, intentional injury, death or serious disability caused by particularly cruel means, the age of criminal responsibility may be directly lowered to 12 years old.

At present, the age of psychological maturity of minors is much lower than that considered in the original law-making period, and the adjustment of the age of criminal responsibility is also the inevitable result of the change of the whole social environment. The information they are exposed to is more diverse, and with the continuous improvement and revision of the Criminal Law of the people's Republic of China, it is urgent to popularize the law for minors. Parents, schools and society should take positive measures to make more people know, understand and abide by the law, so as to better prevent the occurrence of juvenile crimes and reduce the tragic consequences of juvenile crimes.

Demon teenagers will be punished for their mistakes in receiving law popularization education online

In the special on law promotion released today, the three actors Zhang Yuhao, Zhou Zhengjie and Aruna, who play the evil teenagers in the film, receive legal education "online". "bullying is not a game" and "age is not a gold medal to avoid death" point out the pain point of juvenile crime. The demonic actions of Luo Zhicheng (Zhang Youhao), Xie Yu (Zhou Zhengjie) and Wang Tianxiao (A Runa) in the movie "loss Blade" not only seriously hurt the three girls, but also broke the happiness of the three families. In the film, not only are the three demon teenagers ignoring the law, but their parents also continue to indulge them with wrong values.

In real life, it is not uncommon for minors to go astray because of the absence and misleading of education, and behind each tragedy are innocent people and damaged families. Juvenile delinquency can not go unpunished, as Jiangning mother-in-law said: "do not have this fantasy, I have done a bad thing, the police can not find me." I'm going to catch you. " Both legal education and moral education are weapons to prevent the breeding of "evil" among minors. The film calls on more people to pay attention to juvenile crime, attach importance to underage education, cut off the evil of teenagers from the root, and hope that the tragedies of Li Changfeng (Wang Qianyuan) and Li Gou (Wu Shuang) in the film will not happen again.

Based on the novel of the same name, the film "hesitation Blade" is produced by Huang Zhiming, directed by Chen Zhuo, written by Yang Weiwei, Li Jiaying, Xu Xiangyun and Chen Zhuo, starred by Wang Qianyuan and specially starred by Wang Jingchun. Qixi, Zhang Youhao, Wang Tianchen starred, Zhou Zhengjie, A Runa, Wu Shuang starred, Jiao Gang, Qian Bo, Kong Lin, Zhao Ziqi, Deng Gang acted in friendship. The film is produced by iqiyi Film (Beijing) Co., Ltd., jointly produced by Huaxia Film Distribution Co., Ltd., Beijing September low Light Culture Communication Co., Ltd. Iqiyi Film (Beijing) Co., Ltd., Human Guide (Shanghai) Film and Television Distribution Co., Ltd., Zhijiang Film Media (Zhejiang) Co., Ltd., is in hot pre-sale and will be released nationwide on May 17!