Dragon Boat Festival high-quality comedy "Stop and Go" released a word-of-mouth special anti-anxiety, anti-internal friction, and live an undefined life

The high-praise comedy film "stop-and-go", which is eagerly awaited by countless audiences, will hit the national big screen tomorrow! The film today released a word-of-mouth special of "spiritual leadership" to share the creators'"anti-anxiety and anti-internal friction" attitude to the audience inside and outside the play, and live their own undefined life like Wu Di. The film "stop and go" is directed by long Fei, written by Huang Jia, starred by Hu GE and Gao Yuanyuan, starred by Yue Hong, Zhou Yemang, Jin Jing and Gan Yichen, and specially starred by Liu Jun and Liu Yiwei. The film will be released nationwide during the Dragon Boat Festival holiday on June 8. A limited edition of the film will be released in 15 cities today, and the pre-sale is in full swing.

*the audience laughs and resonates with the state of mind very well Anti-anxiety and anti-internal friction has led an undefined life**

The movie "stop and go" tells the story of Wu Di (Hu GE), a "crispy youth" who returns to his hometown from a big city, how to find himself in the face of the predicament of life. The film depicts the real life of most ordinary people with lively and interesting strokes, which makes people laugh and feel sad and sympathetic at the same time. In the newly released "spiritual leadership" special, audiences in the cinema were constantly amused by the daily life of Wu Di and his family, and their most common key words for the film were "funny, smart and light." some audiences even described the film's mental state as far ahead of the "madness" feeling. Even the creators present the joy brought by the externalization of the characters to the actors in the process of the roadshow. Hu GE used the Sichuan saying, "Labor and capital will not go to work tomorrow (very cool)," Wu Di's upper body for a moment. Actress Yue Hong said, "instead of wronging yourself, it is better to embarrass others," which is also a reflection of her mother Jiang Meiling's mental state of never internal friction. The stem of "what kind of watch the beater wears" is easily handled by Gao Yuanyuan, who plays "working brain" Feng Liu Liu in the film. After all, the leading actors of "stop-and-go" still live out the characters of the film.

For audiences, a film with enough surprise and praise can allow them to re-examine their lives after a hundred minutes of joy. Some audiences said immersively that "Wu Di may be the future me", and some audiences were deeply inspired that "when I haven't decided what kind of person I want to be, this film will inspire me in my choice." and the audience successfully mastered the self-consistent attitude towards life: "the film breaks the definition of success", "anti-anxiety and anti-internal friction, and can better accept their current state of life". In the special, many star guests also expressed their love for the film with words of praise. Director Yi Xiaoxing said, "this film has a power to give people in the face of adversity, give them the warm strength to move forward." Actor Fu Seoul said, "to make a sad story so humorous, this is life itself." The film tells the truth of life in the softest way, and tells us how to move on with a humorous and optimistic attitude. even as ordinary people, we can have an undefined life.

**"stop and go" is well received by word of mouth. The theme song "I am alive" sings the voice of contemporary people.

After the exhibition of the Beijing International Film Festival, as well as the roadshow and the premiere, the film stop-and-go is a bumper harvest! He not only won three awards for best picture, best screenplay and best supporting actress at the Beijing Film Festival, but also moved countless people by the film's humorous jokes close to life and the self-consistent theme of "allowing everything to happen". At the end of the film, many audiences listened to the theme song of the film "I'm alive" and flashed back to the story of Wu Di's family and their own real life, smiling at the corners of their mouths, and their eyes filled with tears. "I am alive" is also the song that most directly represents the theme of the film. Tang Tian, the songwriter, admitted at the premiere that it took him two months to write this song, and what the song wants to express is "how to face a life that you are not satisfied with." Tang Tian also said that in the process of creation, he interviewed many people who resigned from big cities and returned to their hometown, and they all said, "I survived. I'm so good!" . This is not only the voice of the protagonist Wu Di, but also the voice of all the young people who are confused and anxious.

Some viewers quoted the lyrics as saying, "even if life opens its teeth and claws to me, I will respond with a smile and respect." Thank you for "stop-and-go" for giving me such courage. As director long Fei said, it is based on the trivial details of life and remolded them into interesting and touching stories. The movie stop-and-go is such a film that makes people happy and relaxing. At the same time, it can also get healing and inspiration. Life is too tiring, so stop in the movie.

The film "stop and go" is produced by Matt Film (Hubei) Co., Ltd., Beijing Dengfeng International Culture Communication Co., Ltd., China Film Co., Ltd., Shanghai Shigu Film Co., Ltd., Yi Zhi Action Film (Hubei) Co., Ltd., Shanghai Taopiao Film and Television Culture Co., Ltd. Shanghai Dole Culture Media Co., Ltd., Xiaoling Film and Television Culture (Shanghai) Studio, Dongyang Feihe Film and Television Culture Co., Ltd., Hubei Qingbaba Media Co., Ltd., Beijing Dumo Mutual Entertainment Media Co., Ltd., Hubei Honeycomb Culture Development Co., Ltd., Shanxi Yixing Culture Media Co., Ltd., Beijing Weimengchuangke Network Technology Co., Ltd. The film will be released nationwide on June 8 during the Dragon Boat Festival Holiday and will be released in 15 cities today. Presale has already started!