"famous Detective Conan: the Fish Shadow of Black Iron" exposed that it is distressing that the footage of Asahara's sad dream can not escape the pursuit.

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The 26th "Detective Conan" theatrical version of "Detective Conan: the Shadow of Black Iron" is in hit theaters across the country, grossing nearly 90 million yuan at the box office. The film released a clip of "Grey Hara Nightmare" today. Shirley, a scientist who betrayed the dark organization, became smaller after taking medicine, and from then on she had a new identity. In the dream, she defected to Shinichi Kudo, who had the same experience, only to fall into the claws of gin. Fear nightmare makes people sad for the encounter. The Rossoneri war of returning to the main story has been regarded by the audience as the best series of theatrical versions in recent years. The ceiling-level production is super shocking and must be seen on the big screen of the year. Buy tickets and join us as soon as possible!

the scene of Aegehara's mournful dream exposed that black group gin was in hot pursuit

"Detective Conan: the Shadow of the Fish of Black Iron" revealed its first clip today, in which Xiao Ai's dream was reproduced in the dream clip of Gray Hara, reminding the audience of the scene in which she escaped from the dark organization. Akihara used to be a scientist of the dark organization, code-named "Shirley", but chose to resist the black group because her sister was killed by the organization. after being imprisoned, she committed suicide by taking medicine. Unexpectedly, the drug attack will not kill, but let Gray Hara and Kudo Shinichi have the same experience-the body becomes smaller and looks like a primary school student. As a result, Xiao Ai broke free from the handcuffs and fled all the way to Shinichi's residence. I ran into Dr. A Li. Unexpectedly, the doctor suddenly fell to the ground. With a scarlet fire breaking through the rainy night, gin appeared like a ghost and put a gun against Xiao Ai's back head. "Shirley, I miss you so much!" Nightmares also woke up at this point. They all said that they had dreams every day and night. In the new theater version, the dark organization returned collectively, used cross-age identification cool techs to lock in the true identity of Abe, and once again launched a full-scale encirclement and suppression campaign. In the face of the pursuit of dark organizations, Conan joined forces such as FBI and the police to fight side by side with Ahn Suo, Akai Hideichi and others to face the largest red-black showdown in history. Bigger scenes, more characters, more fierce battle, the Conan Theatre version of the year will bring you a more shocking journey to break the big screen!

word-of-mouth at the box office went up collectively, the plot was tense and the whole story was high

Since its release on December 16, the film's box office reputation has continued to rise, with nearly 90 million at the box office in mainland China so far. This time, "Detective Conan: the Fish Shadow of Black Iron" was released without a cut, fans and fans shouted, and the fierce Rossoneri peak showdown made the audience watch the whole process. "the audio-visual effect of the big screen is super shocking." it is indeed the ceiling of Conan Theater. "after reading it, it is definitely the best in recent years." three words describe it: awesome! The return of the film's plot to the main line not only evokes the memories of fans, but also directly enhances the tension of the plot. "the plot is so compact, there is no urine in the whole process, and the pressure of gin and Sister Bei is full", "Grey Hara mourns the past is so touching, and directly brings the characterization to a higher level", "two new characters, Zhi Mei and Binga, one text and one weapon, are very interesting, especially Xiaolan to Gang Binga, the Goddess is too rusty"! If a year is love and persistence, then the super-produced "famous Detective Conan: black Iron Fish Shadow" is also the best gift for every fan who loves Conan!

The movie "Detective Conan: the Fish Shadow of Black Iron" is showing all over the country, buying tickets quickly and going to the annual Conan big screen appointment, there is always only one truth, and love will never end!