The disaster comedy movie "A Vast Future" premiered, Ming Dao Jiao Bao Beierba made a general speech

Jiuzhiwang Film Beijing News On May 15, the film "Massive Future" held its premiere event in Beijing. The atmosphere at the event was warm and the audience applauded continuously after the screening. Jiang Xiaotong, the film's main creative director, starred Bao Beier and starred Ming Dao, attended and held face-to-face communication activities with the audience.

The movie "Massive Future" tells the story of an absurd and wonderful Jedi survival story carried out by Ma Shang (Bao Bell), who suddenly encountered a tunnel collapse, and four trapped people with different identities. The "survival team" formed by a group of people not only had to find a way to get out of trouble, but also had to compete with a circus crocodile. The fusion of genre elements of disaster and comedy, and the combination of actors from different styles such as Bao Beier and Ming Dao bring more highlights to the film.

On-site director Jiang Xiaotong said that "Huge Future" is the first attempt to integrate the two types of disaster and comedy, bringing new forms of expression to the stories of small characters. Bao Beier shared his filming experience with the audience and praised co-actor Ming Dao for his professionalism. Ming Dao shared that he was moved by the director's creative philosophy and took the film with an intuitive trust. Actors Pan Binlong, Shi Xiaolong and other guests made a surprise appearance at the premiere. Pan Binlong praised the film for its ingenuity, reversal and echo, and felt the many intentions of the film's creation. Shi Xiaolong said that he had worked with the two leading actors, and both of them showed extraordinary skills in the action scenes in this film and had an excellent movie viewing experience.

During the event, many viewers expressed their love for this film. Some viewers said that they had always been paying attention to Bao Bell's film works. Bao Bell's interpretation in this film made the image of small characters more vivid and highlighted his personal comedy style. There were also performances that the audience praised for being refreshing. This film showed new possibilities for his interpretation career. Some viewers believe that the film is a rare comedy movie in recent times. The viewing process is not only attracted by the ups and downs and stories full of special effects, but also burst into laughter under the wonderful interpretations of the actors. It is very suitable for entertainment and leisure. The premiere event also included creative interactions in which Bao Beier taught Ming Dao to speak Northeastern dialect, and Bao Beier taught Ming Dao to speak at the general meeting. The collision between Taiwanese accent and Northeast tune added a lot of joy to the scene. Just like the two different style combinations of the Northeastern man and the Taiwanese gentleman in the film, they bring the audience a unique and novel experience.