Does Dao Lang infringe Liaozhai? Pu Songling's descendants refuted the rumor: there is no infringement.

![pu Songling's descendants respond] (

Pu Songling's descendants responded.

Wen / Yangcheng Evening News all-media reporter Hu Guangxin

Dao Lang's new song "Luoci" and its album "Folk Song" have become popular all over the network, but recently there have been comments that Dao Lang infringed the famous strange novel "Strange Tales of Liaozhai". On September 3, Pu Songling's 11th grandson Pu Zhangjun sent a video to refute the claim, pointing out that Dao Lang wrote songs inspired by "Liaozhai" and that there was no problem of infringement, let alone claiming royalties.

Pu Zhangjun said that according to China's copyright law, there is a period of protection of 50 years after the author's death, and after that period, the work will become a public copyright. The Strange Tales of Liaozhai is not owned by individuals, but is the cultural property of the people of the whole country. He welcomes people from all walks of life to promote Liaozhai culture through songs or other forms.

Dao Lang's new album brings a wave of "Liaozhai fever". Pu Songling's former home in Zibo, Shandong Province, which had just undergone a round of repairs, reopened on August 4, ushering in a large wave of "clocking in" tourists. According to media reports, Pu Songling's former residence has received nearly 90,000 visitors since it opened more than 10 days ago, and books and creative works on the theme of Liaozhai are very popular with tourists.