The movie "Trident" premiered based on a fraud case. It's too real and daring to shoot a real crime movie

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Beijing, May 22 (Xinhua) on May 22, the premiere of "Trident" and "done thing" was held in Beijing. Film director Gao Qunshu, original novel author and screenwriter Lu Zheng, starring Huang Zhizhong, Jiang Wu, Guo Tao, Xu Li, friendship cameo Cao Weiyu and so on. The audience at the premiere gave the film high praise, "the scale of the film is amazing, really dare to shoot, such a film should be shot more." "the film really restores the real police case handling and life, and the performances of the old three are sincere and moving." In the post-screening exchange session, the creators also shared more shooting details, presenting the three-in-one warm-blooded, brave and resourceful police veterans vividly and stereoscopically to every audience.

On the same day, there was also a crowd of big names in the industry to support it. Famous director Chen Shengli said after watching the movie: "this is a very popular action film, which refines a strong, deflagration temperament in domestic large-scale police action films." Liu Zhenyun, a famous writer, lamented at the scene: "this film is very complicated, unlike the police in the past, the police are the police, and the evil forces are the evil forces." In this film, they can cross each other, and this unique richness is particularly good. " At the scene, in addition to talking about the richness of the film, the famous director Kang Honglei also said: "this film is powerful and highly directed." The famous writer Quan Yongxian even said: "Trident shows the full charm of an old man in terms of story and performance, and can film this kind of hormone in men very strongly." This kind of emotion not only infected every audience at the scene, but also made the famous director Chen Daming say: "the three characters in the film are very solid, and the story is getting more and more wonderful." Some actor Liu Guanlin said bluntly: "watching the movie stimulates sweaty palms throughout the process, and the story is burning and hot-blooded. Although it is an old gun, there is a kind of youthful spirit. Such a story of flesh and blood is rare on the screen." Actor he Wenjun, who was also infected, said frankly: "Trident is like poking my trigeminal nerve, it's too hard, it's strong enough!"

dare to shoot the big screen and explode

hard core scale reveals the darkness and complexity of human nature

As the first national audience of the movie Trident, the atmosphere exploded on the same day. Following the tense and exciting plot, many viewers said that they saw the palms sweating. The unscrupulous and defiant evil forces are frightening, and the extraction of teeth with iron pliers, the cracking of motorcycles, and hand-to-hand combat with steel knives are all shocking, and the resources and power hidden behind the case are even more deeply rooted and intertwined, which hinders the handling process of Trident. It is rare for the big screen to tear open such a real dark corner of society, making the audience shout: how dare you shoot! In the face of such a challenge, Trident dares to investigate and dig deep into crimes, which is bound to extinguish the arrogance of criminals. Raw and fierce, fierce action boxing to the flesh, real knife and real gun hand-to-hand combat desperately let countless audiences pinch sweat for the solving process of the old three.

The film is adapted according to the real case of "E Zhenbao" and presents the difficulties and dangers in the process of economic investigation. Behind this financial fraud involving 30 billion yuan of stolen money are countless broken families. The film truly reflects the plight of ordinary people in real life. After the screening, the audience lamented: "there are also many crime films in recent years, but it is very rare to make such a real film, and I see the hope of domestic films with this theme." Financial fraud has been an issue of high social concern in recent years. This film responds to this social expectation. Many people in their lives have suffered financial fraud and even lost their families. I also hope that this film will serve as a warning to everyone. "

The film Trident infected countless audiences through the warm-blooded presentation of Cui Tiejun, Xu Guozhu and Pan Jianghai, three veteran policemen who were about to retire in the face of crime. Director Gao Qunshu said frankly: "now a very popular state is that the post-00s desperately want to retire, and the post-60s want to retire desperately. In fact, we are all a group of people who want to retire desperately." The audience saw the pure persistence in this group of old guns. Lu Zheng, the author and screenwriter of the original novel at the scene, also said: "before, they were all police officers in their twenties, but since 2011, they have felt that the old police officers bear a heavy burden, a sense of mission and a sense of destiny." The spirit of this kind of warm-blooded old gun in the film is more admirable.

**Trident resonates with reality and resonates with the blood of the old gun.

the premiere was praised: the true portrayal of ordinary police officers is too gripping

On the same day, many retired police officers and police subordinates came to watch the movie and saw the images of three flesh-and-blood police officers portrayed in the film by Huang Zhizhong, Jiang Wu and Guo Tao. One police officer could not help feeling: "many of the plots described in the film are the same as in reality, because the police profession itself is full of uncertainty, whether it is working hours or dealing with all kinds of cases, including meeting all kinds of people." This requires a lot of tolerance and understanding from our families. " In fact, every policeman is an ordinary person, and their uniform is the power of persistence and faith. Although the three warm-blooded old guns in the film are nearing retirement, their feelings and persistence for their profession as a policeman are still pure and passionate. Jiang Wu, who plays Xu Guozhu, said frankly at the scene: "I really think the police are great. I interviewed a criminal policeman when I was filming. After a major case was over, he dared not get out of the car when he drove to the door. He was afraid of being attacked and retaliated that he slept in the car for three nights before he dared to go home. It's really not easy. I think their life is much harder and harder than movies and TV dramas."

At the scene, the old three felt even more deeply when they talked about their characters. Huang Zhizhong said frankly, "as far as the big back is concerned, there are many depressing things in his heart. When presenting this character, there is one detail: his big teacup. This is his grip, and there is also a buffer zone to hide his inner feelings with the help of the action of drinking tea." On the export of force in the team, Jiang Wu said: "the big stick I played is a criminal policeman, facing most people like Ghost Brother (Xing Jiadong), so he is in a very gray area, moral and flexible." Speaking of the role of Pan Jianghai, Guo Tao, as a pre-trial, said: "Da Shuizi is different from the two brothers. He relies more on resourcefulness, more on careful thinking, a keen sense of smell in handling cases, and a sophistry mind." The superb acting skills of the three old actors made the audience deeply attracted by the chemical reactions between Trident.

Chen Jianbin Dong Yong Hao Ping Dream Linkage

Trident counts you the best

At the premiere, the three stars of the TV version of Trident, Chen Jianbin, Dong Yong and Hao Ping, sent a special greeting, carefully urging the film version of Trident to pay attention to the details of the case. Subsequently, the film version of Trident Huang Zhizhong, Jiang Wu, and Guo Tao also paid tribute to the three elder members of the drama version, as well as the highest respect to the public security cadres and police officers and their families who were fighting on the front line. The fantasy linkage of the movie "Trident" caused bursts of exclamations at the scene, pushing the atmosphere of the premiere to the best part.

The film truly shows the efforts and sacrifices of the police family members behind the police work, and the conflicts and choices among the moral, emotional and responsibility faced by the police characters, as well as the mental process of the family members, particularly touched the audience. On the same day, the audience presented Trident, the most competitive team of the year, and said excitedly: "you return to the front line to investigate cases with young boys and fight criminals. They are not physically equipped but do not flinch." The warm-blooded spirit of Lao Pao er can not be seen in many young people, and you are the most proud old babies! "

On the same day, Ouhao, who could not come to the scene because of his work, specially recorded blessing VCR to express his support for Trident. Speaking of Geng Xiaoqing, played by ou Hao, the director confided on the spot: "the character of Xiaoqing is very sharp, fearless and reckless. He represents an emerging power. He wants to rule and control the world and destroy all the people he hates." ou Hao interpreted very sharply and crazily, and interpreted it very well. " At the event, Pan Jianghai's wife Huang Xiaolei, Luo Yang's Ma Yuke, Liao Junfeng's Zhou Yunpeng, Geng Erdong's Liu Xiaoguang, Hu Xiaoguang, Guosheng's Bai Hongbiao, Dabin Dabin, Qian Duoduo's Si Ligeng, Tang Ke, Cui Bin's Hou Letian were all present to cheer for Trident!

The real crime movie Trident will be released in blood on May 24 and is currently on hot pre-sale.