"Detective Conan: the Fish Shadow of Black Iron" pre-sale opens the ultimate notice poster to unlock the ultimate shock

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The 26th "Detective Conan" theatrical version "Detective Conan: the Fish Shadow of Black Iron" will be released nationwide on December 16. The film is on sale today, and the final trailer poster is released at the same time. A defense war on the "Pacific Buoy" monitoring system and cross-age identification technology has officially begun, which is not only related to the safety of the world, but also related to the life and death of Ai Gaihara, Conan and others. So many new images take the audience to feel the shock of the peak showdown at sea. Buy tickets quickly and book the annual big-screen science feast to witness the extraordinary charm of the box office reputation ceiling of Conan Theater Series!

![.jpg] (https://imgs.the9c.com/2023/1206/10dc8980fdae201ab443bb93a168dff9.jpg)

*the new trump card of the Dark Organization appears the fierce battle between land, sea and air explodes in the Pacific Ocean**

"famous Detective Conan: the Fish Shadow of Black Iron" opened for sale today, and shocked to issue the ultimate trailer, exposing so many new shots, bigger crisis, bigger scene, Conan camp VS dark organization across the sea, land and air red-black war has begun in an all-round way! This time, the dark organization made a comeback and extended its claws to the monitoring network center of Europol. The cold-blooded killer gin appeared and committed the murder. Who knows that their bigger target is the "Pacific Buoy" on the Japanese island of Bazhang, a brand new Interpol maritime agency. Here has the world's most advanced monitoring system and cross-age identification of high and new technology, once invaded by dark organizations, the consequences are unimaginable. The most heart-wrenching thing is that through this system, gin seems to have discovered the true identity of Akihara: Shirley, a scientist who once defected to the organization! A campaign of extermination has been launched, and another invasion and anti-invasion of the Rossoneri war is about to enter the decisive moment. The dark organization sent a mysterious new trump card, organized the number two person Ram's crony "Binga", no one has dealt with him, such as the ghostly existence of top killer deterrent. At the same time, the Conan camp is also full of popular characters. Hideichi Akai, who is also good at disguise, succeeded in sneaking into the safe room within the organization, Rachel Moore, who is full of force, and Dr. A Li, who joined the speed and passion rescue army, went all out to fight all the way from land to water, and many scenes of fierce fighting exploded in the Pacific Ocean!

*Rossoneri fight for the guardian of series of best top king fried**

The film released the ultimate poster at the same time, the dark group competes with the Conan camp, and in the middle is the dying grief of falling into the sea. On one side was the "gin", one of the first and most important members of the dark organization. The gun in his hand flashed cold, and the machine, whose hands were stained with blood, vowed to kill the light in the dark and let Xiao Ai die at the bottom of the sea. On the other hand, Conan ran at full speed, using Dr. A Li to open the foot strength enhancement function for his special shoes, just waiting for the critical moment to accumulate strength and slam! It was a close call, the situation was endangered, Conan and others how to save Gray Hara sad from the claws of the dark organization, walked into the cinema to witness the peak battle of the Rossoneri camp! The film "Detective Conan: the Shadow of Black Iron" has so far earned more than 15 billion yen at the global box office, setting a new box office record for the Conan theatre version, but also topping the 2023 box office list for domestic films in Japan. it has gained the best super-high reputation in the series on many platforms. The top science feast of the double Kings at the box office is about to hit Chinese cinemas on December 16, and the film is now fully available for pre-sale. Buy tickets immediately and lock the annual Conan big screen appointment!

The movie "Detective Conan: the Fish Shadow of Black Iron" will be released nationwide on December 16. The pre-sale has been opened. Buy tickets quickly and come to the cinema to feel the extreme shock of the ceiling of Conan Theatre version.