The film "Shukbeta·Pentagonal Flying Saucer" opens the New Year's only parent-child animated film warm presentation

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Based on the classic "Adventures of Shuke Beta" by Zheng Yuanjie, the only animated film directed and written by Zheng Yaqi, the only animated film in the New year will be released nationwide on December 30. Today, a trailer for "Adventure across time and Space" and a pre-sale poster for "fighting together" were released. While the pre-sale was announced, the film announced that it would be screened in 11 cities across the country from December 16 to December 17. Friends of all ages can enter the cinema ahead of time to watch Shukbetta's new adventures. The cartoon adapted by Shuke Beta once swept China and became a classic memory of a generation, while the film Shuke Beta pentagonal flying saucer tells the story of the new adventures of Schuke and Beta. The two rats who do not want to be thieves are not afraid of hardships on the road of growing up. They accidentally cross to 10 years later, meet new friends, they venture together to grow up together, together with action to achieve their own value. Embodies the theme of friendship and bravery.

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In the trailer for "Adventure across time and Space" released today, Schuke and Beta use the water chip of life to create a new equipment-the pentagonal flying saucer. To test its performance, they drive the pentagonal flying saucer into space, but accidentally cross into the future Rubik's cube! And here they came across a group of underground organizations with the ability to steal and do everything evil-the "extreme Theft Corps". At the same time, Shu Ke Beta found that the life water chip had fallen into the hands of Caoyu, the boss of the extreme Theft Regiment. In order to take back the life water and rebuild the airline, and in order to prove that "rats can not steal", Shuke and Beta decided to go undercover to join the pirate regiment! In the undercover operation, they made new friends and gained a lot of friendship! The two cute mice also unveiled the mystery behind the pirate regiment.

The style of the animated film and the design of the characters are all 3D, which not only meets the aesthetic appreciation of children today, but also meets the innovative requirements of several generations for the classic IP. As the representative figures of the national classic animation works, Schuke and Beta convey to everyone the spirit of not forgetting their original ideals and aspirations and adhering to justice with their naive and lively images.

cool childhood memories, children love to watch fun

In the pre-sale poster of the "fight side by side" edition released today, the mouse adventure team gathered together and added new buddies, beautiful rodents, naughty little smelly balls, and handsome black wind, all around the pentagonal UFO and life water chips. their expressions are firm, and they will forge ahead for justice in their hearts, and will meet greater challenges in the crisis-ridden Magic City, and the thrilling struggle for life water is about to begin!

Schuke and Beta carry everyone's childhood memories, many post-7080s childhood are accompanied by Schuke Beta, has become a generation of mouse idols. The movie "Shuke Beta pentagonal UFO" appeared on the big screen for the first time, and many people called their childhood paper airplanes back to their hands.

the surprise show will be released ahead of schedule and the screening will officially open this weekend

The film also has profound educational significance and thinking value. In the story, Schuke and Beta and their friends overcome all kinds of difficulties and dangers through their own courage and efforts, and finally rebuild their homeland. This shows a positive attitude towards life and the spirit of bravely facing challenges. The theme conveys the values of friendship, courage and kindness, making it easier for children and children to accept these educational ideas while watching. The official announcement of the film will be held in Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Wuxi, Nanjing, Suzhou, Changzhou, Nantong, Ningbo, Dalian and Qingdao from December 16 to December 17. Bring your child to the cinema this weekend to meet your childhood.

The film is produced by Hangzhou Fairy Tale King Film and Television Co., Ltd., Tianjin Maoyan Weiying Culture Media Co., Ltd., Horgos Lianrui Trojan Film and Television Media Co., Ltd., and Zhejiang Hengdian Film Co., Ltd. Jointly produced by Hangzhou Maoyan time Machine Film Co., Ltd., Suzhou Aula Animation Technology Co., Ltd., Anhui Xinmeng Culture Media Co., Ltd., Beijing Maoma Culture Co., Ltd., Pearl River Film Industry Media Co., Ltd., CCTV Animation Film (Beijing) Co., Ltd. The adventure of rat and mouse is about to begin. It will be shown in advance this weekend. Let's take a look at it first.