"the Last meeting of Freud" issued a trailer, talk to legends.

![the Last moment of Freud] (https://k.sinaimg.cn/n/ent/600/w1920h1080/20231031/f83d-fd932582ef9a993a018d2905c801f758.jpg/w700d1q75cms.jpg?by=cms_fixed_width)

"the last meeting of Freud."

Beijing time, December 28, according to foreign media reports, Anthony Hopkins, Matthew Goody starring in the new film "the Last meeting of Freud" issued a preview. Freud talked to C S Lewis.

Matthew Brown (the Infinite) is directed by Mark St. Germain screenwriter, adapted from his play of the same name. On December 22nd New York & Los Angeles opens on a small scale and expands in North America in January.