MiyazakiHayao's classic movie "Red Pig" is pre-sold to start a romantic adventure.

MiyazakiHayao's classic romantic film Red Pig released a pre-sale poster today and will be released on the all-China Arts Federation special line on November 17. The film, adapted from MiyazakiHayao's cartoon "the Age of Airboats," tells the story of the protagonist Polluk, who is willing to be cursed into a pig and fight air robbers and protect people he likes in order not to become a war machine. This film with a Douban score of 8.6 has reached the ultimate level in terms of plot setting, picture texture and film soundtrack, touching the hearts of countless people with a healing painting style. it is an ingenious work suitable for all-age audiences to go to the cinema.

Romantic elements not only enlighten the audience to explore the true meaning of life

MiyazakiHayao's exquisite plot setting and Nagashi's passionate soundtrack make the whole film full of romantic feelings. The film does not rigidly adhere to small love, but makes a profound discussion on the themes of war and peace, vows and guardians. MiyazakiHayao creates a unique romantic atmosphere through intoxicating flight scenes, diverse and pure interpersonal relationships and charming pictures. The character's persistence in love, self-persistence and innocent love enrich the film's expression of romance. Through delicate emotions and stories, the director leads to grand propositions such as love and loneliness, freedom and pursuit, adventure and courage, acceptance and growth, personality and independence, which inspire people to think about more possibilities in life. Not only that, MiyazakiHayao places his dream of flying all the time in the Red Pig, conveying his attitude of bravely pursuing freedom. The audience commented that "the director's self-expression, the dislocation of identity, the spectacle of breaking through imagination, the surreal world outlook, and the loneliness of self-exile in middle age because of the pain of war constitute the main line of emotion." For the audience, this film is undoubtedly one of the best ways to get to know MiyazakiHayao.

*Classic characters always shine practice gentleman literature with the protagonist Red Pig**

When the film becomes a classic, the characters are unforgettable. Polluk, the protagonist of the movie Red Pig, profoundly interprets the character of a gentleman. He has unique taste, elegance and romance, seeks wealth, respects women, and protects the weak. Some viewers commented that "Red Pig" is the afterglow of the romantic era and the last praise of chivalry, which can satisfy all fantasies about knights, chivalry and gentlemen; every boy should practice his character like a red pig! At the same time, the film creates two completely different female characters: the mature and elegant Genna and the confident and brave Phyl. Each of them is charming, strong and independent, gentle but not attached to anyone, so that the audience can see the powerful female power, and the core of feminism is always worth savoring. In fact, MiyazakiHayao's women have always been the spokesmen of justice, wisdom, courage, tenacity and love.

The movie Red Pig interprets romance in many dimensions. Some viewers said, "MiyazakiHayao's anime characters are very kind. Only we know who Polluk chose and where he went in the end. We are Polluk, and our hearts are the boundless sky and sea." only we know the answer. " The movie Red Pig is now available for pre-sale. Whether you walk into the cinema alone or watch the movie with someone you like, I believe you will be able to reap your own joy and emotion in this film. See you at the cinema on November 17th.