"The Unknown Man 2" exposed dynamic poster official announced that the small people came to the center of the universe to be absurdly upgraded

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The film "Nobody 2", written and directed by Rao Xiaozhi and supervised by Liang Lin, today released a dynamic poster of "bigger and stronger" version and officially launched the machine, which is now being filmed. The poster takes the neon sign as the main vision, the ingenious fusion of many contrast elements, and the absurd sense of the thumb pistol, which makes people bright, and seems to contain a lot of information about the film. In addition to director Rao Xiaozhi, there will be a return of the original cast and a surprise arrival of new actors, which not only awakens the moving memories of many audiences about the previous work, but also makes people full of curiosity and expectation about what kind of story the sequel will continue to revolve around small potatoes.

dynamic posters hide hidden tricks to continue realistic writing to like small potatoes

The film "Nobody 2" continues the classic slogan of "bigger and stronger, create resplendence", while the flashing neon signs of dynamic posters contain a lot of key information about the new film, which has great room for interpretation: the background of the earth. it indicates that the new work will have a global vision and enter different countries and regions. Azure Dragon's totem with Chinese characteristics and the camera in the dragon's claws represent the observation and recording, communication and collision between different cultures; the logo of "Made in Yiwu" seems to imply the close connection between the new story and Yiwu, a world-famous international trade city, this time the small potatoes stand in the "center of the universe". From a small city to a big market, the visual elements of a variety of styles and symbols are skillfully combined and complement each other, further highlighting the absurd temperament of the film.

The film "nobody" focuses on every living small potato and the difficulties he is facing, and impresses many audiences by virtue of vivid character shaping and real realistic writing. The new work "Nobody 2" will continue the perspective of small potatoes and realistic writing style. The thumb lit up on the dynamic poster of "bigger and stronger" version also means to like every "nobody" who works hard to live.

surprise return of the original team to upgrade the lineup of the word-of-mouth series is absurd

In 2018, the film "Nobody" broke into the audience's view as a dark horse, earning nearly 800 million at the box office and 8.0 points at Douban. Ma Xianyong's bumpy "looking for a Gun" is not sad, while the feelings between Hu Guangsheng and Ma Jiaqi have become the feelings of many viewers of the year. With the ingenious balance of absurd comedy and the warmth of reality, under the shell of multi-line narrative skills and black humor, the previous work is a group of small potatoes who struggle for survival and dignity.

Six years later, director Rao Xiaozhi launched a series of new films and joined hands with his old partner Liang Lin to make the series bigger and stronger, and there will be a surprise return of the original team in the film. In addition, on the basis of continuing the creative style of the series, the film "the unknown 2" will also usher in a lineup upgrade, how wonderful sparks will be produced by the new actors and characters who have not yet been announced with the new story, and how to offer jokes about how to laugh. It also makes people imagine and look forward to it.

The movie "Nobody 2" is produced by the King's Film and Xiao Young.