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The action adventure comedy "Lost City", created by Paramount Pictures of the United States, will be officially released on Friday, July 29. Today, the film released a special series of "gentlemen and villains" and role posters, "egg girl" Daniel Radcliffe broke through his self acting alternative villain Fairfax again. He is a gentleman with "money" ability, but he has done all kinds of bad things; He is paranoid and eccentric, but humorous, which makes people love and hate. It was he who created endless obstacles for men and women all the way that made this jungle adventure more exciting. On July 29, watch "white cut black" and "egg girl" how to torture "Sang Po" and "boss Qian". The most hilarious Hollywood blockbuster in the summer is not to be missed!
Daniel Radcliffe once became popular around the world with his role as Harry Potter, but he did not settle down. He subsequently played many challenging roles and showed superb acting skills. This time, he starred in Fairfax, the biggest villain in Lost City, which once again brightened people's eyes. Fairfax is an interesting character with both funny and evil, because she "naively" believes that the writer Loretta (Sandra Bullock) can help him find the mysterious treasure in the lost ancient city, so she kidnapped it at all costs, forcing her to embark on a crisis ridden and hilarious adventure.
Speaking of Fairfax, Daniel believes that this role is "a combination of laughter" and "particularly cool and funny". Sandra Bullock praised Daniel for his perfect interpretation of the two sides of the role, both amiable and charming gentleman side, and ferocious and ruthless evil side. What is worth looking forward to most is that the audience will see Daniel's hidden funny characteristics. He and "Sang Po" and "boss Qian" have a lot of fun talking and playing tricks with each other. Daniel is very happy to play in such a relaxing movie, and hopes that everyone can go into the cinema and enjoy "Lost City", because this is "a movie that can make you and your friends laugh together“
Daniel Radcliffe's cooperation with Sandra Bullock and Chanin Tatum is full of chemical reaction. For Sandra Bullock, the most exciting thing for her is that the audience will see an unprecedented Daniel; Chanin Tatum said frankly that Daniel was "a gifted actor" and "both funny and charming". Director Allen ney was moved by Daniel's "incredible sense of humor". He thought that Daniel "always wants to make a breakthrough. He likes to try strange roles, and he really has acting skills." Overseas media and film critics also praised Daniel's performance. Screenrant, a well-known film website, praised: "Daniel Radcliffe has created a very successful villain." Another film website, next best picture, said, "Daniel Radcliffe's happiness will be contagious." The overwhelming praise can be said to have filled the expectation.
"Lost City" is produced by Paramount Pictures, starring Sandra Bullock, Chanin Tatum, Daniel Radcliffe, Brad Pitt, etc. and will be released in cinemas across the country on July 29.