"Invisible Friends" exposed the special "I people and E groups of ghosts" Zeng Jinghua's women's clothing "Ma Hua turns into Miriam Ma"

Directed by Xie Peiru, directed by Zhuang Chunchun, starred by Zeng Jinghua and Shao Yuwei, and co-starred by Lu Yijing, Zhang Zaixing, Cai Jiayin and Hong Junhao. Xie Kunda's special comedy "Invisible Friends" released a special episode of "I e Ghost" today. The creators shared their understanding of the characters and all kinds of interesting things that happened on the set. Zeng Jinghua's slow motion of swinging a broken flower dress immediately caught the audience's eye. The film tells the story of "unlucky man" Ah Wei (Zeng Jinghua), who is ready to end his hapless life in despair, but unexpectedly meets a group of "ghost" friends by accident. then staged a hilarious story of turning from a "dead end" to a "fork in life". The film will be officially released on June 14.

"marginal people" get off to a good start, "Damn it", "e-groups of ghosts" rampant "possession"

The behind-the-scenes special released by the film fully shows the comedy temperament of the film, and its unique characters make the label of "human ghost film" more vivid. In the special, Zeng Jinghua shared his interpretation of the role of Ah Wei: "A Wei is a marginal person who feels that he has no value in this world." Ah Wei, who was determined to end his life, unexpectedly turned on the "hell" mode after being rescued. Four invisible "ghost friends" appeared in Ah Wei's life without warning, and the "e group of ghosts" began to run rampant in the world of lonely people Ah Wei. Explaining why Ah Wei is haunted by "ghost friends", Zhang Zaixing, who plays "smoker", said: "the ghost is unwilling to stay in this world, unwilling is that something has not yet been achieved." Hong Junhao, who plays the "naughty boy", said: "(they) entrust Ah Wei to help, or they will haunt him all the time!" The creative speech aroused unlimited expectations from the audience, one after another commented that "too much want to know why Ah Wei was chosen". Ah Wei, who was possessed by turns, opened a "new life" of social death. as for how he would react after being possessed, Zeng Jinghua humorously said: "it depends on how that person enters."

A red broken flower dress "Ma Hua to Ma Fu" fancy continuous social death "strange and lovely"

When the film released the pre-release notice, many audiences were satisfied by Zeng Jinghua's "refined" acting skills, and Zeng Jinghua, with all kinds of strange shapes, made netizens shout, "who are you?!" This special vividly shows the drama of the role of Ah Wei, and the fine acting skills have also deepened the audience's impression of the role. In the special, Zeng Jinghua, wearing a red broken flower dress, wriggled her shoulder and shouted, "this shoulder is a very charming thing." Tsai Jiayin, who plays "the crybaby", also instructed the movement: "you have to look for it with your chin." Zeng Jinghua, who entered the state, shook her skirt with both hands and filled her face with intoxication. the slow camera made netizens joke: "I thought it was some female star's red carpet shape freeze!" In the special, Zeng Jinghua not only unlocked the "women's wear version", but also had a "cool" scene of "undressing" with Zhang Zaixing at the seaside, and also made netizens say: "Zeng Jinghua really worked too hard for the role this time!" When sharing her experience with Zeng Jinghua, Shao Yuwei, who plays Xiao Yin, imitates his act of wiping his hair and acting handsome, describing the character as a "weird teenager" and joking: "it's like he's doing this every day."

The film "Invisible Friends" is produced by full Entertainment Co., Ltd., good View Cultural creation Co., Ltd., introduced by China Film Group Co., Ltd., and issued by Huaxia Film Distribution Co., Ltd. On June 14, I went to the cinema and embarked on a horse-grabbing journey with Ah Wei in funerals.