The movie "Morning Clouds and Evening Rain" opens today. Four highlights reveal the impermanent fate behind beneficial marriage

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The movie "the Rain and the Rain" is released today, and the film "controversial ending" has been released, revealing the impermanence of human nature and fate behind "the most controversial Marriage of the year". The first exposure of Chang Juan's real life after jumping off a bridge into a vegetable, Chang Juan, who lost her ability to take care of herself, sat quietly in a wheelchair. Lao Qin pushed the wheelchair hard in the wind and rain, and the sudden change in their fate aroused the curiosity and discussion of the audience. The film rarely focuses on the real life of those released from prison, focusing on two convicted felons, Lao Qin (Fan Wei) and Chang Juan (Zhou Dongyu), who tell the story of an interest marriage in which "he asks for a son and she seeks money". It truly presents the ups and downs of life and a thousand faces of humanity from a calm perspective.

The film has received a lot of praise since its premiere, and at the roadshow, many audiences praised the film for daring to shoot and dare to speak, and made a profound insight and discussion into human nature and social reality. At the same time, he marveled at the subversive roles of Fan Wei and Zhou Dongyu: "two characters with contrasting identities at the bottom show the impermanence and longevity of fate and aftertaste for a long time." "I haven't seen such a powerful film on the big screen for a long time, the portrayal of real issues is extremely accurate, and the movie queen's peak acting duel is also shocking."

The film is produced by Han Sanping as chief producer, directed by Zhang Guoli, starred by Fan Wei and Zhou Dongyu, starred by Song Jia, Mao Yue, Fan Fengyi, Yang Haoyu and Deng Fei, and was released nationwide today.

*Point 1: true story atypical crime film focus on the release of prisoners from prison Life**

The movie "Evening Rain" is adapted from the true story "A Girl in a Wedding dress". Lao Qin spent half her life in prison for 27 years. Chang Juan grew up in prison because she was 14 years old. The trend of their lives after their release from prison has undoubtedly become a major focus of the film. However, after their release from prison, instead of "turning over a new leaf" as the prison guard said, Lao Qin and Chang Juan, because of their respective desires, embarked on the fraudulent wrong path of asking for children and seeking money. however, in the struggle of interests, they gradually drifted away from the edge of jurisprudence again, which is very sad.

The film rarely takes the out-of-prison felon as the protagonist of the story, showing the real life of the released prisoners on the big screen, with a novel perspective and realistic care at the same time. Can out-of-prison felons return to normal life and start a second life? Under the general label of "social marginal groups", how does the fate of individuals rise and fall without being known? Director Zhang Guoguo said bluntly, "what moves me most about this story is that it has a solid story foundation, true stories and real characters." Truth has its own power, and many viewers like it after watching the movie: "the film can extract the real power from the true story and let the seemingly absurd plot fall to the ground." "dare to think and dare to shoot, social marginal groups deserve to be presented and paid attention to."

Point 2: the most controversial marriage of the year heated discussion**

Marriage, which was originally placed on a beautiful imagination by the world, has become a way for the protagonist to exchange interests in the Evening Rain. After his release from prison, Lao Qin was surprised to get millions of demolition money and asked for marriage with a huge sum of money, just to "carry on the family line" and make up for the unfinished filial piety. Chang Juan, who also just got out of prison, aimed at Lao Qin of Chafu and proposed a "184400" bride price as a prerequisite for marriage. the two people who asked for a son and money came together because of their respective interests, forming what can be called the "most controversial" marriage relationship of the year.

Director Zhang Guoguo summed up the marriage relationship between Lao Qin and Chang Juan with "extremely strong purpose". Actor Fan Wei also said that at first he was worried about the age difference with Zhou Dongyu. Director Zhang Guoguo stressed that "the Evening Rain" is by no means a romantic film. The greater the contrast between the two, the more obvious the dramatic conflict will be, and the more it can show the complex core of the film. The two people with ghosts and ghosts make use of each other and torture each other, and with the gradual escalation of the contradiction, it turns out that one person cannot ask for "life" and the other cannot ask for "death", which seems to reveal the inevitability of the tragedy behind this kind of beneficial marriage. Why did the fate of the two take a turn for the worse? There is a small amount of bride price money hidden behind how unknown secret? A lot of suspense is left for the audience to reveal on the big screen.

Point 3: the ultimate truth is to face the grayscale of human nature and calm narration reflects real life

The complex human background is reflected behind the benefit marriage between Lao Qin and Chang Juan. After being released from prison, Lao Qin appeared to be honest and filial, but when she learned that Chang Juan did not want to have children, she hid Chang Juan's ID card and bank card, and even tried to force Chang Juan violently, revealing all the hidden violence at the bottom of her heart. Chang Juan is naive and smart on the surface, but in fact she is bent on making use of Lao Qin. After the fraud was exposed, she spoke ill of Lao Qin's deceased parents, and even rebelled against herself, which also exposed her incomplete character. With the deepening of the story, Chang Juan's unknown past surfaced, and the multifaceted nature of the two seemed to reverse again. Many viewers said after watching the film: "the film shows the complexity of human nature to the extreme in this abnormal relationship." "I hate that poor people do absurd things and see grayscale human nature and real life."

The film records the fate of the two marginal people with a calm and objective lens, without whitewashing and judgment. Director Zhang Guoli interprets the life situation depicted in the film in combination with the title of the film: "there are no major events in life except life and death. Lao Qin and Chang Juan rush to live and die. As a result, they do not want to live well, and those who want to die fail to die." Just like the title of our film, the fate is as changeable as the weather. " The stories of Lao Qin and Chang Juan reflect real life, while Professor du Sujuan, a professor at East China University of political Science and Law, shared her feelings after watching the movie: "like us, they all want to do the right thing and meaningful things, but everyone has their own limitations. Understanding your limitations is an important topic in life."

**Point 4: fan Wei, Zhou Dongyu, the actor, the post-screen confrontation, the subversion of the image, the feast of acting skills.

Fan Wei won the Best Actor Award for the Temple of Heaven for his role in Lao Qin at the 14th Beijing International Film Festival, which ended not long ago, which is the first time he has won the honor after seven years. Zhou Dongyu subverts the image in the film, playing a state that is most difficult for vegetative people to perform, and is praised as "the biggest breakthrough since the film." In order to get close to the character itself and present the image of a prison felon, Fan Wei lost 30 jin during the shooting period. In order to accurately present the state of the vegetative person, Zhou Dongyu went to the hospital two months in advance to learn about the real life of the vegetative person, synthesized the real symptom characteristics of the vegetative person, and practiced eye movements repeatedly every day. Both of them broke through themselves and presented a wonderful big-screen acting feast for the audience.

As for the choice of actors, director Zhang Guo said: "Fan Wei and Zhou Dongyu are the best choices for Lao Qin and Chang Juan. They can give you the best feeling every time and make you feel that the character is alive." At many roadshows, the audience said bluntly, "Fan Wei's unflinching eyes in prison suggest checking it out, unlike acting." "Zhou Dongyu's final vegetative state is so natural that there is no trace of performance." "the performance of the film queen was so steady that the body and expression were handled with delicacy and delicacy." Whether it is the real shaping of the extreme person, or the profound presentation of the complex human nature, the two have a strong impact of subversive role shaping and frequent confrontation in acting skills, which is worthy of on-screen evaluation.

The film "Evening Rain" is produced by China Film Co., Ltd., Shanghai Taopiao Film and Television Culture Co., Ltd., Beijing Orange letter Media Co., Ltd., Beijing Orange letter Film Co., Ltd., produced by Beijing Orange letter Media Co., Ltd., directed by Han Sanping, starred by Fan Wei and Zhou Dongyu, and starred by Song Jia, Mao Ye, Fan Jie, Yang Haoyu and Deng Fei.