"The Blade of Hesitation" is released today. Wang Qianyuan, Wang Jingchun, the two movie stars, are full of exciting scenes on the big screen

The film "the Blade of hesitation" is released across the country today. through a vicious case committed by an underage gang, the film directly attacks hot issues in society. it brings a more in-depth discussion on the causes of juvenile delinquency, the legal system and family education hidden behind the story. In the screening and premiere activities that ended before this, many media and audiences who watched the movie in advance gave extraordinary comments, praising the film not only for revenge and elimination of evil, but also for questioning and thinking about human nature and soul, which is of great social value.

the desperate father blades the devil and the teenager feels refreshed and full of feeling into the generation

The film tells the story of three unforgivable juvenile criminal gangs who brutally kill the girl and the girl's father Li Changfeng (Wang Qianyuan) embarks on the road of revenge for love crimes. The film portrays the evil of the juvenile suspect and the hysteria of his father Li Changfeng deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. In the face of the sudden departure of his dependent daughter, Li Changfeng finally decided to turn into a sharp blade after falling into the hesitation and struggle of vengeance or not. In the film, Li Changfeng not only blades the real killer Wang Tianxiao (A Runa), but also pursues the trail of another murderer Xie Yu (Zhou Zhengjie), vowing to trade his life for his life. When Li Changfeng pointed the gun at the underage suspect Xie Yu and pulled the trigger, he completed his revenge and ended his obsession.

In addition, the film also gives a detailed description of the role and plot, the collapse and loss of control of the father, the pursuit and helplessness of the police, and the vivid interpretation of people's hesitant choice between good and evil, emotion and law, crime and punishment. so that countless audiences sympathize.

the movie queen is addicted to the superb acting on the same stage

The lineup of the film's two king actors and powerful actor Qixi has received a lot of attention and love. Wang Qianyuan's "self-destructive" acting skills impressed the audience. By controlling diet and sleep, he lost 30 jin of weight and became dehydrated, truly explaining the collapse and despair of a father who lost his beloved daughter. Wang Jingchun's eye play in the film also received a lot of praise from the audience. as a policeman, his sympathy for Li Changfeng and his insistence on legal justice were revealed in the fundus, which impressed the audience. The two chased and confronted each other in the woods, abandoned amusement parks and squares, causing many spectators to shout "it was a lot of fun." He Jiayi, played by Qixi, is faced with a difficult choice between love and law, and her delicate and natural interpretation has also moved countless audiences.

There are Zhang Youhao, Wang Tianchen, Zhou Zhengjie, A Runa, Wu Shuang and other young actors' interpretation of the story vividly, but also contributed a lot of famous scenes, added a lot of surprises to the film.

the topic behind the story of hitting the social pain point is thought-provoking

At the premiere of the film "hesitation Blade", the "social significance" and "universal value" of the film have become the most frequently mentioned words. The film not only focuses on the case of juvenile delinquency itself, but also promotes the audience's attention and discussion on the factors behind it, such as family, education and so on. Juvenile demons should be severely punished, but it is also very important to avoid juvenile delinquency from the root. The director also mentioned the original intention outside the light and shadow: "it is this sense of social responsibility that touched the film in the first place. Maybe the film did not solve any problem, but it would be meaningful enough if it could raise a topic for everyone to see."

The settings of the three demon teenagers and their families in the film are also very interesting. Luo Zhicheng (Zhang Youhao), who is bullied when he grows up in a family that lacks attention, Xie Yu, a rich second generation in a single-parent family who thinks everything can be taken care of with money, and Wang Tianxiao, a left-behind child who ignores the law and believes that he is "fine before the age of 18" reflects the three typical problem families in Chinese society.

the response to watching the movie in advance was enthusiastic the film word-of-mouth has gone up all the way

Since the opening of the film "the Blade of hesitation", it has gained numerous praise and praise for its ultra-high social value and attractive theme, and many audiences say "dare to shoot!" The adaptation of the film won my heart "and" I hope that after the film is released, more families will pay attention to the education of minors. " At the campus sharing meeting of Beijing Foreign Studies University and the Central Academy of Fine Arts, which just ended on the 16th, the students applauded continuously after the screening. Director Chen Zhuo shared the behind-the-scenes story with actor Wang Qianyuan. director Chen Zhuo shared the importance of communication between parents and their children at the scene: "even if there is a generation gap with parents, we should try our best to communicate and understand each other." When it comes to character shaping, Wang Qianyuan said, "I don't dare to take it. 2/3 of the plays are in infinite pain, despair and hesitation," adding that it is difficult but very happy.

In the post-release sharing session, the students thought that from the film, they could not only feel Li Changfeng's vengeance, but also see the problems caused by parents' dereliction of duty behind the story, "saw the way my father protected me in the past," and "sympathized with Li". The constant flicker of the warm life picture of father and daughter makes my mood rise and fall with the plot, and "the final egg makes me find a little warmth and cure." What's more, many students said that the film is not only a popular film for young people, but also a warning film for parents, which expresses great recognition of the social value of the film.

Based on the novel of the same name, the film "hesitation Blade" is produced by Huang Zhiming, directed by Chen Zhuo, written by Yang Weiwei, Li Jiaying, Xu Xiangyun and Chen Zhuo, starred by Wang Qianyuan and specially starred by Wang Jingchun. Qixi, Zhang Youhao, Wang Tianchen starred, Zhou Zhengjie, A Runa, Wu Shuang starred, Jiao Gang, Qian Bo, Kong Lin, Zhao Ziqi, Deng Gang acted in friendship. The film is produced by iqiyi Film Industry (Beijing) Co., Ltd., jointly produced by Huaxia Film Distribution Co., Ltd., Beijing September low Light Culture Communication Co., Ltd. Iqiyi Film (Beijing) Co., Ltd., Human Guide (Shanghai) Film and Television Distribution Co., Ltd., Zhijiang Film Media (Zhejiang) Co., Ltd.