The domestic animated film "Erlang God's Deep Sea Dragon" is set at 7.13. Movie News the animated movie "Erlang God's Deep Sea Dragon" is scheduled to be released nationwide on July 13. The film is adapted from classical Chinese mythology and has been carefully polished by director Wang Jun and his team for four years.

This film tells the story of ancient times, when miraculous craftsmanship and magic axe worked together to imprison the king of Jiao devil, the leader of the sea, at the confluence of rivers and seas. In order to bind the powerful Jiao Devil King, the ghost axe sacrificed his physical body and turned into a meta-god and injected it into the magic ware made by Shenggong to imprison the Jiao Devil King. At the end of the war between the gods, Mo Kylin and Jiaolong repeatedly touched the imprisoned dharma weapon in an attempt to release the Jiao Devil King. So under the recommendation of Jiang Ziya, the Jade Emperor decided to use an anti-bone Tiangong ruffian Erlang God to carry out the task of catching the ink unicorn. But in the process of capture, Erlang was caught in a huge conspiracy.

In the fixed-file poster released by the film, Yang Kui, the first god of war in the Heavenly Palace, holding a board axe and looking serious, set off the tense atmosphere of the war between the human world and the fairy world to the extreme. In this explosive war between gods and demons, Erlang grew up in the battle and understood moral responsibility and responsibility, which resonated with every audience.

The picture of this film is excellent, and each frame of animation shows the unique beauty of oriental charm, the delicate and smooth structure of the characters, the magnificent production of the scene, and the presentation of a new world outlook and visual effect scene. Will bring the audience a more extreme visual experience on the big screen, July 13, please look forward to!