Mission impossible 7: lethal liquidation (1) staged "desperate pursuit" Tom Street racing

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The new series "Mission impossible 7: fatal liquidation (I)", produced by Paramount Pictures and popular around the world, released a trailer for "desperate pursuit" today, and Tom and his IMF team are once again in a life-and-death threat. In the trailer, Tom and the newly joined Haley Atwell staged a high-speed car racing on the streets of Rome, gaining a glimmer of survival between critical survival! The stratagems of violent killers and mysterious villains are getting closer and closer. Countless dangers are gradually emerging, how will this unpredictable mission journey develop in the end? Can Tom and the IMF team successfully escape the "fatal liquidation"? On July 14, the most difficult "impossible task" so far is about to attack. Watch Tom break through the limit again.

Tango's extreme speed is full of thrilling speed and makes adrenaline soar

In the trailer for "fight for Life" released today, Ethan, played by Tom, and the new character Grace (Haley Atwell) opened the extreme racing mode on the streets of Rome in the face of the front and back attacks of the police and the killer. As the police car behind him was about to catch up, Ethan said, "We're going to throw away this car," so he pulled out his cell phone and tried to find a "safe vehicle" that had been arranged in advance. With the movement of his fingers, a cute car full of "ofo" appeared in front of the two people, and the strong contrast in the thrilling moment detonated the laughing point. In addition, the mysterious words "Ethan, the whole world is after you" sounded secretly, accompanied by a female killer who had been waiting in the alley (acted the role of Pang Clementev). Seeing the rushing Tom, the female killer suddenly attacked, her agile skill with unprecedented cruelty. At the same time, the return of the "old boss" IMF director Kittridge (Henry Kozeny) a sentence "your so-called days of fighting for the overall situation is over" sounded in Ethan's ear, forced to choose the "second plan" he had to put aside his worries, driving a motorcycle jump off a cliff, a thrilling moment will burst! The unknown plot is coming, the shocking and cracked scene is bound to bring a completely immersive viewing experience, and the reversal plot makes the global audience look forward to this deadly task again!

the "most authentic" fighting drama is performed in the real scene, and all the members are full of hand-to-hand combat skills.

As the latest masterpiece of the classic "Mission impossible" series, the movie Mission impossible 7: fatal liquidation (part I) insists on "live action scenes" throughout! Whether it is the fierce desert shootout, hand-to-hand combat, street racing or the most thrilling 4000-foot cliff ride, the lifelike and shocking effect is breathtaking. In order to create such a real and powerful picture effect, the film crew traveled to many countries to shoot on the spot. From Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates to Italy and Norway in Europe, Tom and the IMF team fought fiercely in the yellow sand, racing on the streets of Rome and fighting bravely in the alleyways of Venice. In addition, the previous release of Tom driving his motorcycle down the cliff is heart-shaking! In order to 100% show the tension of this scene, the crew built a motorcycle runway in the UK for Tom to practice motorcycle take-off over and over again, and to record the trajectory and speed of each time, so as to ensure that the actual shooting is foolproof. Then in the field shooting stage, and then went to Norway to spend several months to build a special ramp, so Excelsior shooting spirit so that the film has an incomparable shocking effect!

Mission impossible 7: fatal liquidation part 1 is produced by Paramount Pictures, directed by Christopher McCauley, starring Tom Cruise, Haley Atwell, Van Remus, Simon Peggy, Rebecca Flosson, Vanessa Kirby and Henry Kozeny. The film will be released nationwide on July 14, 2023.