The movie "Mr. Red Carpet" exposed "Are you sure it's a favor?" Special edition witnesses Ning Hao and Andy Lau's 17-year friendship

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The film "Mr. Red carpet", directed by Ning Hao and starring Andy Lau, released today, "are you sure you want to return the favor?" A special edition. The film tells the story of King Liu Weichi (Liu Dehua) who cooperates with director Lin Hao (Ning Hao) to shoot a rural film in order to win the award. Unexpectedly, it turns into a "farce" story. The special shows the immortal friendship between Andy Lau and Ning Hao for 17 years, revealing their daily interesting stories in front of and behind the scenes. The movie will be released nationwide on February 10, the first day of the Lunar New year.

Ning Hao gave Andy Lau a big gift? Witness 17 years of childhood friendship

"are you sure you want to return the favor?" The special shares the daily relationship between Ning Hao and Andy Lau on the set in a humorous way. Choosing Andy Lau to act in his own film is a "gift of gratitude" from director Ning Hao. The director shared in the special: "this is an elegant light comedy. When I was writing the screenplay, my mind was full of Andy Lau. I just wanted to give Brother Hua a gift and realize a dream." Director Ning Hao and Andy Lau tied the knot with "Crazy Stone" in 2006 and received great help from Andy Lau. Seventeen years later, Ning Hao gave the movie Mr. Red carpet as a gift to Andy Lau, and the two worked together for the first time to create an elegant comedy.

Andy Lau laughs that their relationship is like a "childhood relationship", hoping to find the day when they "get married". Andy Lau humorously likened this cooperation to marriage, and the day finally came, and this cooperation made up for the regret of missing the role before. Director Ning Hao also participated in the interpretation, acting as a director, and the two played a "crazy" game together. The pictures of director Ning Hao galloping on horseback and teaching Liu Dehua to dance are full of joy, and Liu Dehua was also "crazy" by director Ning Hao on the set. In a scene in the special, Liu Dehua was hit on the head by a wine bottle and was "forced" to eat the glass, which made the audience wonder, was the director's gift so "hot"? And joked, "are you sure you're returning the favor?" At the same time, it also makes the audience look forward to what kind of absurd journey the king will encounter in the film.

*Ning Hao and Liu Dehua

Different from Ning Hao's past comedy works, Mr. Red carpet starts from the current situation of the entertainment industry, humorously self-deprecating at the same time, there is a deeper level of thinking and discussion. In the special, Andy Lau shared: "playing a superstar seems too close to him, will it make the audience unable to tell which is the play and which is real?" However, the misunderstanding between people this is not life, let us discuss this matter. " The creators hope that while the work gives joy to the audience, it also raises an "interesting question". It is expected that this "interesting question" will be answered and discussed by the audience after the film is released.

Many audiences who have seen the film at the film festival commented: "although the film tells the story of a superstar, the contradictions and misunderstandings behind metaphors are often encountered in our lives." From the dialogue between the two people in the special, we can see that Director Ning Hao not only reveals the reality of the entertainment industry in a black humorous way, but also hopes to focus on the practical problems encountered in public life, and hopes to communicate and discuss with the audience through the work "Mr. Red Carpet."

Mr. Red carpet is directed by Ning Hao, starring Andy Lau and starring Shan Liwen, Rui Maxidan, Yu Weiguo and Ning Hao. And by Shanghai Huanshixi Culture Co., Ltd., Huanxi Media Group Co., Ltd., Beijing Huanxi Premiere Culture Co., Ltd., Bad Monkey (Shanghai) Culture Communication Co., Ltd., Beijing Huanshi Cultural Media Co., Ltd., Happy (Tianjin) Culture Investment Co., Ltd., Taizhou Huanxi Culture Investment Co., Ltd., Hainan Ruyi Fangsheng Film and Television Culture Communication Co., Ltd., Dreammaker Entertainment Co., Ltd., Produced by Shanghai stupid Children Film and Television Culture Media Co., Ltd., Horgos Bingyi Film and Television Culture Communication Co., Ltd. It will be released nationwide on the first day of the Lunar New year.