Main poster of the 14th Beijing International Film Festival released

Beijing, March 28, the 14th Beijing International Film Festival press conference was held. The relevant responsible comrades of the Central Radio and Television General Station, the propaganda Department of the Beijing Municipal CPC Committee, the China Film Archive, Beijing Radio and Television Station and Huairou District introduced the situation and answered reporters' questions. At the press conference, the main poster of the 14th Beijing International Film Festival was released, which was painted in the style of traditional Chinese ink painting, with only a few strokes, between the lines and in the light and shade of ink. a chic and freehand artistic shape appears on paper. Viewed from afar, it looks like a pine and cypress bonsai, as well as the Temple of Heaven, which stands forever in Beijing. The Temple of Heaven is not only the world cultural heritage of Beijing, but also the spiritual symbol of the Temple of Heaven Award at the Beijing International Film Festival. The Temple of Heaven Prayer Hall and pine and cypress bonsai modeling into one, conveying the Beijing Film Festival "unity of heaven and man, beauty and beauty" value concept, but also our best wishes to the Beijing Film Festival "everlasting".

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Watching carefully, behind the majestic painting style, there are meaningful details. The base of the bonsai is integrated with the elements of film, the soil in the flowerpot is like towering undulating mountains, and the branches growing on both sides are like welcoming pines, welcoming friends from all over the world to gather in Beijing. the pine needle dancing in the wind is depicted as the windmill symbol of the Beijing International Film Festival, and one side of the scarlet seal is engraved with four words "Beijing, China". These exquisite designs imply that the Beijing International Film Festival was born on the fertile soil of Chinese civilization, between the mountains and rivers of Great Beauty China, and in the famous historical and cultural city of Beijing, and its growth is full of the nourishment of Chinese traditional culture. let the Beijing Film Festival have a unique Chinese flavor and Beijing characteristics. Similarly, the Beijing International Film Festival, an evergreen tree, meets with all the members of the world film family in the same world, where the mountains and seas meet, the wind and the moon are the same day, symbolizing that film art is the common language of all mankind. Chinese and foreign film and cultural exchanges and exchanges here, light and film learn from each other, and benefit each other. In the intoxicating spring breeze of Beijing, let's listen to Songtao bursts, watch flowers all the way, and share this grand event of filmmakers.

Editor: 00823 smell