The movie "Concealment Across the Sea" reveals the special edition of "Crazy Criticizing Evil Girls", Zhang Junning subverts and interprets the ultimate double-faced personality

The suspense crime film "concealing the World", directed by Chen Zhuo and starring Xu Guanghan, Zhang Junyi, Hui Yinghong and Yin Zheng, today released a special edition of Zhang Junyi's "mad criticism of evil girls". It uncovers the story behind the super reversal of Qiao Wenna (Zhang Junyi) from "Little White Rabbit" to Snake and Scorpion Beauty, and deeply interprets the real emotional entanglement between her and her lover Minghao (Yin Zheng). When you go deep into the character to learn about her experience and state of mind, it is not difficult to find that the truth has long been in every clue, and everything is unexpected but reasonable. Since the film was released, there has been a lot of discussion about Qiao Wenna's role, and countless audiences have been shocked by the reversal of the role's identity, and many audiences have asked for three or four brushes, saying: "there are new discoveries every time I watch it." and it's a completely different feeling. "

Qiao Wenna's "mad criticism of evil girls" reveals her morbid relationship with her lover and is doomed to a tragic life.

The day falls the horizontal disaster, the innocent suffers the injustice, is threatened by the evil police Zheng Wei (Xu Guanghan is acted the role of), the eyes full of helplessness Qiao Wenna is the existence of the little white rabbit in everyone's eyes. However, in the latest special released today, the instant changes in the eyes from the innocent and pitiful to the ruthless belly reveal the true nature of Qiao Wenna, as Hui Yinghong described it: "the beautiful appearance is wrapped in a snake heart." Qiao Wenna has an extreme obsession with money and power, which has become an important starting point in her life, for which she will do whatever it takes, even at the expense of her lover.

In the special, it also deeply analyzes the "symbiotic" relationship between Qiao Wenna and Minghao. The two people who grew up together in the orphanage depended on each other in their hearts. "if we don't protect ourselves, no one in the world will stand up for us." Qiao Wenna "plundered" in her own way to protect Minghao, hoping to change their common life. However, in Minghao's view, Wen Na made a lot of sacrifices for their future. "she married someone she didn't love, but she wanted to give all these things to the one she loved." as Zhang Junyi said when interpreting the character, "it is the deviation of values that doomed her tragic future." In addition to reversing the perception of suspense, the deep excavation of human nature makes the whole film more hierarchical and profound, and countless audiences go deep into the film to savor the subtle relationship between people and cases.

Zhang Junyi's in-depth analysis of the inner play behind the reversal of the characters' values is thought-provoking.

The super reversal of Qiao Wenna's identity has been one of the most shocking surprises for audiences since the release of the movie "cover it up." Earlier, at the roadshow, Zhang Junyi shared her understanding of the role of Qiao Wenna with the audience at different levels. She said: "in fact, Qiao Wenna was also a victim of the class system and was bullied when she grew up in an orphanage. Her childhood experience made her who she is now. Does goodness need capital in the end, and does the original family still have the right to choose good when it is so broken? I think this is a question raised by the character of Giovanna, and it is very worthy of our consideration. " Zhang Junyi's subversive interpretation was praised by the audience as "hard enough" and "every look is just right". At the same time, the real and hierarchical character setting also attracted a lot of audiences, constantly exploring and thinking inward, "the inner contrast is very attractive," and "a lot of exploration of human nature is worth re-taste."

The film "concealing the Sea" is adapted from the Spanish film "the Invisible Guest" and is produced by iqiyi Film (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., Zhonghe Qiancheng Film (Wuxi) Co., Ltd., Beijing Zhonghe Qiancheng Film and Media Co., Ltd., co-produced by Beijing New Series Culture Media Co., Ltd., Wanda Film Co., Ltd., starring Xu Guanghan, Zhang Junyi, Hui Yinghong and Yin Zheng.