The hardcore premiere of "The Allied Expendables" swept the audience, tough guys and women gathered to watch the summer's biggest blockbuster

The action blockbuster "Allied Expendables" directed by Gueridge will be officially released on Friday. Yesterday, the film's premiere in China was hot and the atmosphere was unusually hot. The film gathered Hollywood celebrities, making a lot of tough guys and beauties call "Yan Dog" paradise. The scene of the event also showed off the smell of hormones, and many fierce men and women came to the scene to show off their body-building figure, setting off the film's hard-core high-energy atmosphere to the extreme, which can be called the hardest core and most fierce premiere this summer. After the premiere of the Allied Expendables, there was a wave of praise for Gueridge's fiery violent aesthetic style, which was praised as "super cool" and "very hot". The film will be released on May 24, the most decompressed action blockbuster of super hard core this summer.

Flower activities at the premiere of "fierce Men and Women" continue to ignite passion

Coming to the premiere of the Allied Expendables, it was like being in a fierce male and female club, complementing the film's hard-core temperament. Many muscular men and women showed up and continued to "hard control" many fans and audiences, successfully igniting the enthusiasm of the scene. The figures of "Superman" Henry Carville and "chivalrous Detective Jack" Alan Richson are also recognized by them in the film, and some fitness enthusiasts excitedly said: "the bodies of several men." chest muscles, biceps can be used as fitness templates for fitness people! " What's more, world bodybuilding champion Deng Shuai was present at the scene. He was very impressed by Alan Richson in the film, praising: "his explosive power is so cool, he is full of hormones on the big screen, and his punches and arrows are very shocking." The bravest tough guy fights the most fiery battle, locking the big screen on May 24 to witness the crazy and refreshing film of knife blood and gunfire!

It is worth mentioning that there are fans cos Henry Cavell's most classic "Superman" image and his bearded rough guy image in this film, which is a pleasant surprise. In addition, the scene of the event also set up a sign-in point to restore the movie name, which aroused the enthusiasm of the audience to sign in. Many female spectators imitate the scene of the heroine blowing out the gun, while the male audience imitates the funny look of the man's tongue when he shoots the gun.

In addition to the muscular man, the well-known military bloggers "the Wild Road of the Evaluation session" and "Uncle Yang Insight" also came to the scene to share the true historical background of the film with fans and audiences from a military point of view. restore the legendary history created by this spy team as the "ancestor of the Secret Service Circle". Teacher Sadan, a well-known film critic, spoke highly of director Gehrige's work and praised: "We can see flesh and blood characters in the work, and at the same time, it is highly entertaining, so it is a film very suitable for viewing on the big screen!"

The "Flower Life" at the premiere continues, and well-known bloggers have conducted in-depth interpretations in different fields, making the premiere a happy gathering of fans and audiences.

the premiere was well received by Hollywood celebrities with outstanding acting skills and aesthetic freshness

After the release of the Allied Expendables, word-of-mouth was newly released, and Gueridge's unique aesthetics of violence and black humor were praised by the media. 1905 Film Network praised: "Gellich's unique black humor, smooth narrative." "A typical Galic-style movie, you can think of as a gangster film dressed in a war style, with clean action and flowing plot," said. " The action scene and the crazy temperament of the film are also well received. The China Film report said: "the film continues the style of Galic action play and fast cutting, with a refreshing word in the whole process, and the aesthetics of violence is full!" Tencent News said: "the Allied Expendables is a tense and exciting World War II action movie with a compact plot, distinct characters and thrilling action scenes!" What's more, some people in the media praised one after another, "there will always be endless tricks for Gueridge's works!" "it is worthy of Gueridge's strict selection, which can be called a benchmark-shaped crazy refreshing film with a sharp knife and a wide range of guns."

The film is star-studded, and the groundbreaking acting skills of a group of Hollywood stars are also well received. "popular Movie" bluntly said: "Henry Carville contradicts the handsome image of 'Secret Agent' in Chinese and Western clothes and appears as a 'rough man' in the Allied Expendables, with charming green pupils and strong figure, and has a unique temperament." Sina News said: "the 'Super' who led the male model team became a funny responsibility, while Aisha Gonzalez got rid of her previous vase position and became a brave and resourceful female agent, which can be called the best performance of her career!"

This film is imported by China Film Group Corporation, issued by China Film Co., Ltd., and translated by China Film Co., Ltd. The hippiest, craziest and most decompressed action blockbuster of the year should not be missed. On May 24th, the big screen is about to explode, and the battle of madness is about to break out!