"Ninja Turtles: mutant fighting" released clips of four little turtles making their debut to sweep bad guys like adventure.

The adventure animated film "Ninja Turtles: mutant chaos", jointly produced by Paramount Pictures and Nick Pictures of the United States, today released a clip of "it's not difficult to take risks, it's like playing in a fight." four little turtles broke into a gangster auto repair factory. In the face of the outnumbered villains, they scrambled before they made a move. After a mischief, they finally got on the road gradually, and their wisdom and courage came together to unite and work together to sweep the enemy. "Ninja Turtles: mutant Battle" is now a hit, wonderful family fun and children must see!

In Ninja Turtles: mutant chaos, although the four little turtles are brothers who grew up together, they have very different personalities and have their own characteristics. As shown in the clip, Leonardo was the first to try to boost morale when he was heavily surrounded and hit more with less, but Donatello was already timid and questioned himself nervously, while Michelangelo on one side was whimsical and proposed an unrealistic way out, while Rafael took the lead in fighting ahead and slipped forward and fell and affected his teammates, damaging 800 before hurting the enemy. In just a few shots, the image characteristics of the four little turtles have been fully revealed, a young leader to be experienced, a weak bookworm who lacks self-confidence, a pet treasure who is always funny, and a reckless man with a distinct and impressive label.

With such an interesting lineup, the adventure is bound to be high-energy, warm-blooded and hilarious. After a hustle and bustle, the four little turtles finally got on their way. Leonardo, Rafael punched and kicked the hard group and did not lose ground in the fight, and they worked miracles with great strength. The sense of fighting is recovered, and wisdom is also online at the same time. Donatello and Michelangelo are sensitive to dodge, jump up and down, use the surrounding tools skillfully, and play with bad guys unexpectedly. A wave of kung fu broke out, a wave of IQ crushed, and then it was time to work together to kill. In the face of the speeding car, you make a sudden turn, I will step on the emergency brake from the sky, trouble to solve the handsome to boast. Fierce fights go on and on, and strange jokes go on and on. "Ninja Turtles: mutant fighting" is a perfect return to the dragon kung fu comedy Style!

"Ninja Turtles: mutant Battle" is now a hit, with vivid and interesting characters, high-energy cool action drama, and explosive comedy elements, the film has received numerous acclaim from the major media. China Daily favored the image of the four little turtles in the film, saying that "the turtles looked cute when they were young." CCTV6's Today Film Review also commented: "teenagers with cute tendons and muscles have a special bonus for turtle design, and their speech and behavior are particularly in line with the settings of teenagers." The Variety Daily praised the film's laughing style: "the action scene is smooth and crisp, and the jokes and plot are also very solid." The well-known movie blogger Movie Munster even bluntly said: "enough youth, enough joy and enough blood, to complete the surprise interpretation of the whole tortoise IP in a relaxed and cheerful atmosphere, more pure 'turtle' flavor!"

"Ninja Turtles: mutant fighting" is co-produced by Paramount Pictures and Nick Pictures of the United States, directed by Jeff Lowe, and written by Seth Rogen. Nicholas Cantor, Brady Noan, Shamong Brown, Micah Abby, Jackie Chan, Seth Logan, John Senna, Paul Luther and other voices are now in the movies.