The official announcement of the movie "the Tide of anger" reveals the appalling criminal interest chain on December 16.

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The movie "the Tide of Wrath" was released today until December 16, and a trailer for "lawlessness" was released at the same time, revealing a huge dark crime network and shocking details of multiple crime scenes. The film is directed, written and starred by Ma Yuke, starring Zhang Jiahui, Ruan Jingtian and Wang mainland, and starring Qin Pei, Ma Yuke, Chen Guokun, Lian Kai, Wu Qihua, Li Xiangxuan, Chen Xiaoyi and he Xinlin, and Jiang Haowen.

*lawlessness! Dark Crime benefit chain exposure**

raise the file and sound the danger alarm on December 16

Today's release of the "lawlessness" version of the notice, on the basis of the previous notice of dark evil, more appalling crime storylines released. In the notice, many atrocious crimes such as kidnapping, human trafficking, organ trading, drug trade, and violent law enforcement have been exposed one by one, and crimes are rampant and lawless. The victims of the looting were clearly priced as commodities until they were exploited to be worthless, so they were sealed with cement, poured into concrete slabs and brutally discarded. This is like a dark web of crime in purgatory. Who on earth is weaving it? Who is doing whatever he wants behind it? And who acts as the umbrella of these criminal and evil forces? The escalating danger shown in the trailer highlights the film's continued attention to social and personal safety issues, pushing emotions to the best part by facing the visual impact of darkness. With the release of the trailer, the official official of the movie "the Tide of anger" announced on December 16 to face up to arrogant crimes and go to war with anger.

all members are guilty! Role conflict broke out in an all-round way

suspense gradually escalates to face the darkness of human nature

With the unveiling of these chilling criminal tactics in the movie "the Wave of Wrath", a bloody fight began. In the trailer, the killer Chen an (Zhang Jiahui) releases more emotions, including collapse and anger. The mystery adds complexity to the character and makes people more curious about what he has experienced. Police officer Mai Longwen (Ruan Jingtian) and gang member Ma Wenkang (Wang mainland) confront each other with their respective forces, escalating the contradiction from verbal conflict to physical conflict with the phrase "if you take the money, watch the door". The atmosphere is tense and the situation is becoming more and more confused. at the same time, it also reveals that there is an exchange of interests between the police and the gang. The contradictions between the various roles continue to break out, the tragic situation of the innocent victims is shocking, and the fierce and sharp confrontation points directly to the darkness of human nature. With the gradual exposure of the film material, more film information is released, which makes each character more complicated and the relationship between characters becomes more complex. Can there be a final winner in this evil intertwined game of life and death? Are there any pushers behind the three forces? Many suspense will be revealed one by one when the film is released.

The film "angry tide" is produced by iqiyi Film (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., Xiamen Hengye Film Co., Ltd., Tianjin Maoyan Weiying Culture Media Co., Ltd., Shanghai Maoyan Film Co., Ltd., Xiamen Hengye Shepherd Horse Film and Television Culture Communication Co., Ltd. The film will be released nationwide on December 16, with the danger alarm sounded and the ending waiting to be announced.