There are smiles, tears and blood! Pre-sales of the movie "Roof Football" opens to ignite the fire of girls 'dreams

The pre-sale of Roof Football, an inspirational story film starring Tang Liangfeng, Tan Xinyu and Shi Junxian, is under the supervision of Huang Jianxin, Wang Zhonglei as the chief producer, Ren Ning and Wang Manju as the producers, and directed by the fish. The film released the ultimate trailer and poster today. Ai Yimei, an unyielding girl, has a warm dream, acts bravely to form a team, breaks down prejudice, overcomes difficulties, and strives unremittingly to move forward. The football under my feet is rolling, the dream is beating in my heart, and the pre-sale of "Roof Football" is in progress. I was sincerely moved by the inspirational harvest on April 20.

With the little girl A Yimei as the protagonist, the movie Roof Football tells the story of her stepping into a bigger field step by step from the football on the roof for her mother to see herself, reflecting joy and innocence among inspirational blood, while full of warmth. As the final notice shows, A Yimei is young but has an energetic heart, and her dream of forming a team will be put into action immediately. If you can't get together the players, then hug your sister's thighs and ask for help; if you don't have a uniform, then come up with the skill of sewing clothes for your dog; if you are not favored by others, then train diligently to win the game to prove your strength. It seemed that no matter what difficulties it was, it could not discourage Ai Mei. And the driving force behind all this comes from her missing her mother. Mother's sentence "want to see A Yimei laugh on the court" has become a fire buried in the heart of A Yi Mei, igniting her pure pursuit of dreams. Inspirational joy, but also warm moved, "Roof Football" passionate presentation can not be missed!

The fire caused by football is not only in movies, but also continues in life, lighting up the way of life. As a young actress, Tan Xinyu, who plays Aido in Roof Football, did not play football at first. Her participation in the film connected her with the sport and opened the way for her football dream. Now her dream is getting bigger and bigger. Tan Xinyu is already a member of the Yunnan youth football team and previously represented the team in the third China Youth Football League in 2024. From beginners who can only bounce the ball three or four times, to athletes who compete on behalf of their hometown, the dream pursuit on the screen seems to have stopped, but the real football story has just begun. As the film's ultimate poster shows, starting from the roof, with a little football rolling, life is quietly changing to higher and farther.

The story of the film is illuminated into reality through the life of actors, which is inspiring, but it also shows the high pursuit of reality behind the scenes of "Roof Football". Around playing football, the film combines it with life vividly and imaginatively, and designs a lot of amazing highlight scenes. In order to achieve these footage, the young actors in the film conducted two months of training. In view of the large-scale, full-court scheduling of football, the director must strictly control: "I do not want to play 'fake ball', I will require actors and photographers to cooperate perfectly, to complete a shot." The audience can't be fooled by whether these kids can play football or whether they can really play football. Of course, this kind of scene is really difficult to shoot, often an action needs to be photographed dozens of times. "

"Roof Football", produced by Ying Ying Culture Media (Yunnan) Co., Ltd., Shanghai Sanziyuan Film Co., Ltd., and Huayi Brothers Film Co., Ltd., has been opened and will be released nationwide on April 20. Please look forward to it.