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"Trident" released a positive clip of "Tooth Extraction with Iron Pliers", which subverts the scale and makes people feel numb

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Trident, a large-scale crime film adapted from a real case, is in hot theaters. Today's film released a clip of "tooth extraction with iron pliers", which makes the scalp...

Trident, a large-scale crime film adapted from a real case, is in hot theaters. Today's film released a clip of "tooth extraction with iron pliers", which makes the scalp numb. The moon is dark and the wind is high at night, and the rampant evil forces are pulling out people's teeth in the narrow alleys and punishing the younger brother for injuring the police. In the film, this kind of advocating righteousness, the principle of being a man and doing things on the bottom line makes people see the morality and rules behind the swords and swords. Some viewers said one after another, "the shocking scale is frightening, and the sincere affection makes people excited." The film Trident is adapted from the writer Lu Zheng's novel of the same name, directed by Gao Qunshu, starred by Huang Zhizhong, Jiang Wu and Guo Tao, performed specially by Ouhao, starred by Han Gengyou, specially invited by Wei Chenchen, and surprised by Dong Yong, Xing Jiadong, Jin Shijie, Chen Duling, Bao Beier and other powerful actors. At present, it is a hit all over the country!

the gang "rules" are bloody and fierce, both visually and spiritually shocked

In the clip of "Iron pliers pulling teeth" exposed today, Huang Mao lost control after drinking, bullied the old policeman in the street, and even spoke nonsense to the gang leader Lao Gao (played by Xing Jiadong), threatening to "destroy the old ghost!" . However, his arrogance did not last long. That night, Huang Mao was surrounded by a group of people in a secluded alley, and a violent beating made him taste the consequences of his arrogance. At this time, the old ghost appeared in front of him with a bad face and said lightly, "I hear you're going to destroy me?" Make the yellow hair tremble. Then, with a pair of cold iron pliers, he mercilessly pulled out his yellow teeth. The gloomy eyes of the old ghost show the cruelty and blood of the rules of the gang. Gao Qunshu's iconic violent aesthetic style makes the hard-core plot of the confrontation between police and bandits presented to the public in a way of strong visual impact. After watching it, many audiences exclaimed, "the scale of this film is too big, and the numbness of the scalp spattered with blood is very stinging and enjoyable to watch."

In this clip, the ruthlessness and overbearing of the gang leader are shown incisively and vividly, and this is only the tip of the iceberg of the villain, which is enough to predict the dangers that the Trident group will face in the pursuit process. The ghost's last warning that "the policeman is your father and your grandfather" is not only a sermon to Huang Mao, but also vaguely reveals the complex character relationship between him and Trident. As the famous writer Liu Zhenyun said at the film premiere: "this film is full of complexity, it breaks the framework of traditional police and bandit films, the boundaries between the police and criminal and evil forces become blurred, and they can be intertwined." this unique richness adds great interest to the film. " The specific fate and position choice of each character needs the audience to go into the cinema in person to find out.

strong enough, strong enough, and the texture really arouses hot discussion

The film Trident is about three veteran police officers who are about to retire, who are accidentally involved in a major money laundering case involving up to 30 billion yuan. They dug deep into layers and had a thrilling contest with the rampant evil forces and the hidden black hands. In the film, three approachable but different policemen vowed to root out the evil. along the way, they were at a loss, unable to shake the people behind the scenes, and gratified after the truth came out and guarded justice. Huang Zhizhong, Jiang Wu and Guo Tao showed their mental journey at different stages incisively and vividly, and the audience once again felt the charm of powerful actors on the big screen. In addition to the three protagonists, the villains are also portrayed as flesh-and-blood, three-dimensional and vivid by the actors. The old ghost played by Xing Jiadong abides by rules and keeps his promise, firmly defending the swords and brothers, earning enough tears and sympathy from the audience.

Director Gao said in the interview, "although Trident is the subject matter of police and bandits, I hope the audience will not see the film as a simple crime-solving scene, but think about its practical significance." The film is only the product of real art processing, and the challenges and dangers faced by the real police are far more complex than the film, and what the film can do is to show this is not easy, let the audience clearly understand the efforts behind the people's police, pay tribute to the people's police. How to evaluate the movie version of Trident on Zhihu? In the hot search, a high-praise answer is: "this film not only has a tense and exciting plot and wonderful action scenes, but also enables the audience to have a deeper understanding of the work and life of the police." the discussion of human nature, justice and evil also has a certain depth and thinking space. " This is the original intention of the creators, and it is also the greatest significance of Trident.

The film Trident is directed by Gao Qunshu, starring Huang Zhizhong, Jiang Wu and Guo Tao, with Ouhao performing specially, Han Gengyou acting, Wei Chenchen specially invited to participate, and surprises from Dong Yong, Xing Jiadong, Jin Shijie, Chen Duling, Bao Beier and other powerful actors. Trident is produced by Gravity Film and Television Investment Co., Ltd., Yashang Film (Hainan) Co., Ltd., Shanghai Chinese Film Co., Ltd., Shanghai Liwang Film and Television Culture Media Co., Ltd., and jointly produced by Qingdao Film Co., Ltd., Huangcheng Film (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., Hainan Zhongdao Culture Media Co., Ltd., and Tianjin Tianma Imaging Film Co., Ltd. The film is being shown all over the country!

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