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"Dune 2"Villenueva said to watch Chen Sicheng's movie after going home. Chen Sicheng: You don't have to watch it all

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![_ 20240315131318.png] (https://imgs.the9c.com/2024/0315/068bd1158bfdbbeeb3b3e08c3f6e4bb4.png) Jiuzhi.com Film Beijing, March 14, "Sand Dunes 2" director Dennis Velenuev...

![_ 20240315131318.png] (https://imgs.the9c.com/2024/0315/068bd1158bfdbbeeb3b3e08c3f6e4bb4.png)

Jiuzhi.com Film Beijing, March 14, "Sand Dunes 2" director Dennis Velenueva appeared in Beijing to hold a special exchange event with Chinese director Chen Sicheng to "make the most authentic Dream." during the period, the two talked about science fiction filming and how cinemas should deal with the rapid development of artificial intelligence, and the atmosphere was very warm.

In the conversation after watching the movie, talking about the collision of different styles of movies, Villenueva said frankly, "I haven't seen Chen Sicheng's movie yet, but many people have told me about your movie. I'll watch it when I get home." Later, he may feel a little sorry and express his sincere and brave appreciation to Chen Sicheng.

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Villenueva immediately said that if he knew in advance that he was going to meet Chen Sicheng, he would read his work in advance. Chen Sicheng said that he had seen almost all the films directed by Villenueva, "from the scorched Earth City to the arrival of the Border Killer, including Blade Runner 2049." So we Chinese directors and filmmakers should work harder to make our films visible to audiences and directors all over the world. With that, Chen Sicheng also recommended his new work "deciphering" to Villenueva. "there are ten dreams in this film, which is different from my previous works. I am very nervous about this attempt of a new style. Although there have been successful experiences and failed lessons before, this is a new attempt, and it is full of unknown. "

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In Dunes 2, Dennis Villenueva uses a soothing and concise lens to shoot mysterious and poetic images of the vast desert on Uracos, the planet where the Fremans live. His trick is to shoot in the real desert for a few months, making the camera "slow down" as much as possible, and many shots are shown from the protagonist's first perspective. This will increase the realism of the picture and make people feel immersive. Chen Sicheng also agrees with this very much. in the era when virtual technology is becoming more and more mature, he believes that reality is more powerful. "Real scenes, real performances, only by defending reality can we retain the real audience."

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Although there are many sci-fi elements in Dunes 2, such as aircraft and spaceships in various shapes, artificial intelligence and computers are abandoned and banned in the setting of the plot and the time when the story takes place. Dennis Villenueva explained that "technology" is not the theme of the "dune" series, it focuses on "human narrative", it is the human spirit and civilization. When watching Dune 2, Chen Sicheng had a feeling that both the characters in the movie and the giant desert master "Sandworm" in the film gave people a feeling of "deja vu." good artists are awakening some kind of subconsciousness in the hearts of the audience and awakening our common feelings. " Dennis Villenueva agrees with this.

Talk about why so many objects in sci-fi movies are so huge? Dennis Villenueva recalled that he lived by a river when he was a child, and there was a huge nuclear power plant on the other side. Every time he saw these behemoths, he felt full of mystery, as if there was some power hidden behind him. "maybe that's the answer."

Speaking of the difficulty of creation, Dennis Villenueva said that the screenwriting of "Sand Dunes 2" was the most difficult in the whole process, "because the whole writing time and cycle are too tight to allow any mistakes." Chen Sicheng also agrees with this. He revealed that his previous works were all written by himself, and the latest film "decryption", which is adapted from the writer Mai's novel, tries a new way of storytelling. The whole film is made up of "Ten Dreams". "I don't know if the audience will accept this way of storytelling, but seeking innovation and change is what I have always pursued, and this is the fun part of making a movie, because it is full of unknown things." It's like life. "

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With the rapid development of film industry technology, especially the development of human beings in the field of artificial intelligence in recent years, people are worried that one day the audience will no longer go to the cinema to watch movies. In Dennis Villenueva's view, the development of technology does bring a lot of challenges. For example, after the film is released in the cinema, it will be played on the streaming media platform soon, which seems to "divert" the audience, but he later found that the streaming media platform sometimes brings people back to the original viewing experience. After watching the film on the streaming media platform, some people will think of watching the movie in the cinema again. "key cinemas still need to provide a good viewing experience." Chen Sicheng, on the other hand, believes that the "social attribute" of cinema viewing is irreplaceable, and that there should be larger "super cinemas" in the future, which will provide a better viewing experience, instead of deliberately lowering the voice and dimming the light in order to save money, as some cinemas do now. This is tantamount to killing the goose that lays the golden eggs. "excellent movies like Sand Dunes 2 should indeed appeal to the audience to go to the cinema to watch. Because this is the real movie.

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