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China Film made an appointment to show the Lunar New year film list to announce the warm phase across winter.

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With the end of the year coming from autumn to winter, China Film Film's appointment for screenings brings a new theme: "anticipation" across winter warmth. The first thr...

With the end of the year coming from autumn to winter, China Film Film's appointment for screenings brings a new theme: "anticipation" across winter warmth. The first three big-screen works released this time are "the Journey of Lingya", "Manjianghong" and "Walking on the Moon". The opening date of this round of China Film booking is December 13, 2023, and the scheduled screening date is from December 20, 2023 to February 29, 2024. It is worth mentioning that more large screen works will also be announced one after another in this screening cycle, bringing more abundant reservation options for the audience. I believe that this super-long screening cycle will let the unexpected "warm and beautiful" accompany us through the long winter and feel the beautiful temperature of the film in the cinema.

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"Tour of Suzuki"

The movie "the Journey of Bell Bud" is the name of the new Haicheng director. The latest big screen work after "the son of the Weather". The film was released in China in March 2022 and broke the box office record of a Japanese film in China with a box office of 807 million yuan. The Journey of Lingya continues Xin Haicheng's aesthetic picture and beautiful soundtrack as always, and the film condenses the director's thorough reflection and humanistic concern on social issues such as disaster and nature.

The story tells the story of the young girl Lingya (voiced by the original vegetable Naihua) who met the mysterious young man in white, Caotai (voiced by Matsuura Beidou). With curiosity, she followed the youth to a ruins and unwittingly untied some ancient seal. After that, Lingya found that he could see the strange phenomenon that happened before the earthquake, and learned that the young man was originally a closed-door teacher who prevented the accident from happening. From West Japan to East Japan, in the journey of chasing disaster, Suzuka's dusty memory gradually awakened.

As a friendly reminder, during this round of screenings, China Film booked the screening together with "Bell Bud Journey" to create a series of super surprise activities! Be sure to pay attention to participate!

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"Man Jiang Hong"

As a masterpiece of the Spring Festival in 2023, Manjianghong created a brilliant moment in Chinese film history. It caused a sensation during the film's release, and an impassioned song called Manjianghong was repeated by many netizens. Sincere, loyal all his life, the generous feeling of loyalty to serve the country through the ages is still inspiring. The film "Manjianghong" was nominated for the 36th China Golden Rooster Awards and topped the mainland box office with a box office performance of 4.544 billion.

The film is based on the true historical facts of the War of Resistance against Jin in the Southern Song Dynasty, and makes a creative dramatic adaptation of it, telling a suspense story with layers of reversal, and blending comedy elements to reconcile the rhythm of the film. In the airtight courtyard of the deep mansion, all kinds of characters appeared on the stage, and a carefully arranged game of human nature was launched. Everything seems calm but in fact undercurrent is surging, crisis is everywhere, different characters with different worries are involved in the game one after another, and there is a game in the game, and people's intentions are evil, who can finally win in this bloody competition?

Directed by Zhang Yimou and co-starred by Shen Teng, Yi Yi Qianxi, Zhang Yue, Yue Yunpeng, Lei Jiayin and Yue Yunpeng, the film Man Jianghong, through the dramatic interpretation of the historical story, fully interprets the profound feelings of family and country and the lofty spirit of sacrifice. This exciting ancient costume blockbuster returns to the screen this winter, which is bound to bring another shocking experience to the audience.

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"walking on the moon alone"

The film alone Moon, another masterpiece produced by Happy Mahua, was released in July 2022. It sparked a nationwide movie craze with its unique sci-fi comedy setting, and won the top spot at the summer box office with $3.103 billion at the box office. "Walking the Moon alone" is adapted from the cartoon of the same name by South Korean cartoonist Zhao Shi. Through an ironic absurd comedy story, it probes into the deep thinking of how people deal with themselves before facing a great disaster. The film has won many nominations in the 35th China Film Golden Rooster Awards, and successfully won the best art and best music awards.

"Walking alone on the Moon" tells the story of the lonely moon, the intermediate maintenance worker of Project Yuedun (Shen Teng), who was left alone on the moon in an emergency evacuation. As the only human being on the desolate moon, the long solitude left him in despair. When Lone Moon tried to commit suicide, he accidentally found a ferocious kangaroo "Gangzi" in the capsule, from fierce confrontation to mutual companionship, from despair and helplessness to rising to self-rescue. the wonderful escape team from the moon embarked on a lonely journey to self-rescue. At the same time, the earth also launched the rescue of Lonely Moon, and in this self-rescue and rescue concerned by the whole people, the cowardly Lonely Moon has gradually transformed into a human hero.

Different from previous pure comedy or hard sci-fi movies, alone Moon combines science fiction, comedy, disaster, love and other elements. Through the interesting plot design and the wonderful interpretation of the combination of "Shen Ma", the film makes the audience rethink death, loneliness and courage in laughter, and the optimism condensed in it is inspiring.

China Film booking for screening across the winter warm phase "Preview" will officially open the reservation on December 13, 2023. The screening covers more than 1500 cinemas managed by China Film, Shanghai Film, Wanda, Hengdian, CGV and UME. Log in to China Movie expert and Cat's Eye, you can choose the nearby cinema to make an appointment to watch the three high-quality screen masterpieces that are priority to be shown. After the reservation reaches the standard of number of people per show, the cinema will arrange its own screening immediately.

At the same time, during the screening of the theme of "warm Phase across Winter", a number of high-quality large-screen works will be released one after another. The current screening cycle will last until February 29, 2024. As an important part of the distribution of China Film Division, China Film always insists on providing high-quality film sources, bringing an extraordinary audio-visual feast for cinema audiences. Call out your "booking partner" and let's do it together!

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