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The movie "cover it up" revealed that Hui Yinghong rose up to "fight back" to avenge her husband in the special edition of "Blood for Blood".

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Today, the suspense crime film "concealing the World", directed by Chen Zhuo and starring Zhang Junyi, Xu Guanghan, Hui Yinghong and Yin Zheng, releases a special edition...

Today, the suspense crime film "concealing the World", directed by Chen Zhuo and starring Zhang Junyi, Xu Guanghan, Hui Yinghong and Yin Zheng, releases a special edition of Hui Yinghong's "Blood debt and Blood", which deeply unfolds the story behind the civilian Sister Hong (Hui Yinghong). What is the intersection between the powerless and powerless her and Qiao Wenna (Zhang Junyi), the wife of a rich businessman? She is not only blackmailed by Zheng Wei (Xu Guanghan), a greedy policeman, but also oppressed by Gui Minghao (Yin Zheng). There is no place to complain. At a time of desperation, Sister Hong's desperate counterattack opened a new round of high-energy reversal in the film. Can this counterattack turn the tide? Under the reversal of life and death, what is the truth?

The power suppresses the common people and can't bear to rise up against Hui Yinghong and take revenge.

In a special released today, the disappearance of Sister Hong's husband Lu Ping came to light for the first time. Lu Ping was mercilessly pushed off a cliff by Minghao, the son of a congressman, but in the face of his own evil deeds, Minghao understated that "he has no right and no power, and if he dies, he is dead," which exposes his mentality of treating human life like dirt. At the same time, as the family of the victim, Sister Hong ran around with her sick child, only to find a husband and ask for justice, but she repeatedly hit a brick wall, under the suppression of power, the poor like Sister Hong have no place to argue that justice can only endure everything in silence, which is heartbreaking.

With the wanton oppression of the powerful and the inaction of the police, Zheng Wei took advantage of his power to carry out blackmail, and Sister Hong, who was repeatedly suppressed, finally broke out, "is there really no justice in this world?" A roar ignited the anger in her heart, but also rose up and determined to avenge her husband in an extreme way, and ended Minghao's life with a knife. This amazing reversal not only provides a happy sense of vengeance, but also stirs up the direction of the truth and the ending. How will Sister Hong face trial after revenge? How will her story end?

Hui Yinghong performed vengeance for the family in person and repeatedly polished the high-altitude Weiya opera.

Hui Yinghong, who has won numerous awards, has always been recognized by the audience for her acting skills. Hong Jie, played by Hui Yinghong in the film "cover it up", is an ordinary middle-aged woman with no power and no power. At first, she was oppressed and swallowed by power. Finally, she could not bear to kill her enemies, and the role with great dramatic tension once again surprised the audience. In order to create the most real screen effect, Hui Yinghong strives to fight in person. when filming the scene of jumping out of the window and escaping from the hotel, because the outer edge of the wall outside the window is narrow, the actors have to use Weiya to shoot. Hui Yinghong's age leads to her limited physical strength, but she is still determined not to use a stand-in and has been trying to shoot all day. In addition to challenging the difficult parts of the play, Hui Yinghong's dedication to acting is more accurate to every detail. In order to interpret the role as truly and comprehensively as possible, she repeatedly tries different action angles without harming the opposite actors, and is meticulous about the shooting environment, which will be fully incorporated into the character's perspective, taking into account all behavior motivations, and communicate with the crew in time during filming. Zhang Junyi, an actor who worked together, said: "I have a great sense of presence with Hong Jie, and even the emotions I gave you during the play are real." In addition, more powerful actors gather together and look forward to presenting a wonderful reversal show together.

The film "concealing it" is produced by iqiyi Film (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., Zhonghe Qiancheng Film (Wuxi) Co., Ltd., Beijing Zhonghe Qiancheng Film and Television Culture Media Co., Ltd., co-produced by Beijing New Series Culture Media Co., Ltd., starring Zhang Junyi, Xu Guanghan, Hui Yinghong and Yin Zheng.

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