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Wu 'ershan's film "Under the Extraordinary People" releases a new special feature to reveal the world of national customs and abilities behind the scenes

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Today, the fantasy action blockbuster under Inhumans, directed by Wu Ershan, the director of the Divine Trilogy, released a special edition of "Cartoon into reality". Ada...

Today, the fantasy action blockbuster under Inhumans, directed by Wu Ershan, the director of the Divine Trilogy, released a special edition of "Cartoon into reality". Adapted from under one Man, the peak of Guoman, which has more than 30 billion hits, the movie under Inhumans creates a world of national-style powers that has never been seen before: in a corner away from ordinary people, different people take off their camouflage, go to heaven and earth, and move in space. show a very different style of power methods. Whether it is the tit-for-tat confrontation between Zhang Chulan (Hu Xianxu) and Zhang Lingyu (Wu Jiakai), or the close fight between Feng Bao (Li Wanda) and Feng Sayan (Narnaxi) in the bell tower war, all show the unique charm of one move and one style in the power war. Director Urshan said: "you should not only believe that this is a real world, but also make you feel that it is a cartoon-style language telling stories in all aspects."

Behind the inhuman world is the result of the perfect "cooperation" of many departments of the crew. The action group designed unique and highly tense movements for each inhuman, choosing not only the traditional Chinese martial arts that fit it as the basis of the movements, but also the integration of dance, sports and other popular culture elements. The photography team uses a large number of wide-angle lenses, which are rarely used in general films, combined with moco (numerical Control manipulator), high-speed photography and other shooting methods, showing a picture full of cartoon and surreal lenses. Because the wide-angle lens has a wide field of vision, the arrangement of other cameras is easy to cause piercing, so a large number of films are shot in a single position. The lighting group connects every light source in the field to the dimming table to achieve accurate and controllable light source. The psionic effect simulated by interactive light during shooting not only helps the actors perform "immersively", but also makes the light and shadow changes of the environment and characters in the later visual effect picture more natural, as if an urban myth is being staged around. The standardized working method in the movie "under Inhumans" provides a long-running, meticulous and rigorous industrial operation model. From the continuous accumulation of industrial production experience in the film "God-sealed Trilogy" to the further optimization and improvement of the industrialization process in "under Inhumans", Urshan has never stopped promoting the industrialization of Chinese films. The film is specially made by IMAX and will be released nationwide on July 26th.

Behind a power is a martial art Wuershan who "understands" the traditional martial arts.

Before filming, the action group performed an action sample and shocked Hu Xianxu with its own soundtrack visual effect.

In the trailer released earlier, the power war that was blown up by the cool was unforgettable. In the face of all kinds of inhuman "fighting", the audience not only saw the lively, but also saw a lot of ways, and said that "there are many shadows of traditional martial arts." In this regard, director Wu Ershan believes that in the oriental cultural worldview of the movie "Inhumans," each inhuman action system should also find inspiration and design basis in Chinese traditional culture and Chinese traditional martial arts. "everyone's abilities may be related to his personality, and it is very interesting to find traditional martial arts factions or martial arts action styles that match everyone's temperament."

The skills of Zhang Chulan and Zhang Lingyu both come from the famous families of thousands of years. In order to reflect their dignified and powerful characteristics, their Jinguang and Lei methods have incorporated the body methods of traditional martial arts such as Bajiquan and Bagua palms. Although the abilities of the two are highly similar, action director Wu Gang has designed completely different character movement styles, showing the audience that Zhang Lingyu, a "highly meritorious disciple", "has the style of a master", while Zhang Chulan, a male college student, "feels like a wild road." Feng Bao's moves in the film have no routine, "there is no way to win", so Li Wanda practiced all kinds of traditional martial arts movements and Weiya training in "Inhumans training Camp". Shen Chong (Feng Shaofeng), as an exquisite villain who always wears a suit in the movie, chose the crisp and powerful Jeet Kune do as the basis for his powers. Snake boxing is soft and flexible and has very beautiful hand movements, adding amorous feelings to Xia he (Na ran). As for Feng Shayan, whose character is diametrically opposite, the action group uses the open-arm boxing and turning-son boxing in traditional martial arts to express her vigorous character characteristics. In the movie, Liu Yanyan (Lansiya)'s ability is a puppet trick. She has a sense of hip-hop when she manipulates the puppet, because in addition to Taijiquan, the hip-hop movement of hand-throwing dance is also incorporated into the action design. Also combined with the dance is the soul art of Lv Liang (Xiong Wenwen). In order to show that the ability can extract memory from the soul, the action design also combines the traditional tricks and the exquisite fingertip movements of finger dance.

Behind the rich and colorful action play, there is a set of complete workflow, including actor training, action design, hand-drawn mirror, animation preview and shooting action group samples, actor targeted training and live shooting of these six links. Hu Xianxu, who first experienced this sophisticated "assembly line", was very shocked: "our separate mirror is actually made into a small film, and there are even soundtracks and special effects!" In this regard, Urshan explained that the increase in visual effects and even music can "give our actors an intuitive sense of what style of film I want to complete." When shooting action samples, the action group will strictly follow the scene proportion of the art design drawings and use cartons to build a spatial relationship in line with the real scene shooting, so as to ensure the accuracy of lens selection and actors' movements. Co-director Xia Peng said: "the sample shot is accurate, and the real scene can only be sewn together." In the process of shooting the sample, in order to make each move and style accurately in line with the characteristics of the characters, the action design will also be repeatedly considered and modified. Action director Wu Gang even stressed that "we should think about the whole scene with the director's mind" rather than "acting for the sake of the action."

Turn around time and space! Wide-angle lens shows cartoon tension moco with camera presents "time pause"

Tell me where to fight! The precise lighting control simulates the power method to bring the Inhumans War into the real space.

In order to restore the visual tension brought by comic composition and create a unique "freeze" time and space of comics, the photography team also broke with conventional shooting ideas and flexibly used wide-angle lenses and frame changes, and so on. let the film strike an ingenious balance between the film language and the comic style. Wide-angle, which is common in cartoons, is rarely used in general movie language, while the film "under Inhumans" is bold and innovative, using a large number of wide-angle lenses to complete shooting. Zhong Rui, director of photography, explained that, unlike commonly used lenses, the wide-angle lens has a wider field of vision, allowing the picture to accommodate richer content, and at the same time, it will also produce distortion of the picture, "magnifying" the characters and actions being photographed, so that "the sense of the main character is stronger and the action is more exaggerated", thus bringing a cartoon-like visual impact to the audience. Urshan called it "a new film language that comics bring to movies". Whether Zhang Chulan is kicked by Feng Baobao to show the awkward comedy effect, or the overwhelming aura when Feng Zhenghao (Wang Jinsong is acted the role of) makes people bright in front of their eyes. the novel lens makes people seem to have really entered the wonderful and gorgeous world of national style and abilities.

In addition to the presentation of the comic space, the film also restores the special time feeling in the comic style. In a scene in which Jia Zhengyu (Sui Yongliang) manipulates the dragon-pecking cone to stab Feng Bao, the camera uses 120 frames to shoot the moment when the dragon-pecking cone pierces Feng Bao, as if the flow of time slows down, paying homage to the "freeze art" of the cartoon. After Feng was injured, the camera dropped back to the normal frame rate, allowing the time flow rate to return to normal. In addition, the mechanical team also used moco (numerical Control manipulator) to show the trajectory of the dragon-pecking cone under the control of object bending. Moco will strictly follow the pre-set trajectory, its precision and speed can not be achieved by manual operation. Qian Tiantian, director of group B photography, said that it is very important to accurately control the movement of the camera, because it is possible to "increase or reduce the intensity through the operation of the mirror to reflect a kind of action aesthetics."

In addition to the "long guns and short guns" of the photography team and the mechanical team, the control of the light source by the lighting group is also extremely fine. According to the photography director Zhong Rui, the lighting can completely achieve "where to hit and where to hit." Qian Tiantian revealed, "hundreds of lights have their own array and number, and we can design the direction of the light source separately for each lens." The sophisticated lighting system allows the film to get rid of the limitations of a single natural light source, creating a surreal style of light and shadow charm for the power war. When it comes to lighting design, lighting director Liu Kunpeng said frankly that the biggest challenge of the play is the interactive light of the psionic power method. "We need to program different effects according to the presentation of the actors' psionic power methods." From the shimmer of Zhang Chulan's fingertips when he was doing the golden trick, to the colorful shield formed by Shen Chong's usury loan, the color of the face or blue or pink changed gradually, and the simulated power methods of the lights on the spot were presented one by one, which not only made the actors perform with a more sense of substitution, but also made the world of the power more real. Under the dizzying power war, many departments, such as the photography team, the mechanical group and the lighting group, continue to overcome technical problems and challenge the traditional audio-visual system again and again. A cool audio-visual feast is about to begin.

Under the Inhumans is directed by Urshan, written by Wuershan, Sun Jiayu, Wang Lili, Zhou Mengjie, Hu Xian, Hu Xianxu, Li Wanda, Feng Shaofeng, Qiao Zhenyu, Song Ningfeng, Naran, Naxi, Lanxiya, Wu Jiakai, Xiong Wending, Orange Yijie, Liu Chunyan, Sang Ping, Shang Tielong, Liu Xingchen, Sui Yongliang, Han Pengyi, Feng Zhi and other actors. Wang Jinsong specially invited to act. Produced by Shanghai China Literature Film and Television Culture Communication Co., Ltd., Century Changsheng Sky Film (Beijing) Co., Ltd., Tianjin China Literature Film and Television Culture Media Co., Ltd., Xinli Media Group Co., Ltd., Shanghai Taopiao Film and Television Culture Co., Ltd., Huaxia Film Distribution Co., Ltd., Shanghai Tencent Penguin Film and Television Culture Communication Co., Ltd., Beijing Jingxi Culture and Tourism Co., Ltd. Beijing Weimengchuangke Network Technology Co., Ltd., Wanda Film and Television Media Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Hengdian Film Co., Ltd., Xiaohe Miao Enterprise Management (Qingdao) Co., Ltd., Poly Film Investment Co., Ltd., Jiangxi Xinhe Film Co., Ltd., Xinxi (Chongqing) Film Co., Ltd., Sanya Literature and Art Xiaohong Culture Media Co., Ltd. Issued by Xinli Media Group Co., Ltd., Shanghai Taobaopiao Film and Television Culture Co., Ltd., Huaxia Film Distribution Co., Ltd., Century Changsheng Sky Film (Beijing) Co., Ltd., Xinxi (Chongqing) Film Co., Ltd., Sanya Literature and Art Xiaohong Culture Media Co., Ltd., will be released nationwide on July 26.

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