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Xiang Zuo asked Li Shengli to leave Hong Kong: I really don't welcome him, trouble to leave

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On May 23, Xiang Zuo posted a message on his personal social account asking Li Shengli to leave Hong Kong, saying that he really didn't welcome you, especially the behavior of ope...


On May 23, Xiang Zuo posted a message on his personal social account asking Li Shengli to leave Hong Kong, saying that he really didn't welcome you, especially the behavior of opening a nightclub, which made people question his motives.

It is reported that Hong Kong media reported today that Li Shengli, a member of the Korean group BIGBANG, is suspected to have settled in Hong Kong and plans to start a business in East Tsim Sha Tsui to open a night show. There is also news that Li Shengli is buying a luxury house in the Mid-Levels District.

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