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"Miracle Girl" released the ultimate trailer, leading to the simultaneous opening of the movie!

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On August 16, the most anticipated summer girl superhero animated film "Miracle Girl" released the ultimate poster and final trailer. The highest-cost animated film in Fr...

On August 16, the most anticipated summer girl superhero animated film "Miracle Girl" released the ultimate poster and final trailer. The highest-cost animated film in French history, which will be released on Aug. 18, has opened ten cities to watch the movie. At the same time, the film will also hold its Chinese premiere in Beijing today. It is reported that this is the film's premiere in Asia. At that time, 100 coser will participate in the event and clock in.

In this ultimate poster, a number of major characters appear one after another. In the newly released trailer, Marina, an ordinary Sino-French girl living in Paris, who is cowardly and full of sense of justice, is chosen by the power of Miko Fantasy and transformed into a cool superhero in a cool warrior. the girl superhero "Miracle Girl". Fans shouted "special effects explode and funds are burning".

From the perspective of young women, the film describes campus and urban life, showing the audience the female style of "bravery, self-confidence and being yourself" in the new era. "MiraculousLadybug (Miracle Girl)," as a popular French animation IP, has been popular all over the world since its first season in 2015, and has been rated as the "most popular children's show" by Netflix and Disney. International stars Madonna and Jay Chou have publicly stated that their daughters are loyal fans of the series IP. As a masterpiece that fans have been waiting for for seven years, as soon as the news of the introduction of Chinese mainland was released, it immediately aroused heated discussion among fans, and expectations filled up instantly.

The Chinese premiere of "Miracle Girl" will be held in Beijing today, it is reported that some scenes of the film will be restored for fans to take pictures and clock in, and hundreds of coser will participate in the live activities. as soon as the premiere news is released, seats are immediately full, and some fans claim to be rushing to Beijing for the premiere from "Hong Kong" and "Shanghai" respectively.

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