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High-scoring national comic book "Falling into the Dust" and "Love each other" clips exposed the new story of the Weaver Girl, heart-wrenching tears

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On July 23, the summer high-scoring Guoman blockbuster "falling in the Dust" released a full-length clip of "Love each other", which is based on the traditional...

On July 23, the summer high-scoring Guoman blockbuster "falling in the Dust" released a full-length clip of "Love each other", which is based on the traditional Chinese ink painting style, supplemented by the classic gold thread elements in the film. presents a new Zhinu story that is completely different from public perception. Although there is no dialogue in the clip, she portrays the image of Zhinu as brave and tenacious. Zhinu sacrifices her ending for the sake of the rest of the world to make the audience shout "abusive heart" and "tearful", tactfully moving stories and strong emotions overflow the screen.

Heart abuse, tears, new Weaver Girl story resonates

In the film, Jinfeng, a descendant of Vega, has been scolded for his mother's lust for mortals, and he finally uncovers the truth of the exile of his mother and stars, who wants to atone for his mother's sins. It turns out that there is a huge plot behind the crisis between the peace of heaven and man, and when the truth is gradually revealed, an ultimate war about the survival of the two worlds also comes quietly.

In the feature film "Love each other" released today, the god Vega was injured and fell into the world and was saved by a mortal cowherd. Under the care of the cowherd, the weaver girl gradually recovered, and she was moved by the upright and kind-hearted cowherd, and gradually fell in love with each other day and night. From then on, Zhinu started a family with the Cowherd, and successively gave birth to a pair of children, Jin Feng and Yulu, and the family of four had a happy time. Unexpectedly, one day the thunder punishment suddenly fell, and the curtain of the sky was about to be torn apart. In order to avoid suffering, Zhinu used "heartstrings" to make up the curtain of heaven and gave her life. The cowherd also died unfortunately to protect the golden wind and jade dew of his childhood. The two worlds once again return to a short period of peace, but the young golden wind and the swaddling Yulu have become a pair of orphans. Many viewers burst into tears when they saw this scene, lamenting that the story of the Weaver Girl in the film was "completely different from the imaginary story of the Weaver Girl" and "could not stop the tears."

ingenuity and unique Chinese aesthetic painting style won high praise

The release of the feature film "Love each other" shows the original visual style of the film, tamping the new Chinese aesthetic style of the film. Guoman blockbuster, the most popular film in the summer, has received unanimous praise since its release, with 9.5 tickets on Taobao and 9.4 on Maoyan, as well as 9.6 on bilibili's secondary users. Especially on the Douban platform, where fans and young audiences gathered, the score rose from 7.7 to 7.8, and the comprehensive score continued to lead the summer domestic films.

With the new interpretation of the legend of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl, the high-burning adventure of the golden wind and Yulu fairy brothers and sisters, the majestic and beautiful visual effects, and even the touching soundtrack, the film has gained the love of a large number of audiences. During the 5-year production cycle, more than 50 professional teams and more than 2000 artists worked together to protect the final presentation of the film. In the film, two pieces of two-dimensional painting style are called by the audience as "the finishing touch", "extremely eye-catching in a large number of domestic animation works." Some audiences were shocked by the beautiful painting style: "the picture is excellent, and the fusion of several painting styles should not be too beautiful. I most like the painting style of the scene in which the cowherd and the weaver girl met. I also like it very much, and the love of affection saves the world!" Some viewers were amazed by the new Zhinu story: "Zhinu came to earth not because of an affair, but to protect sentient beings, and fell in love with a cowherd because 'feelings are mortal magic', not vulgar clothes theft."... Audiences have turned into "tap water" to cheer for the film, recommending that both adults and children can go to the cinema.

The film Luofan Dust is produced by Guangdong Yongsheng Animation Co., Ltd., bilibili Film (Tianjin) Co., Ltd., Beijing Alibaba Film Culture Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Dongyang small Universe Film and Television Media Co., Ltd., Guangdong Yongsheng Film Co., Ltd. Youku Information Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd., Yindu Institution (Guangzhou) Film and Television Culture Co., Ltd., Youku Film Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Iron Fan Digital Technology Co., Ltd. The summer dark horse word-of-mouth takes the lead, and the high score Guoman "falling to the Dust" is in a hot movie.

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