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Godzilla vs. King Kong II: the rise of the Empire (temporary translation) the first announcement and poster of Monster Universe will meet its strong enemies again.

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The new "Monster Universe" series "Godzilla vs. King Kong: the rise of the Empire", jointly created by legendary Pictures and Warner Bros. and directed by Adam...

The new "Monster Universe" series "Godzilla vs. King Kong: the rise of the Empire", jointly created by legendary Pictures and Warner Bros. and directed by Adam Wingard (Godzilla vs. King Kong), released its first official trailer and poster today. Godzilla and King Kong "Top Stream" have made a surprise appearance with a new look! Covered with pink dorsal fins, Godzilla awakens in chaos and returns to its mission-the human world! And King Kong this time the same "equipment upgrade", a huge mechanical glove power! In addition, there is a mysterious appearance of a new character-the monster villain "scar King" is full of grumpiness, what kind of threat will it bring to the monster and human world? Will Godzilla and King Kong fight together again or will they go their separate ways? Modification and upgrading will bring stronger combat strength! The combination of the two kings has a strong return, and the sense of pressure is overwhelming! A splendid joint war against the enemy is about to begin, and the ancient battle about the origin of beasts will eventually be unveiled. Please look forward to more highlights!

Monster "Top flow" modified skin surprise appearance fierce villains plot sinister layout

In the first poster released today, Godzilla and King of Kings pose for battle, and the brand-new modified skin shows "top-class" demeanor! At the same time, the fighter planes flying in the air seem to indicate that mankind will do all its strength to fight with them against foreign enemies! In the first preview, the magnificent pictures symbolizing human civilization continue to flash-the deep and vast cliff bay and the majestic pyramids instantly involve the audience in the unique grand narrative atmosphere of "Monster Universe"! With the phrase "We think that life exists only on the surface of the earth, what misconceptions do we have?" the mysterious inner world slowly unfolds in front of everyone-dark nests, frightening "Kumgang" skulls and hordes of slaves. all of them hint at the appearance of the new villain "scar King" in the Monster Universe, and a hideous and sinister plot may be quietly being laid out.

As soon as the camera turns, King Kong Meng appears wearing huge mechanical gloves! "King Kong can't stop all this alone" reveals the invincible destructive power and combat effectiveness of this powerful villain. Before the words fell, Godzilla, who had been sealed for a long time, seemed to be awakened by the call, and made his debut with a new shape of pink dorsal fin, which made the audience sigh with surprise. With the changing situation in the inner world, how will King Kong and Godzilla join forces to fight the villains? What is the role of another mysterious character, Mini Kong, in this process? All the secrets are waiting to be revealed.

*word-of-mouth supernatural monster the new * new roles in the series of movies have aroused great expectation.

As a widely recognized and successful series of works around the world, the "Monster Universe" series has grossed nearly $2 billion at the global box office, and the cumulative box office in mainland China is as high as 3.811 billion yuan. The new film Godzilla vs. King Kong: the rise of the Empire, as the fifth film in the Monster Universe series, has attracted the attention of countless fans since the official announcement of the title of the film. people not only look forward to Godzilla and King Kong Titan behemoths falling in love and fighting each other again, but also infinitely curious about the new monsters that will appear in the geocentric world.

Especially in the previously exposed role posters, the new villain "scar King" appeared ferociously and domineering, which was particularly frightening against the red blood handprints. After that, the first trailer fully demonstrated the brutal state of its command of a large number of slaves, full combat strength coefficient, and gained countless attention! Not only that, another new character "Mini King Kong" through the fog and King Kong meet the scene also satisfy the audience appetite, the seemingly harmonious relationship between the two may unlock the "new" plot trend. What kind of magic will Godzilla and King Kong, who can be called the top two monsters, catalyze so many unknown new roles this time? King for hegemony waiting for the opportunity to move, a sound dripping, shock and awe of the invincible war is about to begin, it is worth looking forward to!

Godzilla vs. King Kong: the rise of the Empire is co-produced by legendary Pictures and Warner Brothers, produced by legendary Pictures and directed by Adam Wingard. Rebecca Hall, Brian Terry Henry, Dan Stevens, Kelly Hortel, Alex Veens and Chen Farrah co-starred. The film is scheduled for release in North American theaters and IMAX theaters in 2024.

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