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Shen Teng premiered as a foreign villain with Allen imitating Mary Weixiang's surprise eggs.

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Jiuzhi.com movie Beijing News yesterday, the happy twist fantasy comedy "Super Family" held the premiere of "laughter is a superpower" in Beijing. The film's di...

Jiuzhi.com movie Beijing News yesterday, the happy twist fantasy comedy "Super Family" held the premiere of "laughter is a superpower" in Beijing. The film's director, Song Yang, starring Allen, Shen Teng, Tao Hui, Zhang Qi, Han Yanbo and Bai Lina gathered together to share the joy with the audience. After the premiere, "laughter" and "happiness" are the words most frequently mentioned by the audience, and they are also the most intuitive feelings of everyone watching the movie. In the movie, Allen and his super-powerful but unreliable families "fall in love and kill each other", working together against the villains with "money power", the whole process is full of jokes. Some viewers sighed, "they clapped their thighs and got high," while the audience said, "it's so happy to be able to laugh with the people around me."

There was a lot of laughter during the movie, and it was full of laughter during the interaction. Song Yang, Allen and Shen Teng restored Ma Li Wei Xiang's "translated cavity Egg" in the film, and the full "flavor of Northeast China" was matched with the translation cavity, which made the whole audience laugh, and the comedian's wonderful performance was a pleasant surprise. When asked "does comedy affect appearance", Allen warmly replied, "to make everyone happy is our capital to stay handsome." On one side, Shen Teng humorously said, "it seems that it is really difficult to find someone as good as our facial features to act in a comedy." the unexpected throw of the stem made the whole audience laugh. Everyone also revealed many behind-the-scenes anecdotes and shared the precious memories of the happy mahua family. The atmosphere at the scene was joyous and warm. Some audiences said that the film was not only funny, but also felt the director's intention, "full of fairy tale visual style, full of imagination", but also could not help but to his friend Amway, "rest assured that happiness is over." The film will be released nationwide on July 21, and pre-sales are in full swing.

*Song Yang Allen Shen Teng was praised as "Guardian of the punchline"**

audience : fun decompression, summer vacation without comedy is incomplete ! **

"Super Family" watching the scene, the happy atmosphere filled the audience, one after another laughter has become a unique way of "communication". After the premiere, some viewers lamented, "the summer vacation without comedy is incomplete," and the audience said that they laughed very much. "laughter can really relieve stress, and you have to watch comedy for happiness!"

Before watching the movie, many audiences expressed their expectations for the happy "iron triangle" of director Song Yang, Allen and Shen Teng, which was the reunion of the three on the big screen after the "shy Iron fist", which made people look forward to what kind of happiness they would create this time. After watching the film, the audience lamented, "it is indeed a happy twist, laughing numb, Song Yang Allen Shen Teng is simply my laughing point guardian." Another audience said, "it was so cool that the lights were on at the end of the film, and there was still a giggle on everyone's face."

Allen's delicate performance is so pleasantly praised

*Director Song Yang I hope you can see more faces of Allen**

After watching the film, many viewers said they were surprised by Allen and saw his handsome and delicate sense of delicacy. In the movie, Allen plays Zheng Qian, who does not have superpowers, but is the "superpower Wi-Fi" of his family.

In order to use his superpower against the villain who covered the sky with one hand, Zheng Qian formed a group with his family, which also brought about new changes in his feelings towards his family. In a crying scene of a family quarrel, Allen exquisitely shows the inner contradictions and complex feelings of the character, which is impressive. Some viewers said frankly, "seeing a different Allen can not only be funny, but also distract, playing a very plump role."

Allen's delicate performance of poking tears in the film made director Song Yang say frankly, "in fact, Allen is very open, but the audience first knew him. He was the role of 'Dachun' in Charlotte's annoyance. He was too impressed." But Allen has a lot of faces, and I hope to release him through more movies and works. Allen does very well in every aspect. " Han Yanbo, who plays the invisible father, said bluntly, "although Allen did not show up in that scene, when we saw him brush down with tears, it aroused the emotions of all of us." Sister Bailina also shared, "when I saw my brother crying, I couldn't help crying."

*Shen Teng's premiere of a foreign villain , "honest quotation" is so funny**

*audience : phenomenal villains! how come it's kind of cute**

This time, Shen Teng plays the foreign villain Qiqikov, the most distinct personality is "honesty", when the villain has the strong attribute of an honest man, the contrast person is set to fill up the sense of joy, some audience said with a smile, "Qikikov is simply stepping on my laughing point friction." In particular, Qiqikov's "honest Quotations" frequently hit the laughter of the audience. "seal off the crime scene and find my criminal evidence", "what can be hidden, tuck it to who", "lying weirdo, you are not afraid of a long nose", very funny. Some viewers said bluntly, "Qikikov is a phenomenal villain, how can he be a little cute in the abominable?"

Director Song Yang shares Allen Shen Teng's drunken fame behind the scenes

*Allen I seem to be drinking with King Golden Horn**

This time, Shen Teng plays the foreign villain Qiqikov, the subversive shape of "Big back and hooked nose" is very powerful, "New skin" makes many viewers can't recognize it, and his "honest Quotations" that he never lies makes the audience smile from ear to ear. In addition, Qikikov also contributed a lot of famous scenes that were discussed by the audience. "Zheng Qian and Qiqikov simply laughed when they rolled the dice" and "Qikikov was playing me when he was drunk." the audience loved the scene of Allen's drunken fame, and director Song Yang also shared Shen Teng's funny speech on the scene. "Brother Teng said that when filming this scene with Allen, it was especially like the King of Golden Horn and the King of Silver Horn in Journey to the West." Allen agreed again and again. "Brother Teng's nose is the same as that of King Golden Horn. From my point of view, he seems to be drinking with King Golden Horn," which makes everyone laugh.

Ma Li Wei Xiang's "Northeast Translation tune" was inspired by Shen Teng

Changyuan "singing and dancing" is too pleasant to come out

In the movie, the appearance of Ma Li, Wei Xiang and Chang Yuan really surprised many audiences. Although they only appeared in the play for a few minutes, there was a lot of joy. Ma Li Wei Xiang staged a dialogue of "translated accent", which seemed to be serious, but it was very interesting to miss the Northeast dialect track from time to time. The scene of the premiere also exposed the inspiration for the egg, which is the real story that Shen Teng experienced: when he was at school, he really saw a production with a Northeast accent and transliteration. Allen, Shen Teng and Song Yang even came to the scene for a period of vivid imitation of the "colored eggs" and laughed at the whole audience. Chang Yuan, who plays Allen's subordinate, directly "sings and dances" in order to please the boss, trying hard but funny is hilarious. Director Song Yang said frankly: the film has a super family, but also a happy mahua family.

fantasy comedy blockbuster, * all-age jokes**

*superpower "fairy tale" , adults and children all sigh "full of imagination"**

In the movie, Zheng Qian's family has super abilities, his sister can fly, his grandfather will not die, his father will be invisible, and his sister will be powerful. The key to triggering the superpower is that the family must be together, the superpower setting that seems invincible but full of limitations, causing a lot of laughter. The family made a fool of themselves in the process of controlling the confrontation between superpowers and villains. Some viewers laughed and said, "this family has a conspicuous bag and laughs at my heart." the burden without a threshold hit the laughter of audiences of all ages.

This time, director Song Yang not only devoted himself to the elaborate design of the punchline baggage, but also made an overall improvement in the sense of the movie, such as taking scenes abroad, making real locomotives at 1:1, and shooting snowscape materials in Changbai Mountain, all of which contributed to visual presentation. After the premiere, some viewers said, "it's fun to laugh and watch, and the visual style is full of fairy tale, very imaginative, and two hours away from the pressure of reality."

*Tao Hui "flies in the sky every day"

Zhang Qi "plug door" style disco super high

At the premiere, Tao Hui, who plays the sister of "Flying Apsaras", specially appeared as an explosive head in the film. Because of the superpower of "Flying Apsaras," Tao Hui is the "owner of the most Weiya plays" in the family, but when it comes to behind the scenes, Tao Hui says that the difficulty is not worth mentioning. "it's actually very fun, flying in the sky every day." she also laughed that she sometimes had the illusion that she really had "Flying Apsaras" superpowers.

Stepping on the audience is also grandpa Zhang Qi, who has the "immortal" superpower. In the movie, Grandpa's part of a "plug-in" bungee disco made the audience laugh. In order to shoot the scene, Zhang Qi, the grandfather of the post-50s generation, tilted and rotated more than 50 times in a high-speed wheelchair. Many young viewers sighed, "I didn't expect to be able to do such a disco, but I failed to learn." In the film, teacher Zhang Qi has a lot of difficult parts. Although he is not young, he still chooses to play himself. He also says frankly that he "tries his best to leave no regrets and hopes to present a perfect performance."

**Han Yanbo plays his peer father in "Young Age and Big Generation"

**the "cute" Bailina had a strong sense of contrast when she acted for the first time.

In the movie, the father with the stealth ability also contributed a lot of jokes, especially when the naked superpower suddenly failed, the audience laughed and said, "too funny, he is the emperor's new clothes, he is the emperor's invisibility."

Because of his invisibility ability, Han Yanbo had to fight shirtless in the sub-zero winter. "the hardest thing is not the cold, but dancing naked in front of a group of strange foreigners," Han said with a smile. A "cold knowledge" was also shared at the scene. Han Yanbo, who plays his father, is actually the same age as Allen in reality.

Although Bailina, who plays the younger sister of "Power", is acting for the first time, the lovely interpretation of Ghost Horse has won the love of many audiences. In the play, she is naughty and naughty, relying on a powerful brain to blow away the world, and never speak what can be done, while outside the play, Belina is sweet and lovely, and the contrast is full of surprises. Bailina modestly said that she was taken care of by everyone on the filming site. referring to a comment on the director, Bailina said frankly that Director Song Yang was like a "very gentle primary school teacher." director Song Yang also kept praising Bai Lina, "although she has never learned to act, but some of her natural expressions have an unexpected sense of joy and unexpected gains."

Happy twist 20 years old full of spirits

all the creators of "stage curtain call" are so moved

In everyone's impression, happy mahua is synonymous with happiness. Happiness seems simple, but in fact it is not easy. This year marks the 20th anniversary of the founding of Happy Mahua. Over the past 20 years, Happy Mahua has persisted in conveying happiness through comedy, delighting laughter to the audience. Shen Teng, as a veteran member of Happy Mahua, sincerely thanked the audience, "will try to choose a good role, a good script, and every performance will not let everyone down." Director Song Yang also said frankly, "Thank you for liking happy mahua, we will always strive to create happiness." Director Song Yang said that Happy Mahua started the stage play, so at the end of the premiere, Director Song Yang led all the creators to end the curtain call in the form of a happy twist stage drama: each creator joined hands and bowed to thank the audience. Thank you frankly for your support over the years. I hope that no matter on the stage or on the screen, it will bring more laughter to the audience, and the atmosphere at the scene is warm and touching.

The movie "the Super Family" will be released nationwide during the summer vacation on July 21.

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