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The story of Zhang Wansen and Lin Beixing shines into reality in the special episode of "twinkling stars" and "about secret love".

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Phenomenon-level IP movie of the same name "A Flash and a Shining Star" released today "About Secret Love" special edition, leading star Qu Chu Xiao Zhang Jian...


Phenomenon-level IP movie of the same name "A Flash and a Shining Star" released today "About Secret Love" special edition, leading star Qu Chu Xiao Zhang Jianing to interpret their eyes between the star CP secret love, more online celebrity couples share their secret love stories, jointly discuss the purest, the most beautiful inner feelings. The pre-sale box office of the film has exceeded 200 million yuan, and the total number of people who want to see the cat's eye has reached 1.7 million. Directed by Chen Xiaoming and Zhang Pan, starring Qu Chuxiao and Zhang Jianing, starring Fu Jing, Jiang Yunlin and Niu Chao, Tian Zhuangzhuang specially starring and Sha Yi Friendship starring, the film will be reunited with the audience on December 30. It is now in pre-sale.

"Secret love is only dare to secretly project the hot eyes" Many couples true secret love story straight to the heart

In the movie "A Shining Star," the male lead Zhang Wansen (Qu Chuxiao) has been praised as "Secret Love Ceiling." Today's release of the "About Secret Love" special, invited several pairs of online celebrity couples to chat together about the heart and sweetness of the secret love stage. When talking about what kind of feelings secret love is, we often say, is "if someone asks me worry, I dare not say your name" shy timid; is "eager for her to know, but do not want her to know" entangled hesitation; more is "secret love is the prelude to love, this state will let two people slowly close" joy look forward to, the true portrayal of the secret love aroused countless people's resonance. Everyone also shared the moment of love, these moments illuminate each other's hearts, as Zhang Jianing, who plays Lin Beixing, said: "Everyone's secret crush is actually like a beam of light." Even though Lin Beixing felt that she was "very ordinary," in Zhang Wansen's heart, she was that beam of light.

The lovers who reveal their true feelings can be called "Zhang Wansen and Lin Beixing" in reality. After watching it, netizens sigh "being poked". When asked "If you do it again, how would you choose" in the special edition, almost everyone chose "love TA again", such a firm choice pokes the heart, Zhang Jianing said frankly: "Only your firm choice, will have a firm choice of you." Qu Chuxiao also said: "Don't give up this process because you worry about nothing. The process is more important than the result."

Creator devotes himself to creating "Secret Love Ceiling" roadshow, live millions of netizens vote for the location

In the process of creating stories, the creators also have their own thoughts on secret love. Director Chen Xiaoming once said in an interview: "The happiest thing about secret love is echo. The power of pure love can give people hope." Director Zhang Pan also said: "We want to use the ultimate secret love to express that kind of special pure state." Zhang Wansen isn't a perfect character. He just likes Lin Beixing. He just did what he likes Lin Beixing to do." The creators 'deep understanding of secret love makes Zhang Wansen and Lin Beixing's secret love story more delicate and touching. Netizens praised: "A Twinkle, a Twinkle Star" is indeed a 'secret love ceiling'. Everyone is really good at controlling the state of secret love!"

At present, the pre-sale box office of the movie "One Shining Star" has exceeded 200 million yuan, and the cat's eye wants to see a total of 1.7 million yuan. Earlier, many fans shouted on social platforms that they hoped the film could come to their own city roadshow. For this reason, the official and fans went to each other in both directions, and specially announced that there would be two roadshow locations that could be voted for by the audience. After voting opened, more than 1.1 million netizens participated in it, and the scene was hot. On December 9, the voting results of the "Love Echo" roadshow were announced, and Henan and Shandong won high votes, which shows the enthusiasm of netizens in both places. Nowadays, watching "A Sparkle and a Sparkling Star" has become the first choice for many audiences to feel the New Year ceremony. I hope that in the romantic atmosphere of the movie, the audience can feel love and blessing and harvest their romantic love in the new year.

The film "One Flash and One Shining Star" is produced by Beijing Cool Whale Film and Television Culture Industry Development Co., Ltd., Tianjin Cat's Eye Microfilm Culture Media Co., Ltd., Huaxia Film Distribution Co., Ltd., China Film Creative (Beijing) Film Co., Ltd., Horgos Lianrui Trojan Film and Television Media Co., Ltd., etc. Wang Feng serves as the chief producer, Wang Chen serves as the producer, Chen Xiaoming, Zhang Pan, Duan Yule, Wang Yichao, Chen Xiaoming screenwriter, Qu Chuxiao, Zhang Jianing lead starring, Fu Jing, Jiang Yunlin and Niu Chao starred, Tian Zhuangzhuang starred specially, Sha Yi starred in friendship. It will be released nationwide on December 30 and is now open for pre-sale.

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