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Qixi Festival changed her thoughts into each other! The premiere of "missing each other" is so sweet and touching.

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On August 18, the premiere of the movie "missing each other" was held in Beijing. Director Liu Yulin, original / producer Zhang Haochen, actors Liu Haocun, Song Weilong,...

On August 18, the premiere of the movie "missing each other" was held in Beijing. Director Liu Yulin, original / producer Zhang Haochen, actors Liu Haocun, Song Weilong, Bu Guanjin, Guo Cheng, Zhang Lei and Guo Keyu were present together. In the movie, the valiant thoughts (Liu Haocun) and the four fires of the second year of Middle School (Song Weilong), from the competition of blood and joy to the two-way secret love of each other, accompany each other with a unique youth. Also let the audience return to that beautiful period of youth. Countless details of the heart in the film, the brave confessions after the two reunited, all made the audience say "it is so sweet to be in straight-ball love", and the pure love soldiers fell to the ground one after another.

"at the first hour, 25 minutes and 22 seconds of the movie, there is something I want to say to you; at the first hour, 35 minutes and 25 seconds of the movie, I want your answer." In addition to the warm blood of youth and the sweet and sour love of secret love, the film's resonance about "never forget" also makes the audience feel deeply. And the ritual feeling that "it is better to miss than to meet" conveyed inside and outside the film has also given courage to the audience at the coming moment of Qixi Festival. At the end of the premiere ceremony, the youth group of Liu Haocun, Song Weilong, Bu Guanjin, and Guo Cheng also playfully demonstrated how Qixi Festival invited the people he liked to watch the movie. This year, Qixi Festival said goodbye to the person he was thinking about and bravely said, "I like you." At present, the film is in a hot pre-sale.

warm-blooded youth from choking to heartbeat

replace the feeling of Laman, Liu Haocun, Song Weilong, cooperate and return to school for the first time

In the movie, nostalgia and Sihuo got into trouble because of misunderstanding, from the play between deskmates to the basketball match, scenes of youth were joyful and sweet, and the ignorant feelings of youth also began to sprout unconsciously. Speaking of the role, Liu Haocun said: "the idea is like a little hedgehog wrapped in a hard shell and didn't open itself until it met the four fires." Song Weilong also said: "Sihuo is very energetic and can give himself and his friends in the movie a lot of energy." This is also the first time that Liu Haocun and Song Weilong have worked together to shoot a youth campus film. Back on campus, they have gone through an unforgettable journey together in the identity of thoughts and four fires. The two felt that they had a tacit understanding of cooperation, and Liu Haocun also shared the feeling of filming with you. "A few little friends really feel like a campus together every day."

After watching the movie, many audiences also gave such comments as "very young, very real and not hypocritical" and "thought of their high school life after watching it". When talking about the "conspicuous bag" behavior of Sihuo wearing a skirt, Song Weilong said he was actually very excited when filming. "Sihuo's willingness to gamble and admit defeat is very man, and he is also apologizing to Niu Niu." The director also mentioned that the happy scene of Sihuo fighting with his buddies on the playground in a skirt also happened naturally on the set. "this is the energy of youth." These happy and warm-blooded scenes constitute the living memories that we never forget in our youth. At the scene, the Youth Gang of four also conducted a wave of fancy heart-to-heart competition. Liu Haocun and Song Weilong, Bu Guanjin and Guo Cheng contributed a lot of famous scenes and sent Qixi Festival's sweet wishes to the audience, and the atmosphere was very happy.

Bu Guanjin Guo Cheng talked about campus memory "moved by the details of youth"

**Zhang Lei, the "national head teacher", amused the audience, Guo Keyu, that youth was beautiful.

In the movie, there are not only happy and warm-blooded fights, but also countless real details of youth. Bu Guanjin shared: "there will be post-it notes on the desks in the classroom. Although they may not be photographed on camera, they are very real." When I put on my school uniform and sat in the classroom, I felt in a trance that I had returned to that period of youth. Guo Cheng also mentioned that many of the plots in the film really happened while studying. Coupled with the meticulous setting of the scene, there was a great sense of substitution. "the Brotherhood between the road view and the four fires makes us stupid and feels sorry for our brothers, which is also a microcosm of our youth." Through these carefully designed small details, the audience also seems to see their own youth.

In addition to the four young protagonists, the film also starred in Gao Yalin, Ni Hongjie, Zhang Lei, especially starring Guo Keyu and other powerful actors, their joining brought a lot of surprises to the film. Guo Keyu, who plays nostalgic mother, lamented after watching the film, "this film is like fresh air. Hao Cun and Wei long's eyes are very clean, and youth itself is very beautiful." Zhang Lei, an actor affectionately known as the "national head teacher" by netizens, returned to his "old business" in the film and played the role of a head teacher. His appearance surprised the audience, saying that "it was as if he had returned to the high school classroom". "he stood there with the momentum of a head teacher." Zhang Lei also improvised a lot of soul lines on the set, each of which made people seem to see his former teacher, causing constant laughter. Guo Cheng also praised at the premiere: "the teacher's improvisation is so great."

the two-way secret love hidden in the details is beautiful and resonates

**the live "contentment" chorus is full of emotion.

Perhaps there is an unforgettable person at the bottom of everyone's heart, and because of this, the story of thoughts and four fires from heartbeat to missing and finally reunited will resonate innumerably. From like not knowing to walking into each other's world, I thought it was four flames of secret love, but I didn't realize that I had already been preempted by it. At the end of the film, the active confession of reading moved the audience even more, causing many viewers to say bluntly that "pure love is the best existence."

In the movie, the first song I want to share with Sihuo on the bus is "contentment". The "perfect" whispered behind my back made many audiences show their aunt's smile. When the two were reunited, Sihuo put on headphones for his thoughts, playing his own song "contentment". People who like you will always remember your every preference, and such pure love details also resonate with the audience. Zhang Haochen also expressed the hope that the film can "show everyone the initial heartbeat of love." At the premiere, the creators also sang the song "contentment". Familiar with the warm melody brought the audience back to that good time, and many audiences also took the initiative to join the chorus, moving and romantic.

Zhang Haochen talked about the original intention of the adaptation to "turn the ending into a candy"

Director Liu Yulin encourages everyone to "Qixi Festival misses you in disguise"

The film "Reading and forgetting" is adapted from the short story of the same name in Zhang Haochen's best-selling work "I am only one you from the World". It took eight years to prepare from the novel to the film, and the script was revised many times in the middle. to become the final appearance on the screen. It is worth mentioning that, compared with the original work, the film has brought you a happy ending, so that many fans of the original work said that "satisfactory".

Talking about the original intention of the adaptation, Zhang Haochen also said: "the original story was written eight or nine years ago, and there have been a lot of changes in the past few years, and people will experience a lot of difficulties in their lives, so they leave the ending of be in the original work, hoping that the ending of the film can become a candy for the audience." Director Liu Yulin also said that he wanted to give everyone the blessing of "never forgetting" through this film, saying bluntly, "I hope the film can give you the courage to say what you haven't said in your heart for a long time and meet the person you really want to see." Audiences have also said that watching such a film in Qixi Festival is very ceremonial. "after reading the brave straight ball of the four flames, they also have the courage to confess to the people they like."

The film "missing each other" is directed by Liu Yulin, supervised by Zhang Haochen, starred by Liu Haocun, Song Weilong, Bu Guanjin and Guo Cheng, specially starred by Gao Yalin, Ni Hongjie and Zhang Lei, and starred by Guo Keyu. The pre-sale of the movie is going on, and we look forward to meeting Qixi Festival!

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