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"The oriole is behind!" Exposure of "Small Town Unsolved Case"Story Special Feature of Cruel People Gather for Love Blackening Step by Step to See Blood

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The movie "the Yellow Sparrow is behind!" "Today, we released a special story about the unsolved case in a small town, revealing the various novelty-seeking elements...

The movie "the Yellow Sparrow is behind!" "Today, we released a special story about the unsolved case in a small town, revealing the various novelty-seeking elements and vivid images behind the case, and exposing the creative process behind the film for the first time. The film not only has dense suspense elements, stories and characters are set to hunt for novelty, but also has its own thought-provoking core under the appearance of "everyone doing evil". It not only conveys the ultimate impact, but also has its own thought-provoking core. In order to create a high-quality sense of suspense, the creative team is fully prepared to polish the real state of the characters, full of sincerity in front and behind the scenes. The film revolves around a bizarre homicide on a summer night ten years ago, uncovering the hidden secrets of a remote town. Everyone does evil, blood is seen step by step, behind the strange and treacherous cold case, who is the real killer? The film will be released on April 3, breaking the Qingming Festival with the national audience.

*uncover the mystery behind the mystery of the town of sentient beings many kinds of killings are caused by love**

The special story of "unsolved case in a small Town" starts with the focus of the case and the setting of characters, and further interprets this bizarre and treacherous murder case, showing the suspense atmosphere of the film. The story takes place in a remote town and has a strong sense of separation from the ever-changing metropolis. The town is solidified day by day, lack of resources, calm and happy on the surface, but everyone is eager for a rare opportunity, waiting for the upwind to turn around, but they do not realize that the so-called way out has to fight for their lives. At the head of the murder, powerful officials, promiscuous gamblers Zheng Wei (Huang Jue), fugitive poisonous Xu Gang (Zhang Haiyu) and other suspects are held hostage by money, power and love, which seems to have their own reasons and ghosts. What is surprising is that the seemingly powerless housewife Xiao Yazhen (Tao Hong) is also suspected. The cunning of abusing power for personal gain, the madness of exchanging lives for money, regardless of the bottom line of desire. The elements of curiosity are intensively intertwined, and the truth is becoming more and more complicated and confusing. The film staging ignites the curiosity of the audience, and many viewers cannot hide their expectations, saying that they "see the shadow of real social news" and "feel my heart hanging in my throat."

Behind the multiple elements of criminal suspense, the emotional attribute of the film is initially revealed. "each of them is to protect the people they want to protect," the director said. The emotional core behind the film: under the shell of suspense, he finally wants to tell a story about love. Drug addict Xu Gang risked his life to commit murder, not hesitating to "save more money for his daughter." Xiao Yazhen, who is in a weak position in the family, made an extreme choice to protect the family. Even so, let "evil" grow wantonly, irrational they will eventually be led to an irreparable abyss. "everyone does evil" all because of love, "see blood step by step" all because of love. Why does the flower of love bear the fruit of evil? Where will the sin in the name of love take this cold case? A lot of suspense will be left for the cinema on April 3.

*"immersive crew" will be the ultimate story in good faith landing the texture is in favor of Qingming File first choice**

In order to create a more realistic environment in the southern coastal town and better fit the tense and suspense atmosphere needed by the film's plot, the crew used a large number of rain scenes, shooting 30 rain scenes in 2 days, repeatedly polishing every detail. Under the blessing of the real rain, the despair and helplessness when forced into a desperate situation, the anger and madness when wielding a knife at the weaker, fear, helplessness, frustration …... All kinds of emotions have been fully presented, and the state of "ruthless people" is becoming more and more extreme. Whether it is extortion, buying and selling, or revenge, the plot full of dramatic conflicts is accompanied by the high-quality presentation of real-scene shooting, which brings the realistic texture of the film to the extreme. Many netizens felt the close connection between the film and reality, and speculated that the plot of the film echoed with a series of real cases.

From the early preparation to the official shooting, the actors strive for excellence in the whole process, and strive to create the most real characters. Feng Shaofeng specially followed the Interpol Brigade to collect style before shooting, participated in a 15-day actual combat exercise, and enriched and improved the character setting from the details by observing the police case and experiencing the real life of the police force. Tao Hong tries different interpretations of the same scene and action repeatedly to find the best expression of the character's response. Zhang Haiyu starved for the play and lost weight for 12 days, only to fit the image of the addict who "traded his life for money" and maximize the restoration of the character itself. With the most extreme performance, they truly presented the bizarre murder in front of the audience, and all the blood, roar, struggle and confrontation seemed within reach, causing netizens to shout "feel like they are immersive in solving the case" and "feel so real across the screen." The film, which is full of powerful actors, has won numerous praises for its all-round ingenuity and sincerity, and has become the first choice for Qingming Festival in the eyes of many audiences.

The movie "the Yellow Sparrow is behind!" Produced by Beijing Zhonghe Qiancheng Film and Television Culture Media Co., Ltd., Tianjin Maoyan Weiying Culture Media Co., Ltd., Shanghai Huanyan Culture Media Co., Ltd., Zhonghe Qiancheng Film (Wuxi) Co., Ltd. Shanghai Zhonghe Qiancheng Film and Television Culture Media Co., Ltd., Shanghai Maoyan Film Co., Ltd., Zhu porcelain Film (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., Beijing Da Yin Guang Shi Culture Media Co., Ltd., Beijing he Rui Film Culture Media Co., Ltd., Beijing Qianlang Film Co., Ltd., co-produced by Xu Wei and he Wenchao, supervised production by Tao Hong and starring Feng Shaofeng, Tao Hong and Huang Jue Su Xin, Zhang Haiyu, Huang Mengying, Chen Yutong and Yang Xier starred, Tu Songyan and Fan Deng specially starred, Huang Xiyan starred in surprise, which will be released nationwide on April 3.

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