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The Beijing premiere of "Block the Horse and Grab the Knife" on January 25, the story of the Yang family began in full swing

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The movie "blocking the Horse and seizing the Dao" is very popular in iqiyi Yun Cinema. This film starts from Yang Lao Ling Gong Yang Ye's exile in Liao after his death i...

The movie "blocking the Horse and seizing the Dao" is very popular in iqiyi Yun Cinema. This film starts from Yang Lao Ling Gong Yang Ye's exile in Liao after his death in the war, depicting the feminine charm of Yang's female generals and the heroic and loyal generals in the army. In the film, martial opera and opera blend in a unique way to reproduce the classic legend of the Yang family.

The revenge trio worked together to win the knife and write a new chapter in the story of Yang Men.

"blocking the Horse and seizing the Dao" is based on the famous Peking Opera segment "blocking the Horse". It mainly tells the story of Yang Lao Ling Gong Yang Ye (Wu Han) who lived in Liao and Jiao Guangpu (Songtian Shuo), Yang Bajie (Zhang Xintong) and Yang Jiumei (Liu Xinlei) who worked together to take the sword back to the Southern Dynasty. Yang Ye has led the army for many years and is deeply loved by his subordinates. this golden knife has been tempered into a kind of spiritual totem by the blood of officers and soldiers, which symbolizes the spiritual core of Yang's patriotism, bravery, perseverance and fighting spirit. However, after Yang Ye killed battlefield, the Golden Dao was left in the North. For the Yang sisters, taking back the golden knife is not only an unshirkable mission, but also embodies the feelings of family and country.

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Poster of "blocking the Horse and seizing the knife"

The details of the play are exquisite, and the elements of Beijing Opera lead the trend.

"blocking the Horse and seizing the Dao" not only restores the classic legend of the Yang family, but also injects a new vitality into the martial arts film-integrating opera elements in the process of creation. Wu Ying at the premiere said, "thinking of the many ingenious double fights in Chinese opera culture, I combined fighting with opera and applied the scene of Beijing Opera to the martial arts scene in Jiao Guangpu and Yang Bajie's mind after looking at each other. To create a brilliant and exciting suspense action movie. He believes that the film should be approachable and make new ideas on the basis of historical facts. The production of this film is also based on this concept, the film's play is very ingenious, all the martial arts movements and weapons used are designed according to the character and characteristics of the characters: Liao Bing uses iron bars, Jiao Guangpu uses short knives, Yang Bajie and Yang Jiumei use silver guns. The play is smooth and natural, the martial arts moves and singing and reading are combined into one, and the opera martial arts opens up a new world of martial arts films.

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Wu Xing plays Yang Ye

"blocking the Horse and seizing the Dao" Beijing premiere guests created interactive highlights frequently.

At the premiere, the audience did not hesitate to applaud their applause and welcomed all the creators and guests with the warmest cheers. Wu Jing talked about the switch between producer and actor identity, recalled her experience of forming a bond with martial arts films, and sang a surprise duet with Tan Zhengyan, a master of Tan School of Beijing Opera. Tan Xiaozeng, a performing artist of Beijing Opera, also came to the scene to review the relationship between the Tan family and the film. The feelings and integrity of the older generation of artists are really touching. Song Tianshuo said bluntly that playing the role of Jiao Guangpu in "blocking the Horse and seizing the Dao" was a martial arts dream that had come true for 20 years, and his "support group" also made a strong debut. Comedians Yu Wen Qiushi and Liu Kui showed up in surprise at the premiere ceremony, and the Xiaoming family was reunited! Work with the screenwriter Liu Beast to support Songtian Shuo! At the same time, they also sent good wishes for the film. Zhang Xintong shared the similarities and differences between dance and martial arts, saying that it was a great honor to play the heroine Yang Bajie. Wang Ganggang analyzed the wonderful inner world of the cook and told the mental process of acting. In addition, action director Yuan de, sculptor Ren Zhe, Nai Fei Chairman and CEO Li Kun, director Xu Zongzheng, screenwriter Wang Hailin and screenwriter Liu Yi also attended the premiere, saying that it was a good work with sincerity and sincerity. Finally, will, the singer of the film's theme song, enthusiastically promoted the film in the way of rap, driving the atmosphere of the scene to the best part. Martial arts with opera, new and old actors hand in hand to interpret the new true love martial arts film "stop the Horse and grab the Dao", iqiyi Yun Cinema is showing, waiting for you to see.

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The film "blocking the Horse and seizing the Dao" was produced by Shanghai Longyi Film and Television Culture Media Co., Ltd., Shanghai Xixiang Film and Television Culture Co., Ltd., Shandong Manchu Film Industry Co., Ltd., Yingmei Chuanshi (Beijing) Culture Media Co., Ltd., Tianjin Rabbit Cave Film and Television Culture Media Co., Ltd. There was a series of good shows, and the highlights were "blocking the horse and grabbing the knife" in iqiyi Yun Cinema.

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