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The movie "three Brigades" was released today to unlock the big 2023 screen for the last time.

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The film "the three Brigades" was released nationwide today, with a pre-sale of more than 100 million yuan at the box office. With the roadshow and premiere, the populari...

The film "the three Brigades" was released nationwide today, with a pre-sale of more than 100 million yuan at the box office. With the roadshow and premiere, the popularity of the film has soared, and it has been rated by many audiences as the last time on the big screen in 2023. Is it worth it when the film is released today? Topic special, about the members of the three brigades spent 12 years chasing the value of one person or not, causing heated debate in the audience, do you stick to it for 12 years? It is also a topic discussed by many viewers. People are always asking if it is worth it, but the three brigades prove that justice is not worth it.

The film will be released in the United States and Canada today, and then in Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Singapore, Malaysia, Cambodia and other countries and regions to tell the story of the "three brigades" to more overseas audiences. At present, the national roadshow is in full swing, with Chen Sicheng as the producer, Dai Mo as the director, Zhang Ji as the screenwriter, Zhang Ye as the lead actor, Li Chen as the special star, Wei Chen, Cao Bingkun, Wang Kui and Zhang Zixian as the stars, and Yang Xinming as the friendly. it's a hit in cinemas all over the country!

**Point one: full of stamina! Behind the big case, sentient beings moved the audience to pre-sell hundreds of millions of people in the whole age group to discuss the price of pursuing the killer.

The film "three Brigades" tells the story of three brigades who were sentenced to prison for the accidental death of one of the suspects in the course of handling a vicious case. After he got out of prison, he still insisted on tracking the story of the fugitive suspect as an ordinary person. After three rounds of national screenings, the film has met with many audiences in advance and received numerous favorable reviews. Sincerity has its own power, and the power of reality touches the hearts of the people. the audience commented that the film "flesh and blood is very moved, restore the image of the real police", the theme song at the end of the film, "the way of the world", "the attachment of justice to ordinary individuals is very realistic". Shen Lan, the original author of the film, said that he still had a lot of stamina after watching the movie for a few days. "although he was the original author, he also burst into tears." Regardless of age, regardless of age, the film was watched by retired cadres and policemen, as well as primary school students wearing red scarves, and some students said that they wanted to be admitted to the police academy after watching the film, and the audience of all ages unanimously gave high praise!

In the film, members of the three brigades have chased one person for 12 years, which has also aroused heated discussion among the audience. Some viewers said it was difficult for them to stick to an obsession for 12 years. "We ordinary people can only look up to heroes and then sigh from the bottom of our hearts that we need such people." it may not be worth it from the point of view of others, but it is certainly worth it from the point of view of the families of the victims. In fact, no matter whether it is worth it or not, many front-line police officers are doing this. During the film's roadshow and premiere, many police officers formed groups to watch the movie, and they all said that they saw the real daily work in the film. And moved to tears for the persistent spirit of the film.

*Point 2: try something new! Chen Sicheng, Dai Mo, creates realistic themes the truth is not broken and moves people with emotion**

After watching the "three Brigades," many viewers said that the film was "not quite Chen Sicheng." this is the first time that producer Chen Sicheng and director Dai Mo have created a realistic theme work. In addition to directly attacking the major case itself, more attention has been paid to the life choices behind the big case. The film is adapted from documentary literature and was originally published in NetEase's Human Studio. The author Shen Lan's "Please tell the Director that the task of the three brigades has been completed" was once the annual click champion of NetEase's literature. the original story moved countless netizens to "ten thousand people write in blood to ask for a movie". Chen Sicheng said that he was very moved when he read the two-page outline of the story of the third brigade, because the life choices reflected in the story made him feel that he reflected his own life, and he believed that the power to move himself could also move the audience.

Film director Dai Mo said that the prototype story of the film was written with great restraint, so it was moving enough to remove the dazzling skills and rendering when creating the film, and to truly show the emotional momentum brought by the events and the characters themselves. Screenwriter Zhang Ji said that he should keep calm and exercise restraint when writing the screenplay, but he could not help crying several times in the process of writing the screenplay. Although the three brigades of them are ordinary, lonely, and even tortured out of shape and grey-haired, the film wants the audience to feel that they are today's heroes who are so lonely, out of place and not understood. The police are also ordinary people with flesh and blood. What the three brigades focus on is the choice of life behind the major case, the time span of more than a decade, and the ups and downs of personal fate under the background of the times. the topic of "the three brigades are not sentimental but sympathetic" shows that the audience has a real empathy with the members of the three brigades through the film.

*Point 3: group portraits are brilliant! Inside and outside the play, the real brothers the souls of the three brigades are burning and swords

In the film, the members of the three brigades are all vivid and three-dimensional, impressive, and the sparks between the characters are also very good to see. Brothers usually laugh and make trouble, share weal and woe, and people envy the constant love over the years. Captain Cheng Bing, played by Zhang Ye, is the core of the soul of the three brigades. No matter when other members call him "Cheng team", it shows his unique position in the hearts of the people. Xu Yizhou, played by Wei Chen, regards the master Cheng team as his idol and always supports and follows in the master's footsteps. The audience sighs that "I saw the feelings of police master and apprentice in Xiao Xu and Cheng team." if the three brigades retire normally, Xiao Xu should be the best successor to the Cheng team. Cao Bingkun plays Cai Bin, but on the surface, the Buddhist department is the one who is most worried about leaving the team. Ma Zhenkun played by Wang Kui and Liao Jian played by Zhang Zixian are like a pair of treasure brothers. Some audiences commented that they laughed at the lighter and smoked, as if they were playing me and my unjust brothers. Lao Zhang, played by Yang Xinming, is the master of the members of the three brigades and a portrayal of countless veteran policemen. In the film, they staged a war friendship that made people laugh and cry, and many audiences could not help but shed tears in the cinema.

Film producer Chen Sicheng has been friends with actors Zhang Ye and Li Chen for more than 20 years. When it comes to working together again, Chen Sicheng said "it's like talking across time and space." Starring Wei Chen, Cao Bingkun, Wang Kui and Zhang Zixian also cooperated with each other many times, and all members of the three brigades formed the "acquaintance Bureau." Zhang said in an interview that members of the three brigades communicate by "nodding in the eyes and saying nothing in their hearts". With years of deep Brotherhood, they collide with more emotional forces that directly hit the hearts of the people in the play.

**Point 4: hot roadshow! Actor Feng Bing surprised the appearance of the police in "guarding Jiefang West" and praised the film as super-real.

The film's roadshow came to the enthusiastic city of Changsha yesterday, where creators Wei Chen, Cao Bingkun, Zhang Zixian and producer Lai Weijia interacted with the audience. Wei Chen wishes all young police comrades like Xiao Xu a bright future, protect themselves and protect the people. Cao Bingkun responded to the comment that "the three brigades are not like acting", recalling that all the art arrangements during the shooting made the actors believe and immerse themselves in the interpretation of the most authentic reaction. An audience whose father is also an insurance worker is particularly intimate with Liao Jian, played by Zhang Zixian. Zhang Zixian responded that it may be funny to watch Liao Jian eat a box lunch while selling insurance, but that is Liao Jian's instinctive reflex. Producer Lai Weijia said that the decision was made from the beginning of the script preparation, in order to ensure that the actors can naturally enter the role and emotional coherence.

Feng Bing, a veteran actor who plays a special role in the film, surprised to appear at the roadshow. He said that films like "the three Brigades", which think about both the performance and the play, are very good. I hope this will make the audience immersed in watching. There will be more movies that can cry and laugh together. He also mentioned that the creators are actually family members, and they are more nervous than they are when watching the movie. And the audience sent "coriander millet spicy bouquet" to Xu Yizhou, who never liked cilantro to love cilantro, wishing the movie a box office boom. "it's not the kind of crack that looks good, it's about the story of our lives, the choices that everyone will face. There is a description that is like boiling hot water in a warm cup in winter. Using our Changsha dialect is a good charm! "

After watching the movie, the students from the police academy said, "the film 'three Brigades' will help us tie the first button on the police road and strengthen our ideals and beliefs." Two policemen who participated in the recording of the program "guarding Liberation West" also came to the roadshow. Lu Qiqi said that he was a second brush. When he saw it for the first time, he took his parents to watch it together, and his mother was moved to tears. And because of this film, I have the idea of doing criminal investigation. Chen Hui recalled the case that her team had pursued the murderer for ten years, and commented that this film is the most authentic film to show the daily work of the public security police.

The film "three Brigades" is produced by Wanda Film (Hainan) Co., Ltd., Beijing Yitong Legend Film and Television Culture Co., Ltd., Beijing Anrui Film and Television Culture Media Co., Ltd., China Film Co., Ltd., and Shanghai Taopiao Film and Television Culture Co., Ltd. Wanda Film and Television Media Co., Ltd., Wanda Film (Horgos) Co., Ltd., Chinese Image (Beijing) Film Co., Ltd., Huanrui Century United Co., Ltd., Xiangshan Little Safflower Film Co., Ltd., Beijing Weimengchuangke Network Technology Co., Ltd., Shanghai Yitong Film and Television production Co., Ltd., Yitong Film (Shanghai) Culture Co., Ltd., Beijing Jia Film and Television Technology Co., Ltd., Jointly produced by Beijing Light and Shadow Times Hotel Management Co., Ltd., Horgos Wanying Internet Culture Media Co., Ltd., and Anaya Film and Television Culture Co., Ltd. Chen Sicheng supervised production, director Dai Mo, Zhang Ji screenwriter, Zhang Ye starred, Li Chen specially starred, Wei Chen, Cao Bingkun, Wang Kui, Zhang Zixian starred, Yang Xinming starred. The cinema is very popular all over the country!

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