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The movie "Under the Inhuman" exposed a new special feature of Wuershan's "Proton Group" to create a new "Inhuman Women Group"

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Today, the fantasy action giant under Inhumans, directed by Wu Ershan, director of the Fengshen Trilogy and adapted from Peak Guoman and under one Man, has released a special episo...

Today, the fantasy action giant under Inhumans, directed by Wu Ershan, director of the Fengshen Trilogy and adapted from Peak Guoman and under one Man, has released a special episode of Inhumans. Unlike last summer's uniform "Divine Proton Troupe", the four major female roles in "Inhumans" have different demeanors and strong personalities. Whether it is pure as the naked son Feng Bao (Li Wanda), the "bone scraper" Xia he (Na ran), or the "World Society" group, which struggles between the family's expectations and the true self, the golden girl Shayan (Nalnasi) and Xiangxi puppet master descendant Liu Yanyan (Lanxiya), the four-person four-color "broken dimension" stunning appearance, from the outside to the inside to show the "different" attraction of both strength and beauty Netizens shouted "Menghui cartoon"beautiful to the heart".

In order to accurately interpret the most attractive female characters in the cartoon, all four actors have experienced strict special training in the Inhumans training Camp. From performances to traditional martial arts, traditional culture, and then to customized special training, all-round training has laid a solid foundation for them to shape their roles. In the face of sweaty devil training, they accompany each other and encourage each other to challenge each other, which also led netizens to shout "such sisters come again a dozen" and "have their own girls help girls". The film, specially made by IMAX, will present up to 26% of the more complete picture content in IMAX cinemas, bringing audiences a more shocking audio-visual and immersive viewing experience, which will be released nationwide on July 26th.

Feng Baobao's inner "vacancy" is struggling to find a sense of belonging. Xia he has suffered secular criticism because of "fawning on the bones".

Feng Shayan looks valiant on the outside and expects her father to recognize Liu Yanyan's rebellious resistance and desire to live her true self.

In the film, with a wonderful and exquisite performance, the Inhumans Troupe deduces the image of the inhuman incisively and vividly. As for Feng Bao's performance logic, Li Wanda said, "the baby is empty, and she can't feel what others feel natural, so she is very upset and has been looking for it." In order to really get into the character's heart, she not only "re-recognized it like a baby and explored the world with five senses" when she went up the mountain to rehearse and feel nature, but also used traditional Chinese characters to imitate the handwriting and tone of Feng Baobao. write down a 50-year diary from meeting the dog doll family to going out of the mountains to find her family, feeling "what would she say as a baby Feng".

Xia he, who fights with Feng Baobao most times, is called "an extremely charming and complex character" by Urshan director, although she is in the villain camp of all-sex faction. In the story setting, Xia he can use the power of Prajna Palm to manipulate other people's lust. Beneath the amorous appearance, Xiahe is very devoted inside, and there is even no lack of lovely and kind side. Recalling the war with Feng Bao, Na ran thought that Xia he's heart should be "do not want to kill her, do not want to hurt her, is stalling for time." Mi er, the author of the original cartoon, also shared his interpretation of Xiahe. He believes that Xiahe is in a "defined" dilemma. "whether to become that way according to other people's expectations, or to walk out of a path of her own choice, the outcome depends on her choice."

In addition, the film also shows a number of sympathetic family relationships. Director Wu Ershan said, "Family relationships and parents' expectations are what we have to face when we grow up, and we can see a lot of such characters and emotional relationship settings in 'Inhumans'." In the face of the contradiction between family expectations and true self, Feng Shayan and Liu Yanyan made different choices. For the sake of her father and family, Feng Shayan is willing to rein in her temper and try to fall in love with Zhang Chulan, a complete stranger, while Mi er, the author of the original cartoon, added, "in fact, she also has the kind of moderate resistance with her father everywhere." In this regard, Narnasi said, "her father is the most important person to Feng Shayan, and all she does is to get her father's approval."

In the face of the family's expectations, Liu Yanyan chose the exact opposite. She was forced to learn puppet art and inherit the family business from an early age, but when she grew up, she was asked to hide her inhuman identity. In the end, she chose to run away from home and join the all-sex faction, using "rebellion" to resist. The sound of "what's wrong with me?" enlightened the audience and made the audience deeply sympathize with Liu Yanyan. Director Urshan was impressed by Lansiya's performance. "she looks very small, but she has a very strong energy in her heart and a strong emotional explosion."

Li Wanda Zero basic Wushu Challenge "Anti-Gravity Action" Na ran practiced core strength flexibly in the air

Nalnaxi learns new boxing skills, wears high heels and kicks around and kicks Lanxia Taijiquan. The rapid progress of Taijiquan is praised as "master temperament".

In the special, "Inhumans" presents a high-burning fight with both strength and beauty. Behind each set of consistent and valiant moves is the high-intensity physical and martial arts training of the "inhuman training camp". In order to interpret Feng Baobao, the "hidden master" of the inhuman world, Li Wanda needs to master various martial arts, including Ba Gua Palm and Bajiquan. Although learning from the beginning, Li Wanda's movements are vigorous and powerful and have a deep essence. Action director Wu Gang designed many wonderful "anti-gravity" movements for him, to this end, Li Wanda also carried out difficult Weiya training. Action director Wu Gang praised her performance. "her Weiya feels very good and full of strength," said Wu Gang, the action director. Similarly, Naran, who has no foundation in martial arts, also learned martial arts movements such as Ba Gua Palm and Snake Boxing from scratch, and practiced her core strength to control a large number of air leg movements of twisting, plate, and splitting, thus showing the flexibility of Xiahe's legs and the firmness and softness of "Prajna Palm." Zhou Xiaofei, a martial arts instructor, said, "there is a very strong force in her body. She has been practicing and works very hard."

In order to show the power of Feng Sayan's hundred-step boxing, Nalnaxi learned Fanzi Boxing this time in addition to strengthening the boxing and other boxing that she had already mastered, in order to highlight the speed and strength of the movement. Due to the setting of the characters, these martial arts movements need to be done by Nalnasi in high heels. The forward shift of the center of gravity breaks the original balance of martial arts movements, making every turn and kick more difficult. Speaking of Naran and Narnaxi, who attended the training camp again, the director Urshan said bluntly, "because the 'Fengshen Performing Arts training Camp' is very hard, they have once again participated in the same hard and long training, and they still start learning from scratch." through efforts to win roles, maintain the same humility. Also learning martial arts from scratch is Lanxiya, who plays Liu Yanyan. Although she has just learned Taijiquan, she has made rapid progress since she joined the camp. She has boxing in steady state and has her own charm. She has been praised by martial arts instructor Zhou Xiaofei for her "unique talent and master temperament." Li Wanda felt the same way. "when we performed the movements, we all marveled at how she could learn so quickly and so well, and her body was so beautiful."

Appreciate each other and witness the growth of "inhuman sisterhood" envy netizens.

Li Wandalanya acts as a "coach" to accompany each other from "God" to "Inhumans".

In addition to the difficult martial arts movements and performance skills, Inhumans training Camp also gives actors a sincere friendship and witnessed each other's transformation and growth. Although the "inhuman Women" in the film often fight, everyone is always happy to "get together" outside the play. Often the first second also fists and fists, do not give way to each other, but after the director shouted "cut", "Inhumans" always changed her face in a second, immediately hugged together to care whether the other party was hurt or not. In the Inhumans training Camp, Li Wanda will ask Lanxiya to teach her Taijiquan, and Lanxiya will ask her to teach her gossip palms. The friendship of "mutual appreciation and encouragement" makes netizens shout "admiration." Under the constant "martial arts", the two witnessed each other's speed of light growth-Li Wanda won the first prize of Bajiquan in the Beijing traditional Wushu Championships and Beijing International Wushu Invitational Competition in 2024, and Lanxiya became what everyone called a "martial arts prodigy".

On the other hand, Naran and Narnaxi once again participated in the "inhuman training Camp" directed by Urshan after the "Divine Performing Arts training Camp." Compared with the "God-sealed" period, the difficulty of their training has gone up in a straight line. In the face of long and arduous training, the two often cheer each other up, whether they exchange learning experiences or stay with them silently, all of which make their friendship over the years deeper. Many netizens said that "they also want to have such an inhuman sisterhood to accompany each other and grow up together" and can't wait to see the elegant demeanor of the "inhuman women group" on the big screen.

Directed by Urshan, Wuershan, shaken (Sun Jiayu), Wang Lili, Zhou Mengjie, Hu Jie, Hu Xianxu, Li Wanda, Feng Shaofeng, Qiao Zhenyu, Song Ningfeng, Naran, Nalaxi, Lanxiya, Wu Jiakai, Xiong Wancheng, Orange Yijie, Liu Chunyan, Sang Ping, Shang Tielong, Chen Peter, Liu Xingchen, Sui Yongliang, Han Pengyi, Feng Zhi and other actors. Wang Jinsong specially invited to act. Produced by Shanghai China Literature Film and Television Culture Communication Co., Ltd., Century Changsheng Sky Film (Beijing) Co., Ltd., Tianjin China Literature Film and Television Culture Media Co., Ltd., Xinli Media Group Co., Ltd., Shanghai Taopiao Film and Television Culture Co., Ltd., Huaxia Film Distribution Co., Ltd., Shanghai Tencent Penguin Film and Television Culture Communication Co., Ltd., Beijing Jingxi Culture and Tourism Co., Ltd. Beijing Weimengchuangke Network Technology Co., Ltd., Wanda Film and Television Media Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Hengdian Film Co., Ltd., Xiaohe Miao Enterprise Management (Qingdao) Co., Ltd., Poly Film Investment Co., Ltd., Jiangxi Xinhe Film Co., Ltd., Xinxi (Chongqing) Film Co., Ltd., Sanya Literature and Art Xiaohong Culture Media Co., Ltd. Issued by Xinli Media Group Co., Ltd., Shanghai Taobaopiao Film and Television Culture Co., Ltd., Huaxia Film Distribution Co., Ltd., Century Changsheng Sky Film (Beijing) Co., Ltd., Xinxi (Chongqing) Film Co., Ltd., Sanya Literature and Art Xiaohong Culture Media Co., Ltd., will be released nationwide on July 26.

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