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"temporary robbery" revealed that "it's different at all" special shoot a good story of small potatoes in Hong Kong.

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The absurd crime comedy "temporary robbery" today released a special production of "A little bit different". Director Mak Kai-Kwong and director Peter Mak, toge...

The absurd crime comedy "temporary robbery" today released a special production of "A little bit different". Director Mak Kai-Kwong and director Peter Mak, together with Guo Fucheng, Lin Jiadong, Ren Xianqi and others, sincerely shared the behind-the-scenes creative experience of "temporary robbery" and revealed the style and core of this "atypical Hong Kong film" for the first time. Er Dongsheng said frankly that "this is an indecent absurd crime Hong Kong film." this is also a style that Aaron Kwok "has never tried." Lin Jiadong said it was "very fresh and interesting." Ren Xianqi said that "it has a kind of black humor and human nature discussion."... As a "new Hong Kong film", the film "temporary robbery" creatively combines absurd and criminal elements. There are no big shots in the film, but through a continuous series of robberies, it shows the story of the small potatoes at the bottom of Hong Kong trying to make a living, trying to bring a fresh feeling to the audience. The film, produced by er Dongsheng and directed by Mak Qiguang, starring Aaron Kwok, Lin Jiadong, Ren Xianqi and Zhang Keyi, will be released nationwide on January 19, 2024.

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the "New Hong Kong Film" rarely seen on the big screen in recent years shows the stack of human nature under the absurd crime story

As a "rough film at the beginning of the year" in 2024, the film "temporary robbery" depicts the story of Mei Lantian (Aaron Kwok), Ah Yu (Lin Jiadong) and Murong Hui (Ren Xianqi), three "poor ghosts" who temporarily form a team to rob because of lack of money. Today's film first exposed the production of a special, with "fresh" and "special" as the key words, humorous and humble tone, sharing the temperament and core of "temporary robbery" and the traditional Hong Kong film "a little different". At the same time, the special exposed more behind-the-scenes tidbits of the film, showing the happy and harmonious atmosphere inside and outside the play. In the special, producer er Dongsheng said frankly, "this is an indecent absurd crime Hong Kong film." starring Aaron Kwok, Lin Jiadong and Ren Xianqi all use words such as "fresh", "interesting", "black humor" and "different" to describe "temporary robberies". Executive producer er Dongsheng also specifically mentioned the current problem of the routines of Hong Kong films. "this is also an attempt to show it to the young audience and give them a fresh feeling."

Director Mak Kai-Kwong has worked silently in the Hong Kong film industry for many years and has rich experience as a director. he recalls that the films he saw when he was a child contained absurd or police and bandit elements, and he thought of whether he could combine these two elements. that's why he formed the unique style of "temporary robbery." In addition to the absurd crime, it is also true. The film is drawn from the real life predicament of ordinary people. As Ren Xianqi said, "after reading the script, I found that it is actually some fantasy facing the predicament of life, and there are a lot of human stacking in the process." at first glance, the film "temporary robbery" is a melee of robbery, but the core is precisely to discuss an impoverished ordinary person walking into a desperate situation. Human choice under the pressure of life and family. "temporary robbery" breaks through the description of traditional Hong Kong films focusing on action scenes, and instead focuses the camera on the dilemma of ordinary people's families, so it will make the audience "have a sympathy similar to Stockholm syndrome. I think these guys are really desperate."

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the crew strives to truly block Miao Street for seven days to focus on small potatoes to show the resonance of the reality at the bottom.

In the special, Aaron Kwok, who plays the fierce bandit Mei Lantian, recalled that when he first filmed the street robbery, he revealed that in order to pursue a more realistic scene, the crew used a lens to the end, with the support of the relevant departments of the local government. blockade the shooting of Temple Street in Hong Kong for seven days, it can be described as Excelsior. Zhang Keyi, who plays Sister Jiang, a policeman, said passionately: "when the whole person risked everything in the shooting scene, the surrounding environment was too lifelike." On the set, the leading actors are also very devoted and focused, often discussing roles and performances together, naturally colliding with a series of chemical reactions. As Ren Xianqi said, "this is a process of enjoyment, and my reward is a good script."

As director Mak Qiguang, who has formed a deep bond with the leading actors since he was an assistant director, er Dongsheng joked: "he has made more films than me, and he is the only assistant director I have ever used who dares to hurt me at the scene." it also shows the side of Director Mak Qiguang's strict requirements. Er Dongsheng also revealed that many absurd and humorous scenes in the film come from the director's ingenuity. "in fact, there are no big people in this play, all small potatoes." as an absurd crime film from the perspective of group images, each character in "temporary robbery" has its own unique charm. whether it is Mei Lantian, a wrestler who embarks on the road of robbery for his family, A Yu, who is involved by his brother under the pressure of buying a house and supporting his family, or Murong Hui, who has the idea of robbery in order to save a nursing home. They all represent "the expectations and dreams of different families and people in Hong Kong", which is also a microcosm of the crisis and plight of ordinary people in the current society. I believe that when the film is released, the audience will find a trace of resonance and comfort.

The film "temporary robbery" is produced by Yindu Agency Co., Ltd., iqiyi Film (Beijing) Co., Ltd., Unlimited Power Industrial Co., Ltd., admiring Film Enterprise Co., Ltd., Beijing Human Guide Film Co., Ltd., Chinese Image (Beijing) Film Co., Ltd., Zhijiang Film Group Co., Ltd., Tianma Film production (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. Co., Ltd. Issued by Zhijiang Film Media (Zhejiang) Co., Ltd., Beijing Human Guide Film Co., Ltd., iqiyi Film (Beijing) Co., Ltd., er Dongsheng supervised production, directed by Mak Qiguang, starring Guo Fucheng, Lin Jiadong, Ren Xianqi and Zhang Keyi. Lin Xue, Lu Haipeng, Liang Zhongheng, Bao Qijing, Wang Minde, Sun Jiajun, Zeng bit, Fu Jiajun, Zhang Songzhi, Jiang Zhuowen, Chen Yisheng, Wang Songyin David Jiang plays a friendly role and Hu Dingxin plays a special role, which will be released across the country on January 19, 2024.

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