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After Wang Leehom resigned from the Golden Melody Award performance, the official announced the cancellation of the tribute to Coco Lee

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Following Wang Leehom's resignation from the Golden Melody Awards performance, the Golden Melody Awards also canceled the performance of tribute to Coco Lee. This means that this y...

Following Wang Leehom's resignation from the Golden Melody Awards performance, the Golden Melody Awards also canceled the performance of tribute to Coco Lee. This means that this year's Golden Melody Awards will not have a memorial period for Coco Lee, and will not find anyone to replace him, but Coco Lee will still be retained in the memorial period for the deceased artist.

On the evening of the 14th, Wang Leehom issued a statement in response to the controversy over the Golden Melody Awards performance in memory of Coco Lee, saying: "After two days of discussion, the meaning of simply expressing tribute has been lost. After consideration by the agency, it was decided to resign this Golden Melody Awards performance and will be used in the future." Express your tribute to your good friends in other ways."

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