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Due to being unable to contact Cai Xukun's studio, it was included in the "list of business anomalies".

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Source: Changjiang Yun On July 2, a survey by a reporter from the Yangtze River Yun News found that Beijing Cai Xukun Film and Television Culture Studio had been included in the li...

Source: Changjiang Yun

On July 2, a survey by a reporter from the Yangtze River Yun News found that Beijing Cai Xukun Film and Television Culture Studio had been included in the list of business anomalies. On June 28, Beijing Tongzhou District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau put Beijing Cai Xukun Film and Television Culture Studio on the list of business anomalies because "the registered residence or place of business could not be contacted."

![] (https://k.sinaimg.cn/n/front20230702ac/85/w550h335/20230702/9d9d-5393dea9d59180f90aa2531eddad3d1c.jpg/w700d1q75cms.jpg?by=cms_fixed_width)

Recently, singer Cai Xukun has not responded to the revelation that she had a pregnancy with a girl surnamed C in May 2021. The topic has aroused widespread concern among netizens.

On the evening of July 1, the Star endorsement Standardization Committee of the Beijing Advertising Association issued a reminder of the risks of the public opinion of Cai, a male singer from mainland China. The following is the full text:

All relevant units:

Recently, the incident of male singer Cai mou in mainland China has gradually fermented, and there is a trend of further hype and expansion of the incident. Relevant brands, performing arts agencies and MCN agencies are invited to control the risks of male singer Cai mou in mainland China.

I hereby remind you.

![] (https://k.sinaimg.cn/n/front20230702ac/229/w550h479/20230702/2dca-acb5582eb82e43ae4ac2c6a67da2f0dc.jpg/w700d1q75cms.jpg?by=cms_fixed_width)

Some netizens revealed that the singer Cai Xukun in the tip was Cai Xukun.

On the day of the release, some netizens said that Cai Xukun's home page works had all been emptied, and Cai Xukun's name had been removed from the list of performers for works such as variety shows he participated in.

However, as of 16:30 on July 2, a reporter from the Yangtze River Yun News reported that a number of films and television works on Douban website still had the name of Cai Xukun.

![] (https://k.sinaimg.cn/n/front20230702ac/24/w550h274/20230702/768f-602f863a797f7ac18bf0b19b059ec49e.jpg/w700d1q75cms.jpg?by=cms_fixed_width)

A reporter from the Yangtze River Yun News learned that on June 30, the variety show "running Bar" posted on its official Weibo that "due to the adjustment of the arrangement, the broadcast of" running Bar "originally scheduled for 20:20 today (this Friday) will be postponed. Thank you for your support."

![] (https://k.sinaimg.cn/n/front20230702ac/762/w550h212/20230702/6978-bb5608280095237cb825e9da9bcc119d.jpg/w700d1q75cms.jpg?by=cms_fixed_width)

On the 23rd, the trailer video released by the program also showed Cai Xukun participating in the recording.

According to previous reports, on June 26, a netizen named "Mr. C is not too brave" revealed that "Cai Xukun had a relationship with a girl surnamed c in 2021, which led to her pregnancy and forced her to have a miscarriage." Cai Xukun and a girl surnamed C were introduced by a friend to a KTV in Beijing's Chaoyang District on May 20, 2021 and had sex in the early hours of the 21st after the party, the netizen said. A month later, Ms. C went to the hospital for examination and showed that she was pregnant, and Cai Xukun's response was to "get rid of it." on July 5, Ms. C went to the hospital alone to have an abortion. When mother Cai learned of this, she suspected that Ms. C had deliberately set up a setup to blackmail her son. While asking the staff to contact Ms. C for compensation, she asked private detectives to follow Ms. C and illegally installed pinhole cameras on her doorstep.

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The Changjiang Yun News reporter repeatedly contacted the netizen "Mr. C should not be too brave" who claimed to be "an insider of the Cai Xukun incident". As of the press release, the netizen has not made any response to his online revelations. According to public information, the night before netizen "Mr. C Don't be too brave" was revealed on the Internet, Cai Xukun was holding a concert tour in Bangkok, Thailand, and his next concert is scheduled to be held in Singapore on July 15. Whether Cai Xukun's concert in Singapore can be held as scheduled, Changjiang Yun journalists will continue to pay attention.

(Changjiang Yun journalist Guan Zhu)

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