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Shanghai Film Yuan's sports-themed animated short film "Going to Love" was launched to promote the spirit of sports with national style aesthetics

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Today, Shang Yingyuan, People's Daily video client "Horizon" and Chen Liaoyu Studio jointly produced "go to Love" sports-themed animated short film officially l...

Today, Shang Yingyuan, People's Daily video client "Horizon" and Chen Liaoyu Studio jointly produced "go to Love" sports-themed animated short film officially launched. The short film takes "connection" as the core concept, uses the image of Sun WuKong, the great saint of Qi in "wreaking havoc in Heaven", and shows the great influence of sports in connecting people and people, people and the world, and connecting different civilizations. use national style aesthetics to present the picture of people who love sports and happy sports in different sports fields. He also deeply excavated what Qi Tian Sheng Sun WuKong's witty, brave, positive and optimistic, firm and forward personality and pioneering spirit had in common with the Chinese sports spirit, and expressed the beautiful vision of looking forward to the triumphant "victory" of the Olympic athletes in this Paris Olympic Games.

inherit the excellent traditional Chinese culture and carry forward the spirit of Chinese sports with national style aesthetics

In recent years, sports have not been limited to competitive sports, but have become a way to enjoy life. Shangyingyuan has a keen insight into this phenomenon, and based on this, he creates a short animated film with the theme of "going to Love". The film selects basketball, hockey, water sports, table tennis, break dancing and other sports, taking into account both traditional and modern, and combining it with Chinese traditional culture, which can present the spirit of Chinese sports. it also brings an unparalleled visual feast of national style aesthetics.

Talking about the integration of traditional art and modern sports in creation, general director Chen Liaoyu said: "when we conceive the expression of sports, we will consider what kind of association it brings from the characteristics of the sport." which way with traditional elements is the most appropriate way to express it. " In the basketball chapter, the combination of traditional opera, facial art and basketball shows the love of sports of the younger generation through the picture of students playing "air basketball" in opera schools, as well as passing the ball between master and apprentice. Skillfully associated with the inheritance of traditional culture. On the other hand, the hockey chapter uses the artistic style of ink painting to reflect the strength and beauty of women on the playground, and the momentum of hitting the ball is beautiful. The flower branch imitates the classical pattern of Chinese traditional flower-and-bird painting "breaking branches". And with the Song Dynasty poetess Li Qingzhao's "90,000 miles of Feng Peng is lifting, the wind is resting, Pengzhou blows to the three mountains" to reflect the mood and elegant demeanor of female athletes. The table tennis chapter draws lessons from the wooden New year pictures, showing the "national ball" status and influence of ping-pong in an approachable art form. the old man and the little girl opened a street ping-pong duel, and the old man's racket seemed to be integrated into the avatar of the Great Saint. changed into gold hoop stick, chess and other different forms, the little girl jumped into the air, just like the three-headed and six-armed Nezhu, this unique strength showdown also shows the love of sports among people of different ages. Break dance presents the cultural connection between history and modern times, East and West. Chinese architecture, Dunhuang murals and other artistic styles are integrated into the picture, and break dance movements are designed by combining the appearance of the body, the world of France, and 72 changes. Through the symbol of the Great Sage, dancers of different nationalities and ages are connected together, showing the inclusiveness of Chinese culture and the influence of sports connecting different cultures.

Referring to the origin of the promotional film, Li Zao, the producer of the short film and general manager of Shangyingyuan (Shanghai) Culture and Technology Development Co., Ltd., said: "the Olympic Games is a stage to showcase China's sports and cultural strength. we hope to rely on the potential energy of this world-class" hot spot "to show our cultural traditions and the picture of the times on the world stage in the form of animation. Shangyingyuan operates animation IP with high artistic value like "wreaking havoc in Heaven", which is also our responsibility for inheriting China's excellent traditional culture. "

bring together the new forces of animation, creation + industry dual drive to help IP renovate

The chief director of "go to Love" is Chen Liaoyu, who is the general director of "Chinese fantastic Tan". It continues the joint creation model of "Chinese fantastic Tan" and brings together several talented young animators. How to inspire young artists to create and maximize their creativity? chief producer Cui Wei said: "every sport has its own rules and leaves unlimited possibilities for athletes to create. So I also hope that under the rules of creation, there will be maximum space for all artists. "

Tang Lihao, the director of basketball, is a young post-90s animator whose works have won awards at the Ansi International Animation Film Festival in France. Hockey was created by director Zhou Fangyuan. She is also the director of the phenomenal short animated film Wanhua Mirror of 56 ethnic groups in China. Huang Liang, director of aquatic sports, has won several awards at home and abroad. Song Ping, one of the directors of table tennis, was deeply involved in the creation of "Chinese fantastic Tan". Another director, Wei Shilei, is not only an animation director but also a curator. His work was selected by the Chinese artists Association to host the first national animation art exhibition; the break dance was created by two young directors, Zhao Lin and Chen Kefu, showing a deep understanding of Chinese traditional aesthetics and creative ability.

In 2023, Shang Yingyuan launched the "Art Yuan Project", which aims to invite young artistic creative forces to combine the creative tradition of the "Chinese Animation School" with an open creative attitude and broader creative space. 2024 coincides with the 60th anniversary of the production of "wreaking havoc in Heaven", the peak work in the history of Chinese animation. The launch of this short film is another exploration of IP rejuvenation by combining hot events and cutting-edge forces.

Recently, the theme series of TEAM CHINA "wreaking havoc in Heaven" jointly launched by Shangyingyuan will also be put on sale soon. As the main body of the "Big IP Development" strategy of Shanghai Film Group, Shangyingyuan will combine culture with trendy sports lifestyle in the future to form the brand effect of "IP+ Culture and Sports", promote the concept of sports and national fitness with the advantages of IP and Shangyingyuan in the field of cultural and creative industry, and further promote the inheritance and dissemination of Chinese culture by combining key sports events to empower sports events.

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