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Huang Yiming sent another video in response to the controversy, saying that there is evidence that the child's biological father is Wang Sicong

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On June 11,"Youth with You 2" contestant Huang Yiming sent another video in response to everyone's discussions on the biological father of her child in the past few days...


On June 11,"Youth with You 2" contestant Huang Yiming sent another video in response to everyone's discussions on the biological father of her child in the past few days. Huang Yiming said that the child's father was Wang Sicong, and he also had evidence to prove this. Huang Yiming said that he knew better than anyone that Wang Sicong didn't want children and that it was impossible to marry him. He also didn't take a penny from Wang Sicong. He earned all his food, clothing, and wealth from selling his cosmetic contacts. I only gave birth to a child because I like children. Giving birth to this child is the happiest thing in my life. I will work hard to make money so that my child can grow up healthily.

Huang Yiming also said that the reason why she suddenly exposed the incident was because she had an emotional breakdown. She also clarified that she had no campus violence and would hold legal responsibility for relevant remarks from this moment on.

It is reported that Huang Yiming announced last year that he had a child without marriage, saying that he discovered that he was pregnant after breaking up with his man. Because the doctor said that she had a constitution that was difficult to conceive, she decided to have the child. In the early morning of June 8, Huang Yiming suddenly posted two videos on the social platform, with the words "Wsc, you are a der" and "Wsc to be honest, I hate you so much", and explained in the comment area that he wanted the man to see the child. Unexpectedly, he would be blackmailed, so netizens began to speculate that the child's biological father was Wang Sicong.

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