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The Chinese premiere of the movie "Ryuichi Sakamoto: A masterpiece""" Say goodbye for the last time "The audience shed tears and the scene was deeply affectionate

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Jiuzhi.com Film Beijing News, jointly produced by KAB of Japan and KAB of the United States, and imported by China Film Group, issued by China Film Co., Ltd., and translated by Chi...

Jiuzhi.com Film Beijing News, jointly produced by KAB of Japan and KAB of the United States, and imported by China Film Group, issued by China Film Co., Ltd., and translated by China Film Co., Ltd., the famous work "Sakamoto Ryuichi: masterpiece" was held in Beijing on May 27th. The Chinese premiere of "the last goodbye" was held in Beijing on May 27th. The audience sobbed one after another, and even fans dared not enter the hall and said "it's too depressing." If I don't dare to go in, I'm afraid I'll cry. "the atmosphere of missing the professor is at its highest. Mr. Ryuichi Sakamoto recorded a self-report for you at the premiere. I hope you can enjoy it as much as you usually watch the concert. Jeremy Thomas, producer of the Last Emperor, was also surprised to tell the story between him and Mr. Ryuichi Sakamoto. "when I came to China with Mr. Sakamoto, I had a very good impression of China, and when everyone devoted themselves to playing, it was the best consolation and memory for him." During the post-screening exchange, famous musician Zhang wai, director Liu Lu, singer Ding Ding, actor Liu Meihan, actor Wang Yi, musician Xiao Yihang, production arranger Yan Jin and other guests shared their feelings with the audience. "the professor's music is suitable for every kind of story." suitable for everyone's story, all gathered together to bid farewell to Mr. Sakamoto Ryuichi. The film will be available in 2D, CINITY, CINITY LED and Dolby panoramic sound versions for audiences to choose from. On May 31, different people will hear different touches.

the producer of the movie "the Last Emperor" was surprised and the guest choked up and said frankly, "I am most proud to bring the exhibition to China!"

Douban 9.5 points of the word-of-mouth masterpiece "Sakamoto Ryuichi: masterpiece" was held in Beijing on May 27, "the last goodbye" Chinese premiere, the audience was enthusiastic, the viewing hall was packed with music fans, and the nostalgic atmosphere was strong. The Last Emperor is a masterpiece of film history in the hearts of countless cinema fans. At the 60th Academy Awards in 1988, the Last Emperor won the award for best original score for its melody, which made him well known to Chinese viewers. In the post-release exchange, Jeremy Thomas, the producer of the Last Emperor, was surprised to connect with him. He said that he had come to China with Mr. Sakamoto and had a very good impression of China. "We are very good friends and have many common interests." nature, music, but also felt the professor's professional musical literacy and his kindness. Hearing that the film was about to be released in China, he said, "I am very excited and feel twice as happy!" It is very happy for more viewers to see the professor's masterpiece! "

During the post-screening exchange, the audience choked up for dozens of times. Famous musician DJ Zhang, director Liu Lu, singer Ding Ding, actor Liu Meihan, actor Wang Yi, musician Xiao Yihang, producer Yan Jin and other guests shared their feelings with the audience. Zhang expressed his unforgettable relationship with Mr. Ryuichi Sakamoto, proud to be able to fulfill his wish in the last stage of his life and bring his exhibition to China. One of the most important things to do for all Chinese friends who love Sakamoto. And thank the professor for his trust in me. " What's more, he spoke for his good friend Zhang Yadong, "Yadong admires Ryuichi Sakamoto very much" and even after watching this movie, "he feels a little depressed!" Unacceptable emotions spread. Liu Lu, director of "Donkey gets Water" and "half Comedy" also said that "Sakamoto Ryuichi's music is suitable for everything, very pure and inclusive, and suitable for everyone's story." Singer Dingding also admitted that the professor had taught himself a deep lesson. He played the music he loved with his last strength and "felt nostalgia for every note and keyboard." The guests at the scene also lost control of their emotions and could not help choking up when they spoke, and the warm words also infected every member of the audience.

in and out of the hall, we share the memory of fans playing 103 minutes of good music in the relay

Before the film was shown, many music fans spontaneously played a relay outside the hall to pay tribute to Mr. Sakamoto, and "Brother and Sister Kids" also presented the professor's classic repertoire "Water" and "Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence" to warm applause. There was endless music on the spot, and although the people had passed away, as long as someone listened, the professor never left. The sound of the piano also came to a large number of fans and friends to watch and take photos, and everyone could not help secretly wipe away tears when they heard the familiar voice.

It is worth noting that a Yamaha automatic piano in the hall attracted the attention of the audience, which is the brand Yamaha piano that the professor used all his life. This Yamaha piano recorded the performance data of Mr. Sakamoto Ryuichi. This time it also restored the three pieces of "Water", "Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence" and "masterpiece-finale" to accompany the audience. This also appropriately echoes the last picture of the film, his figure gradually fades away, but the sound of the piano does not stop. This is also what the movie "Sakamoto Ryuichi: masterpiece" wants to express, as long as his music is still playing, as long as someone is still listening, he will not leave. Mr. Sakamoto Ryuichi has pursued the extreme all his life. Under the repeated suffering of illness, Ryuichi Sakamoto completed every work with extreme dedication and preciseness. May 31, I hope you can feel this love to the extreme.

The film is jointly produced by KAB of Japan and KAB of the United States, imported by China Film Group and issued and translated by China Film Co., Ltd. Douban's 9.5-point-of-mouth masterpiece "Ryuichi Sakamoto: masterpiece" will be released nationwide on May 31. This time, let's say goodbye to the professor in the cinema and bid farewell a little harder!

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