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The "Second Happiness New Comedy Sky Troupe" movie "Big Scene" announced that it was killed, unfortunately, all the people stepped on the thunder to rescue each showing their abilities

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Director Li Ji, Xu Xieyang and Li Ji screenwriters, Liu ran as producer, Wang Tianfang, Ma Xudong, Guan Le, Kuteng, Lv Yan, Ye Yan, Zhang Youwei, Li Fei, Tudou, Zhang Cheng Friends...

Director Li Ji, Xu Xieyang and Li Ji screenwriters, Liu ran as producer, Wang Tianfang, Ma Xudong, Guan Le, Kuteng, Lv Yan, Ye Yan, Zhang Youwei, Li Fei, Tudou, Zhang Cheng Friendship starred in the comedy disaster movie "the Great scene" announced today, and released a group of characters stills and a story stills. The film tells the story of superstar Lin Dong (Ma Xudong) unfortunately "stepping on thunder" when filming, and the whole crew goes to battle to show their magic "Thunder to save lives" hilarious story. All the stars in the film are from the second season of the annual comedy contest.

the crew removes mines Happy doubles

In the newly released stills of the characters, the eight leading actors appear on the stage with a sense of story: Wang Tianfang's "action double" Qiangzi, who holds up Li Fei's "prop master", seems to have an unusual relationship among the crew; Lin Dong, the "big star" played by Ma Xudong, enjoys top treatment surrounded by the crew and has a full sense of wrist. Lele, played by wind music, is amazed at the heart-shaped mineral water handed over by someone, and seems to be unable to avoid the unfolding of the love line; Master Yang, played by Kuteng, smiles like the mascot of the crew; Sun Mantang, played by Lu Yan, behaves intoxicated and humorous; Ye Xing's "Deputy Director" eats a box lunch with a pomegranate, sad but full of joy. The "producer" played by Zhang Youwei lies down in the rain with laughter, seeming to release his pent-up emotions. Xiao Liu Ma, played by Li Fei, holds up a nunchaku with a desperate impulse in his expression. The release of stills of a group of characters can lead to infinite reverie about the story of the film. The "New Comedy Troupe", composed of all the "two happy people", is bound to inject a strong sense of joy into the film "Big scene" and fill up the expectations.

A story stills intuitively shows the core of the story-"stepping on Thunder": the film crew caught up with the shooting schedule in order to kill the film, but was constantly delayed by Lin Dong, a big star who loves to put on airs and pursue perfection, which led to the crew's dissatisfaction. Inadvertently, Lin Dong stepped on a "loose hair" landmine. The good news is that he does not lift his foot and does not explode. The bad news is that it will explode at any time. The whole team began to do everything possible to rescue them crazily. Is the arrogant Lin Dong finally out of danger? How on earth did the complaining crew carry out the rescue? Where does the "omnipotent" stand-in with movie dreams go now? The above unknown remains to be seen.

New comedy movie, young filmmaker, rookie

The movie "Big scene" belongs to the "Comedy + disaster" genre, which is a rare comedy style in the current market. The film combines landmine crisis with comic expression, miniaturizing popular social relations into a dangerous "crew". In the film, there are not only praise of small potatoes, but also innuendo to the big stars, in the form of "team-building" of comedians, to present a hilarious "big scene" to the audience. From the "er Xi Man", which is widely loved by the audience on the screen, to the "filmmaker" who is about to move towards the big screen, the New Comedy Troupe constantly magnifies the comedy elements and brings the well-recognized punchline burden to more audiences.

The film "the Great scene" is one of the key projects supported by the "China Film Young filmmakers Program". The film is led by China Film Creative (Beijing) Film Co., Ltd., China Film Co., Ltd., and issued by China Film Co., Ltd. The film has been killed and entered the post-production stage, looking forward to meeting the audience as soon as possible!

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